Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 151 Why do young people now believe in Buddhism?

“Family members, who understands? I just bought braised pork rolls from Boss Lin and was scammed by a fool. He started to mock me. I was so angry that I wanted to argue with him, but as soon as my hand touched him, he fell to the ground. People who didn’t know thought I hit him. A group of people surrounded me.

“This person must have recognized the Porsche key hanging on my waistband, otherwise why didn’t he scam someone else but scammed me. Fortunately, I was smart and ran fast, so I didn’t get scammed, otherwise I would have lost a lot of money. Friends in the group should also be careful when going out and be wary of passers-by. ”

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“Of course, you are not easily blackmailed…”

The old customer just got back to the car and saw the pretentious man’s speech in the group. He immediately felt that his gene of arguing with others was stirring again.

How can someone be so confident?

But for the sake of the two braised pork rolls, he decided to let the pretentious man go.

Eat first as a sign of respect.

The fragrant braised pork rolls are still warm in the hand.

Take a bite and it smells delicious!

It’s so delicious!

This wave of profit is huge.

Boss Lin is not the reincarnation of the God of Cooking, no matter what he cooks, it tastes so good.

If he is not the descendant of the ancient royal chefs rumored on the Internet, the chef family, with unknown outsiders The secret recipe of the Tao, so everything tastes good.

It's so fragrant, every bite is very rich, and there are different flavors when eating.

The delicious taste created by the various flavors and the collision of different ingredients is simply indescribable. It is really hard to imagine that a small meat roll can bring such a big taste.

Boss Lin YYDS!

Everyone who has tasted the deliciousness of the braised meat roll is very impressed.

There are many diners in the group who have tasted it, and they are so excited that they can't express it and brag about it in the group.

Gao Jiazhi, who overslept again, saw the message in the group and slapped himself in the face.

Why didn't the alarm clock set at 10 o'clock ring!

He has been very busy at work these days. He has been dubbing at night and can't help but sleep during the day.

But yesterday I found out where Boss Lin would set up his stall this week, so I set the alarm for 10 o'clock, ready to take Dabao to eat braised pork rolls as soon as the alarm went off.

But I overslept!

My parents went to work, and even the dog was fast asleep, so the alarm didn't work at all.

Now I'm drooling with envy as I watch the diners in the group eat the braised pork rolls sold by Boss Lin.

They look so delicious!

The old diners are very smart.

They can always find the most cost-effective way to eat under Lin Zhou's purchase limit.

Almost everyone has three braised pork rolls, and they are all family portrait versions.

A family portrait costs 27 yuan, and a girl can eat a full meal with one.

Boys with average appetites can eat two, and three with large appetites are enough.

In addition to the braised pork rolls There are three kinds of dishes, and there are more than a dozen side dishes, which can be added for free.

Gao Jiazhi was so greedy.

But it was already one or two o'clock, and Boss Lin had already closed the stall and left, so he couldn't eat it even if he went there.

He could only wait until tomorrow.

Gao Jiazhi was in a very bad mood and was browsing his Moments. He saw a red dot next to a new friend, and someone sent him a friend request.

This person was the "beauty" sent by the fried chicken group next door.

After a heated discussion, no girl in the fried chicken group was willing to cooperate with this beauty plan, so the boys did it themselves.

He made a small account, changed the avatar to a beautiful girl's online picture, and then posted some beautiful selfies in Moments, saved some cute expressions, and made a move.

Gao Jiazhi clicked on the agreement and sent a message: "Who are you?"

"Hello, brother, I am a customer of Boss Lin. I like your dog very much. I also have a Husky, so I want to learn from you. ”

Gao Jiazhi was not in the mood to chat, so he replied with an “oh” and closed the chat box to continue chatting in the group.

The sadness of not having the braised pork rolls was too great.

He was not interested in anything now.

The “beauty” who received the reply immediately sent a few more messages, but did not wait for Gao Jiazhi’s reply, and was so angry that she pounded the table.

She sent the chat records to the military advisors group and complained bitterly.

“No wonder this guy is a single dog. I, such a beautiful woman, took the initiative to flirt with him, but he just replied with an “oh” and didn’t reply to the message!”

“Ahhhhh, wait until I hook him up, and then I’ll show you how I torture him and make him cry and beg me! ”

The man was very upset. He had carefully prepared a trumpet, found matching pictures online, and even bought a voice changer, but this man didn't buy it!

The military advisors in the group analyzed the text he sent word by word and began to formulate the next sentence to try to win over Gao Jiazhi.

Due to this delay, it was already dinner time when Gao Jiazhi received the message from "Beauty".

"Beauty" took a photo of her dinner and sent it to Gao Jiazhi, and then secretly asked for information.

"Hey, brother, what did you eat tonight? Since I ate the delicious food made by Boss Lin, I feel that everything else is not delicious."

"It's a pity that Boss Lin's stall is not in a fixed location. I met him once and never met him again. I don't know where Boss Lin will set up his stall this week. ”

Gao Jiazhi:???

Why does this sound so awkward?

Is he trying to get information from him?

Once he touched on Boss Lin’s affairs, Gao Jiazhi became particularly wise.

He didn’t even reply to the message, but blocked it directly.

He sent a message again, but saw a “beauty” with an exclamation mark:???



The old customers who had taken a day off did not rush to leave after Lin Zhou closed his stall. Instead, they all swarmed into the temple to burn incense.

If you come here and don’t burn incense, you will always feel that something is missing.

When you first come, you have to queue up and wait for Boss Lin. Now that you are full and satisfied, it is just right to go to the temple to burn incense.

And this week’s lucky child made a wish in this temple hoping to find Boss Lin, and he met him when he went out.

How magical!

I hope they will be the lucky child next week!

The temple has been particularly prosperous in the past two days. It stands to reason that now that the summer vacation is over, it is no longer the peak tourist season, and the flow of people in their temple has also decreased.

But because of Wen Nan’s example, and the temple also knows how to promote, many people came today.

Even working days cannot hinder everyone’s desire to get rich.

Other temples are not so bad. You have to queue up to burn incense in the God of Wealth Temple.

There are several more monks to maintain order.

Moreover, a video of someone scratching a lottery ticket in the God of Wealth Temple yesterday was posted online, and more people came to the temple to worship the God of Wealth today.

The temple became a little popular online.

People from other places may not be able to come to burn incense, but there are many locals.

The old customers followed Wen Nan's method of worshipping Buddha, and worshipped all the gods in each temple in order.

Then they came to the God of Wealth Temple and started queuing.

At first glance, they were all young people.

"Why do young people start to believe in Buddhism now?"

The non-Buddhist diners were surprised to see so many people queuing up to burn incense.

In the past, only the elderly in the family liked to worship Buddha and burn incense. How many young people believed in Buddhism?

What, he can't keep up with the pace of young people?

He is not old, only in his thirties, is there a generation gap with contemporary young people?

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