Every time Lin Zhou came to the vegetable market, he felt that it was difficult to move.

There was a school, a vegetable market, and a community here.

There were people coming and going, and his tricycle was big, so it was really hard to move.

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"Make way, Boss Lin is here, everyone make way for Boss Lin!"

"Ahhh, Boss Lin, I finally waited for you!"

"Brothers, make way for Boss Lin, don't you see that Boss Lin is blocked!"

"That's right, everyone come quickly."

"Boss Lin, I finally see you, I miss you so much!"

"Boss Lin is here, why don't you all make way!"

The old diners were scattered around the vegetable market, waiting for Lin Zhou to appear.

As soon as the iconic tricycle appeared, it was discovered by the old diners standing at the intersection.

With one shout, all the old diners on the street came out from every corner.

They all surrounded him.

It was like a large fan meeting.

Seeing Lin Zhou blocked by the crowd on the street, he waved his hand and began to call on his companions to make way for Lin Zhou, as if he was welcoming some big shot.

The noise was deafening, so many people surrounded him in an organized and disciplined manner, which scared the passers-by on the street. They were still trying to figure out the situation, and thought that a star had come, so they immediately took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures.

Looking at this scene, Lin Zhou was dumbfounded.

What is it like to be forced to die socially?

Lin Zhou has never been so helpless as he is at this moment since he was a child.

If there was a hole in the ground, he would crawl into it at this moment.

"Brothers, don't mess with me, it's not that bad!"

Lin Zhou still felt insecure even with a mask on. He covered his face and was surrounded by diners. He was simply dying socially.

Damn, this group of people actually did this to him!

The primary school students who saw this scene not far away opened their mouths in surprise, and their envy was about to burst out.

"This is...too cool!"

Cheng Guangpeng, who was standing by, heard the primary school students exclaiming: ? ? ?

At this moment, he felt that he was a generation apart from the primary school students, and he could not understand this kind of coolness.

On the contrary, Boss Lin, who was surrounded by the crowd, felt embarrassed and almost tapped his toes on the ground.

Lin Zhou covered his face and wanted to turn around and leave.

When he thought about this scene being photographed by passers-by and posted on the Internet, he wished he had never come here today.

If he was recognized by someone, how embarrassed he would be!

Fortunately, he didn't know many people in this world, otherwise he would really be ashamed to see people.

After finally arriving at the place where Zhou set up his stall, Lin Zhou was already numb.

"I came here first, I'm in the front."

"Bullshit, I've been standing here for a long time, what are you fighting for?"

"Everyone just went to greet Boss Lin, who remembers where you are, I've been standing here, you cut in line!"

"No, who can prove it?"

As Lin Zhou stopped setting up his stall, the harmonious atmosphere among the diners immediately turned into disputes because of the queue.

The people who were arguing saw that the seats that originally belonged to them were immediately occupied by the people behind because of the quarrel, and they stopped arguing immediately, and fought for the seats first.

All the diners stood in a row along the sidewalk, and immediately became the scenery of the whole street.

Cheng Guangpeng also took the elementary school students to grab a front position.

This made people who didn't see Lin Zhou in the community at more than six o'clock and found the entrance of the vegetable market dumbfounded.

What's going on?

Are there so many people buying fish today?

Looking at it, you can't find the end of the line. How long will it take to queue?

Some people walked to the back of the line and saw that they had already lined up behind the corner of the street.

If there was a queue, the family wouldn't have to wait for dinner, so they gave up in disappointment.

Ms. Yao was one of the people who gave up.

She didn't buy the lees fish that everyone in the family loved, so she took a photo of the spectacular queue and sent it to her husband.

"I can't buy lees fish today. I didn't expect so many people to queue up. I should have come earlier if I had known."

My husband, who was just about to go home after work to eat lees fish, said: !!!

"So many people?"

"Yes, the people queuing up at the scene can't be seen at a glance. I wonder how no one knows about such delicious lees fish."

Ms. Yao bought lees fish for several days in a row, and bought smoked fish and small fried fish yesterday. She really couldn't let go of this stall, but she found that there were too many people and couldn't buy it.

"It tastes good, and many people buy it, so it's normal to queue up."

People live by food. People queue up everywhere for delicious food, it's the same.

But it's understandable, but it's another matter that they can't eat it.

An owner took a photo of this spectacular scene and sent it to the property group, and immediately a lot of people came out.

"The stall selling fermented lees fish at the entrance of Nanbin Vegetable Market was crowded with people, all queuing up. A few days ago, the boss came to our community to sell it, and I bought several kilograms, but I can't buy it today."

"My mother also bought this fermented lees fish and it is really delicious."

"Wow, there are too many people!"

"Ah? Then I can't eat it?"

"Why did the boss come to the community to sell it before?"

The owners who have eaten fermented lees fish were blown away by the photos.

If you can't eat it, you have to find a way.

Some people thought of why the boss came to the community to sell it before.

"I was lucky enough to be there. The boss was dragged to the entrance of the community by an old lady to set up a stall. I smelled the fragrance and went over to try a piece. When I was about to buy, the urban management came. At that time, I and several owners were worried that the boss would run away, so we took him directly to the community to set up a stall."

Now the owners in the property group know what's going on.

"Can the boss be dragged to the community to set up a stall? In this way, we can only buy it and we won't have to worry about not being able to buy it."

The other owners were speechless when they saw the news.

He was dragged to the community because he was afraid of being chased away by the urban management.

The stall business is so good, how could the boss abandon so many people queuing and go into the community to do business with them!


On the other side, the street of Nanbin Vegetable Market became more crowded because of the old diners. The urban management received the report call and came quickly and quickly.

There were too many people around Lin Zhou's stall.

As a result, he did not run away immediately after hearing that the urban management was coming.

He was stopped on the spot by three urban management!

The customers in front of all the stalls around him put together were not as many as the people queuing in front of Lin Zhou's stall, which was very conspicuous.

The urban management officers noticed it as soon as they came.

Without saying a word, they went straight to Lin Zhou's stall.

The one who sticks out gets shot!

"You can't set up a stall here, don't you know? Take out your health certificate, food safety license, and hygiene license."

Lin Zhou, who was caught by the urban management for the first time, looked helplessly at the diners around him who were silent.

The diners were also very worried when they saw this scene, and they looked at Lin Zhou nervously.

Lin Zhou obediently took out a file bag from the storage box under the tricycle seat, which contained all kinds of certificates such as health certificates.

Seeing that Boss Lin had the certificates, the diners were relieved.

It's not a big problem. At worst, they can just change places with Boss Lin to set up the stall.

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