The young monks who maintained order gathered together in pairs and whispered.

"Do you smell anything?"

"Yes, I smell the aroma of braised pork."

"The new braised pork roll stall on the street smells so good. I can smell the smell every time I send pilgrims out."

"I guess the pilgrims smelled it after eating the braised pork rolls. They were really greedy. Smelling the smell, I finished two bowls of rice at noon. I was so hungry."

"The braised pork rolls should be vegetarian. Should we ask tomorrow?"

"Amitabha, you are right. Why didn't I think of it? You can't eat meat. We are vegetarians. I'll ask you tomorrow."

"Amitabha, it's okay."


Then at 11 noon the next day, it was time for the monks to take a lunch break.

The two young monks looked at each other and slipped directly outside the temple to line up.

Lin Zhou was already out at the stall steaming noodles.

The old diners who came earlier occupied their seats. Seeing the increasing number of diners, Lin Zhou felt particularly stressed.

He was really afraid of the customers who didn't buy anything, making him cry and running after him.

He, who was not afraid at first, became terrified when faced with that scene.

In order to avoid the situation where most diners queued up hard but couldn't get anything to eat, he could only limit purchases.

"Boss Lin, I want one of each of the three flavors, with braised eggs."

Lin Zhou looked at him silently and said cruelly: "Limited to two, there are too many people."

After speaking, Lin Zhou also motioned to the guests to look at the people lined up behind him.

This stall has just come out!

In less than ten minutes, the queue could no longer be seen from the front to the end.

"No, everyone doesn't go to work at noon?"

The regular diners who finally managed to grab the first seat felt very uncomfortable. Yesterday, the purchase limit was three, but today it was only two. There were so many people grabbing food!

And at noon on a weekday, there are still so many people queuing up, which is really scary.

Regular diners were in a dilemma looking at the taste of the braised pork rolls, not knowing how to make a choice, and finally ordered two family portraits.

"I have to work. Didn't you see that I came in my work clothes? But it's lunch time and it's okay to leave work early."

"Yes, I have to go back immediately after buying it."

"Hey, I found someone to cover the shift for a while."

As the saying goes, if there are policies from above, there will be countermeasures from below.

Lin Zhou opened his stall at 11 o'clock, and the diners found excuses to come and line up at 10 o'clock, mainly to fight as a special forces soldier.

"Hey no, you guys come and see two monks!"

As soon as these words came out, the diners in front turned around to watch.

Then I saw two eye-catching bald heads in the team.

"I'll go, monks also eat meat now?"

"You shouldn't be able to eat it, but I read on the Internet that monks also eat meat secretly."

"It seems that some of the monks now come to work. Just like us, they submitted their resumes for interviews and then got jobs."

"Then it's not okay to eat meat so openly, right?"

"I don't know."

The crowd suddenly became lively because of the sudden appearance of the two monks. Even people who didn't know each other could chat together and share some gossip they had heard.

"Actually, monks can eat meat. The Buddhist scripture "Guangben of Precepts" states very clearly: Buddhism has no regulations on vegetarianism. What Buddhism prohibits is "meat"."

A fashionably dressed young man heard everyone talking and spoke.

People who don’t believe in Buddhism don’t care much about these things. They don’t know anything about them unless they go out of their way to understand them.

Hearing this means he has learned a lot.

"Brother, do you believe in Buddhism? You seem to understand it very well?"

"Yes, but I don't know much about it."

The stylishly dressed man is named Ma Ming. Today is the day he made an appointment with the temple abbot to shave his head and become a monk.

Although he believes in Buddhism and wants to become a monk and seek peace, he has always had a hard time letting go of taboos.

When I thought about not being able to eat meat from now on, I thought about having a meal before becoming a monk.

Then I was attracted by the aroma of braised pork rolls, so I came over and queued up.


Soon, the queue reached Ma Ming. His position was a little further forward than the two young monks in the temple.

Seeing how the people in front ordered, he also ordered two Family Portraits Braised Pork Rolls.

The Family Portrait Braised Pork Roll is a large portion, with three layers of meat and vegetarian dishes chosen by diners. It is rolled up so full that it feels heavy in your hand.

Ma Ming was so greedy as he watched Lin Zhou cutting the meat. He took the meat roll and stood aside to start chewing.

Fragrant, really fragrant!

The fragrant braised pork rolls, you can feel the satisfying taste with one bite.

There is enough meat and a rich texture, coupled with the diversity of ingredients, the satisfaction of eating all the ingredients in one bite is something that other foods cannot bring. The more you chew, the more delicious it becomes.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect, but this is his last meal of meat, and he won’t be able to eat it anymore, so it suddenly tastes more delicious.

When he came to his senses, two young monks also lined up in front of Lin Zhou's stall. The young monk laughed happily when he saw the variety of vegetarian dishes on the stall.

"Amitabha, master, how much do we want for two plain rolls?"

Lin Zhou was a little confused when he saw the two young monks appearing in front of him.

But after hearing their vegetarian rolls, I realized that braised pork rolls don’t necessarily have to have braised pork. There are also people who want to be vegetarian.

Monks cannot eat meat, but there is no problem in being vegetarian.

It was him who misunderstood.

"Ten yuan for a vegetarian roll, you can add any vegetarian dishes here."

Lin Zhou hadn't decided on the price of the vegetarian roll, so he quickly reported a number.

The two little monks happily paid the money and waited eagerly for Lin Zhou to make it.

"Master, don't add green onions and onions, and you can add other vegetables."

The monks' meat dishes also contain spicy vegetables such as green onions, ginger and garlic.

So these are also not edible.

Lin Zhou nodded and started making it.

The round noodles are wrapped with various vegetables, which looks very rich.

The diners who have been paying attention to the two monks also reacted when they heard them ordering vegetarian rolls. The braised pork rolls didn't say there were no vegetarian rolls, but they ignored this option. They thought that eating braised pork rolls without braised meat was still braised pork rolls, so they subconsciously ignored this option.

"Oh, I was wondering how monks can eat meat, I wanted vegetarian rolls."

"I forgot I could eat vegetarian rolls."

"Boss Lin's cooking skills, vegetarian rolls are also delicious, the little monk is in for a treat."

"It turns out that monks are also greedy and queue up to buy food like us."

"Hahaha, it's not like monks don't eat, if there is no faith, it's just a job."

"It's different after all."

"You can't become a monk just because you want to, you must have a master's degree or above to become a monk, don't you know."

Because Lin Zhou's stall this week is very close to the temple.

In addition, seeing monks also queuing up to buy braised pork rolls, the diners subconsciously talked about monks when they were bored in the queue.

Compared with the importance of the older generation to Buddhism, contemporary young people have different beliefs in the God of Wealth.

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