Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 180 What? It's this random method?

Ding Su looked at the news and was immediately attracted to the braised pork roll.

If people who wholeheartedly worship Buddha give up becoming a monk after eating it, what kind of taste will it taste like?

"I heard it's delicious."

Qi Liangping felt sad when he talked about this. He didn't know that Boss Lin was setting up a stall in Changzhong Temple at first, but he found it after seeing online news about a man who gave up being a monk for braised meat rolls and went to the braised meat roll stall.

But there were already a lot of people there by then.

He went there for two days in a row and didn't even get in line.

I can only smell it, and I'm so greedy.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝔰𝔥𝔲.𝔫𝔢𝔱

Even the Erhak had free bones to eat, but he could only smell them.

It makes me so sad to think about it now.

It would be okay if I didn’t know, but if I knew and ran over, I could only smell it but not eat it, that would be really uncomfortable.

So when I met Boss Lin selling cold noodles at a stall today, I didn’t say anything and just finished eating first.

"Why did you hear about it?"

Ding Su asked subconsciously while flipping through the video.

Then seeing Qi Liangping didn't answer, he looked up at him strangely.

Qi Liangping sighed leisurely, "Because I couldn't eat it either. There were too many people in line and I couldn't buy it at all."

"It's so hot."

It was only after Ding Su felt it that he realized that it was true. The boss's cold noodles and cold skin were so delicious, and the braised pork rolls should also taste the same, so it was normal for there to be many customers.

"Also, why do you call Boss Lin's stall random?"

"Because Boss Lin sets up his stall so casually, with no fixed time and no fixed location. He changes it once a week, not just how many days a week he sets up. Sometimes he has a single day off, sometimes he has a double day off. If you want to get the food, you have to rely on luck. I just happened to meet him, otherwise I would have to look for someone everywhere.”

Upon hearing this, Ding Su immediately widened his eyes.

"What? It's actually this random method?"

The next second, he took out his phone and looked at the calendar.

Today is Friday. Not counting single and double holidays, there are only two days left in this week.

Based on this calculation, wouldn't he be able to eat such delicious cold noodles soon?

"No, I have to ask the boss."

Ding Su subconsciously didn't want to believe this.

The late-night cold noodle stall downstairs in the company is his recent way to relax after get off work. With expectations, he is full of passion even going to work and working overtime, just for this stuttering.

Now tell him that this stall is limited, who can withstand it?

"Boss, boss, will you still work at the stall tomorrow?"

Lin Zhou nodded in response, and kept moving his hands, mixing a portion in a few clicks.

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

The day after tomorrow is Sunday.

Lin Zhou still nodded.

Ding Su breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "What about next week?"

"I don't know about next week, I haven't planned it yet."

Seeing that Lin Zhou still answered like this, Qi Liangping, who was following him, showed an expression that said that was indeed the case.

Human beings have different joys and sorrows, but at this moment, Qi Liangping can completely understand Ding Su's mood.

"Wow, Boss Lin, how can I live without your cold noodles!"

Ding Su immediately lay down on Lin Zhou's tricycle and started crying.

This dead movement immediately attracted the diners nearby.

Everyone immediately gathered around.

"what happened?"

"The boss will set up a stall for one week, but he won't sell cold noodles here next week. I feel miserable!"

Ding Su cried and howled as he spoke, which made Lin Zhou's head grow bigger.

The other guests were also shocked when they heard this.


Only for one week?

Then where can they go to eat such delicious cold noodles after get off work?

"Then if the boss doesn't set up a stall here, where can he set up a stall?"

Lin Zhou was asked:...

You ask me, who should I ask?

The task has not been refreshed yet.

"This is Boss Lin's specialty. He changes his stall every week. You know, it's useless to ask."

As an old diner, Qi Liangping felt extremely happy watching these people go through the same mood as he did at that time.

This is probably the mentality that if I can’t eat it, no one else can.

Now he even feels that Boss Lin's way of setting up the stall is really good.

In this way, there will be a steady stream of people going through the same process that everyone has gone through.

From meeting Boss Lin, discovering the treasure, to losing the treasure.

Treat everyone equally!

Hahahaha, Qi Liangping couldn't help but reveal a smile as if he was watching a show.

In the eyes of others, he looked like he was going crazy even if he was stimulated too much.


On that day, after Qi Liangping learned that Lin Zhou was in Koucheng, he had no plans to return to Jiangdong.

After eating cold noodles, his parents also agreed with this plan.

There are only two days left this week. It’s holiday anyway, so it doesn’t matter if we spend two more days in Koucheng.

A family of three booked a hotel and spent the Mid-Autumn Festival happily.

At 12 o'clock at night, Qi Liang lay flat on the hotel bed and still couldn't calm down.

When he thought that the other fans of Boss Lin were still looking for someone, he had already eaten the cold noodles beautifully, and there was no limit to them. This feeling was simply wonderful.

This feeling of secret poking made him couldn't help but search the Internet for other people's posts about Boss Lin in the middle of the night.

Then the most popular video is the video of Gao Jiazhi Erha crying.

After all, it cost money.

He was so happy that he watched the video several times, then clicked on the comment area and read one comment after another.

The more I look at it, the better I feel.

Hehe, the cold noodles are so delicious, but it’s a pity that they can’t eat them.

Then he commented that he saw many fans in the fan groups asking for people to join, hoping that more fans of Boss Lin would join the group, and everyone would look for Boss Lin together, because there is strength in numbers.

What? Does the fan group still have this function?

Qi Liangping usually doesn't like to join the group. When he looks for Boss Lin, he just checks the news online. He saw the address of the braised pork roll stall on the Internet last week.

He is not well-informed, so he found out late and went late, so he queued for several hours but didn't buy it.

He didn't know that other people could set up groups to organize people.

Qi Liangping found many fan groups and sent applications one by one.

He wanted to get into the crowd to see if anyone had discovered that Boss Lin was no longer setting up a stall in Jiangdong.

It was the middle of the night, and he was not sleepy at all. Instead, he was very excited.

He joined several groups in a row, but didn't find anyone who knew Boss Lin's latest whereabouts, so he felt relieved.

It's good to have fewer people now.

Otherwise, when the fans come, just like last week, he queued for half a day, but could only smell the food and could not eat a bite. Unlike now, in the past, he did not have to queue for cold noodles, and there was no limit on the quantity.

This kind of good thing is not always available, he must cherish it!


Then the next day, Lin Zhou was ready to be surrounded by a group of old diners.

But he looked at the customer flow that was still the same as yesterday, and fell into deep thought.

Something is wrong!

When he set up the stall before, as long as he was discovered by old diners, a large group of people followed him the next day.

Could it be that because of the change of city this time, everyone thought it was far away and did not come?

Lin Zhou thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it and concentrated on making cold noodles and cold skin.

Because of making cold skin, gluten is one more ingredient that can be added.

Gluten is a by-product of making cold skin, and it is also delicious.

Added to cold skin and cold noodles, it is porous and absorbs flavors, and the taste is richer.

Once you bite it, the juice will burst out, and the sour and spicy sauce inside will burst in your mouth, making the taste even more refreshing.

I can't stop eating it one bite after another.

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