Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 170 This was made by the boss himself!

"There is a cold noodle stand downstairs, it's so delicious!"

Ding Su was like a person who found a treasure but had nowhere to share it. He was so excited that he posted photos and recommended it to the group.

The message notification sound was particularly obvious in a quiet environment, which directly annoyed several employees who were working overtime and disrupted their thoughts.

Then he frowned and picked up his phone to see the enlarged photo of cold noodles, which almost occupied the entire chat box.


"You are posting poison late at night?"

"No, where are you?"


"Downstairs, there is a cold noodle stand downstairs, the taste is amazing, don't you read what I posted above?"

Ding Su was so excited that he told everyone again.

But his colleagues were still very confused and never thought about the possibility that it was under the office building.

It was not until Ding Su took a long-range photo and brought it to the company building that several people believed that the cold noodle stall was really downstairs from their building.

"Oh my god, how could there be someone setting up a stall downstairs? What time is it?"

They were not only confused about the location but also about the time.

Ding Su was too lazy to explain slowly and directly called them downstairs to eat cold noodles.

They had already worked until this time, so it was nothing to come downstairs to eat cold noodles and go back to work.

Not to mention, several employees were really curious about this sudden roadside stall.

They looked at each other and felt a little hungry, so they went downstairs together.

Ziyuan Building changed the security company, and the people in the building felt it most obviously. In the past, at night, there was no one in the company and the lights in the corridor were turned off.

Now the lights are bright.

And there are security personnel patrolling every hour.

Even in the dead of night, everyone feels safe.

Judging from this patrol, the newly taken over property company is more responsible than the previous company.

And when I arrived at the lobby on the first floor, I saw that there were still people on duty at the front desk.

It's really different!

Then, when they left the office building, they saw a cold noodle stall on the roadside. Ding Su was sitting there and waving at them.

They walked to Lin Zhou's stall, ordered a portion of cold noodles each, and then sat at Ding Su's table. The four of them were just full.

At the front desk in the hall, through the fully transparent glass door, you can see their new boss's cold noodle stall. Business is pretty good, and someone is eating at the front.

When the boss came down to set up the stall, she received a message from Mr. Huang's assistant, asking her to pay attention to the boss's business and contact them if there are any problems.

The mood of the front desk was really indescribable at this time.

If she didn't know that Lin Zhou, who was setting up the stall, was the boss of their building, she really couldn't imagine that the new boss was so down-to-earth.

At the same time, looking at the guests who could eat the cold noodles made by the boss himself, she was really a little jealous.

She hadn't eaten it yet!

This was made by the boss himself!

What does it smell like? Is it full of money?

Seeing the assistant's message asking about the situation, the front desk silently sent a photo of the boss setting up the stall.

"The boss's business is pretty good, and it doesn't seem out of place."

The assistant who received the message showed the photo to Huang Zhenghao who was working overtime.

"OK, the boss likes to set up a stall, so don't let anyone disturb him."

Although Huang Zhenghao is not young, he has served many rich people.

He is also well-informed about the various hobbies of rich people.

It's not a big deal to like to set up a stall.



On the other side, the old diners who had been looking for a day didn't find any trace of Lin Zhou.

Everyone was guessing where Boss Lin would set up a stall this week.

Based on the time and place of Lin Zhou's previous stalls, everyone couldn't find any pattern, it was too random.

So everyone gave Lin Zhou's stall a name, called random stall.

"The main reason is that we are afraid to act rashly. If we buy hot searches on the entire network, we will definitely find it, but we can't be sure whether Boss Lin will run away after finding it."

"Wouldn't everyone know Boss Lin in that case, and what would we eat?"

"That's right, last week, Changzhong Temple became popular, and our Boss Lin's braised meat stall was also exposed. This week can't be the case."

"Oh, I miss the time when not many people knew Boss Lin. I really wanted to buy as much as I wanted."

"If it doesn't work, we can expand the manpower. We will cooperate with the people from the fried chicken stall next door."

"Don't you know that the fried chicken group next door has blocked us?"

"It's so funny, it seems that there is a braised meat roll group recently Boss Lin has more and more fans, and they are very cohesive. "

"Whoever has tasted Boss Lin's craftsmanship can go back to the past, and can't forget it at all."

"I used to be a person who didn't like eating buns, but now the buns made by Boss Lin have become my white moonlight. I can't forget it at all. I can even put myself in the mood of some people who break up and look for a replacement. I look for a bun shop everywhere. If the buns in any shop are a little like the buns made by Boss Lin, then it will be my new favorite."


"The weather is good this week, Boss Lin should set up a stall. It's okay. We spend more time looking for it and we can always find it."

It's getting late, and everyone has to go to work tomorrow.

I summarized the locations I found today and arranged the distribution of the areas where I would find people tomorrow, and then I didn't talk anymore.

At 11 o'clock, Lin Zhou's business exploded.

Some people who got off work at this time in the office building walked out of the building one after another.

Lin Zhou's stall was on the roadside opposite the gate and could be seen at a glance.

Curious people, smelling the sour and spicy aroma of cold noodles in the air, gathered around one after another.

Everyone was quite surprised that Lin Zhou could set up a stall here.

When asked many times, Lin Zhou only used the reason that he got in through the back door to perfunctorily pass it over. Anyway, no one would believe him if he told the truth.

I don't know why these people didn't believe that he was a rich man when they saw him setting up a stall.

He had seen the news before that a cleaner's family was very rich, but she couldn't sit still and ran out to work as a cleaner.

At that time, Lin Zhou felt that it didn't seem so outrageous to set up a stall by himself.

"Boss, I don't like sesame paste, don't put sesame paste, add more vinegar!"

Lin Zhou's thoughts were interrupted by the customer's order, and he responded and started to make cold noodles.

There were many people off work at this time, and his tables and chairs were full. The people behind him squatted on the roadside with bowls and started eating.

It was as if they had walked out of the enviable office building and were eating at a roadside stall a few steps away. These people all looked much more relaxed.

Even if they were squatting on the roadside, no one would feel uncomfortable.

"It's delicious!"

The diners who had eaten the cold noodles were very surprised.

The delicious food, coupled with the warm lights, and the scattered guests around, everyone was standing, sitting, squatting, and although they were dressed formally, they were all very casual.

This casualness allowed these people who had worked all day to relax and gather together to enjoy the delicious cold noodles.


(Chapter 2~)

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