
Lin Zhou seemed not to understand what he meant. After speaking, he calmly made cold noodles and asked if there was anything he didn't want to eat.

"Eat them all."

After Ding Su answered subconsciously, he looked at the cold noodle stall owner with something wrong in his eyes.

"Brother, you can't keep setting up a stall here and the security won't chase you away?"

As he spoke, Ding Su looked at the security guard in the duty room at the door. He couldn't understand it when he saw that no one was really looking after him.

"Hey, to tell you the truth, I am the boss of this office building. Who can control me if I set up a stall downstairs?"

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, he almost burst out laughing when he saw Ding Su holding his belly.

"Brother, you have such a bad tone, you dare to speak like this."

Lin Zhou knew that this was the case. People nowadays only believe what they see with their own eyes. No one believes the truth.

"Okay, I have some connections from above, so I used the back door."

Obviously this reason is easier to accept than being an office owner.

Ding Su was very happy and patted Lin Zhou on the shoulder.

"Boss, you are so funny. Is there any business setting up a stall here at night?"

Ding Su thought that when he first walked over, there was no one in front of the stall, and the boss was eating cold noodles by himself, which looked very desolate.

"have it."

Lin Zhou looked at the guest in front of him, his eyes clearly expressing, "You are the one."

Ding Su wanted to explain that he didn't mean it this way, but was defeated by Lin Zhou's eyes and laughed helplessly.

"Okay, make it more spicy."

After a few simple jokes, Ding Su felt relaxed that he had not seen for a long time.

The intense work meant that his get off work time was never on time.

Every time I walk out of the office building exhausted and ride a slow bike home.

Repeat life day after day without any changes.

Unexpectedly, I encountered a different surprise after get off work today.

Even a cold noodle stall brought a different feeling to his life.

The ingredients for cold noodles are prepared in advance, and the meal is very fast. Basically, you can see cold noodle stalls in the streets and alleys in summer, which is especially suitable for small businesses.

The temperature in the south is still quite high at the end of September. If it doesn't rain, the temperature will be over 30 degrees Celsius.

It can be said to be the hottest time of summer.

Even late at night after ten o'clock, it was not very cool because there was no wind.

Having a bowl of cold noodles as a late night snack is a comforting thing without even thinking about it.

Lin Zhou mixed a portion of cold noodles in less than a minute and handed it to Ding Su along with disposable chopsticks.

"Want to eat here?"

This week's cold noodle stall also brought two sets of folding tables, chairs and benches for diners to sit down and eat. Lin Zhou just remembered.

"May I?"

Ding Su took the cold noodles and looked around. Didn't he see any place where he could eat?

"Just a sec."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, he took out two small folding tables and a small folding horse tie from the carriage of the tricycle. They were very practical and could be taken out and dismantled.

This kind of experience of eating at a roadside stall under the company building is really strange. A big man in Dingsu sat on a small bench and table, looking a little timid, but he always had a smile on his face.

As soon as the packaging bag was opened, he could smell the spicy and sour aroma that had been floating in the air.

The noodles of uniform thickness are dyed with the color of vinegar and light soy sauce, making them moist and appetizing.

The red chili oil is full of presence, coating the noodles and ingredients with red oil, exuding a spicy flavor all the time.

He wanted something spicy, and the whole bowl of cold noodles was shiny with red oil.

Not much sesame paste is added, but it has a strong presence. You can clearly see that the sauce has become thicker and has a sesame and peanut aroma that complements the spicy red oil.

My mouth is already drooling just from the smell.

Ding Su was not in a hurry to eat, but took a photo first.

The first time I ate at a roadside stall under the company building, I have to remember it.

Pick up a chopstick from the red cold noodles, dripping with sauce and red oil. The closer you get, the stronger the sour taste of vinegar. Then you open your mouth wide and take a big bite.


A big mouthful of cold noodles came into his mouth, and Ding Su's eyes widened the moment he chewed it.

What kind of noodles is this?

Why is it so delicious?

The noodles full of smooth texture slipped into his mouth, and Ding Su could feel the bounce of the cold noodles in his mouth. It was completely different from the cold noodles he had eaten before, which had a soft texture and broke as soon as he sipped it.

The rich wheat flavor can be tasted even with heavy seasoning.

The spiciness of the red oil, the sourness of the vinegar, the garlic flavor of the garlic water, and the freshness of the seasonings make it very rich in flavor, completely spicy, sour and refreshing.

The taste is also outstanding.

The chewy texture of the noodles and the crispy shredded cucumber and bean sprouts are the perfect match.

The same goes for the shredded chicken. There is no fishy smell at all when chewed carefully. It is delicious and tender. The ingredients are rich and varied, and the taste is rich. It is appetizing and delicious, and it is soul-stirring.

Ding Su smiled happily after eating, and his whole body exuded new energy.

One bite after another, with the mouth wide open, he kept sucking the noodles into his mouth.

The more he ate, the more delicious the cold noodles became. The side dishes really became the side dishes, and the noodles were the protagonist.

It's ice-cold, smooth and chewy. It has nothing to say about the presentation, and the taste is unremarkable. I can't find any faults.

Moreover, the chili oil is spicy but not choking, and it is very smooth and spicy in the mouth. People who are not spicy will not be able to swallow the food, but it adds a different color to the food.

A little sugar adds freshness, makes the chili oil milder, and allows the vinegar to blend well with the rest of the seasonings.

The crushed peanuts hanging on the noodles take the taste of this bowl of cold noodles to another level. The crispy peanuts are chewed together in your mouth, making it full of flavor.

The flavors were so harmonious that he thought this bowl of cold noodles was the best.

The ingredients were all tasted to perfection, and nothing less would be good. Even at the end of the meal, he couldn't bear to waste the minced garlic in the bowl and shoveled it all into his mouth.

The spicy and sour cold noodles made him hungry the more he ate. He finished the bowl in a few big mouthfuls, and then looked at the boss who was also eating cold noodles.

Lin Zhou hasn't even finished the bowl of cold noodles in his hand.

"Boss. Have another bowl, it's so delicious!"

Ding Su waved his hand and handed the finished disposable plastic bowl to Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou looked at the cold noodles that he had only eaten a few mouthfuls of, and then at the bowl that Ding Su had finished eating. Not even a sip of soup was left.

Did you drink all the juice?


Lin Zhou glanced at Ding Su's mouth and wondered how he could eat so quickly without chewing.

After eating a bowl of cold noodles, Ding Su's appetite was completely whetted. He didn't feel full at all, but instead felt energetic.

He took out his mobile phone and opened the company's small group, and started sharing excitedly.

"Family, guess what I found under the company building?"

The company where Ding Su works is small, with only a few dozen people. At this point, in addition to those who have finished get off work, there are still three or four people in the company working overtime.


The colleague who was still working overtime, with two big bags under his eyes, like a robot, replied, and then moved his eyes listlessly to the computer screen.

This contract will be used for the meeting tomorrow morning. He has to work overtime tonight to translate it. He doesn't know what time he will be able to finish it.

Where can I care about other things?


(Hey, thank you all for the gifts. This is the first chapter tonight. Let’s count how many chapters I can write before dawn.)

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