Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 134 How about this, I'll go with you!

When the school bell rang, the head teacher stood on the podium and gave final instructions to the students.

"Okay, remember all your homework, line up, don't crowd and fight, and leave the campus in an orderly manner!"


The students answered loudly and uniformly.

That voice simply resounded through the sky.

The head teacher covered his ears with a ferocious expression, his voice was so loud!

Chen Lu, Hu Jiayi and others gathered at the school gate.

Because they had called their families in advance, no one came to pick them up at the school gate at this time.

Seven or eight children gathered around a small group like thieves and discussed the route.

"It's only four forty. My uncle said that Boss Lin doesn't set up the stall until six o'clock. Isn't it a bit early?"

Huang Jiaojiao took out her mobile phone from the middle of the book and said.

"Let's go to the canteen to change money first. Brother, I can't use my phone or watch."

Since time was not in a hurry, Chen Lu was going to change money first.

Otherwise, you would have to ask your classmates to borrow it, which would be very troublesome.

"Huang Jiaojiao, you actually brought your mobile phone to school. Don't worry, the teacher will find out and confiscate it and call your parents."

"It's okay. I turned off my phone when I entered the school and turned it on when I came out. There are chat records between me and my uncle on my phone. I'm afraid I'll find the wrong place and I can still send messages to my uncle. He's a fan of Boss Lin. Knows the situation best.”

Huang Jiaojiao, who is ten years old this year, has very clear logic. When organizing activities with her classmates, she takes into account possible unexpected situations.

"That's good, let's go to the supermarket first."


It's time for school to end.

Cheng Guangpeng’s small supermarket is very popular among primary school students.

As soon as he graduated, his parents applied for a job in a supermarket with a salary of 5,000 yuan a month.

On a daily basis, I not only work as a cashier, but also as a tally clerk, cleaning and taking care of children.

"Little boss, little boss, can I change some money?"

Chen Lu often came to exchange money and became familiar with Cheng Guangpeng. As soon as she entered the supermarket, she went to the front desk to look for him.

Cheng Guangpeng raised his eyebrows and gave you a look that you know.

"Young man, handsome guy, is that okay?"

"That must be possible. How much do you want to change?"

Chen Lu had 500 yuan in his account. It was originally only 200 yuan. When he got home at noon, his mother knew that he was going to a classmate's house to play, so she gave him another 300 yuan. She didn't know whether fried fish was expensive, so she exchanged it all at once.

"Five hundred? What do you do with so much money?"

Cheng Guangpeng usually spends tens or tens of dollars on these children, because some children want to buy food or toys from roadside stalls in front of the school, but they can't scan their phones and watches there, so many students like to come here to exchange money.

But this is the first time I have exchanged such a large amount.

This made him a little afraid to change it.

"We are going to buy fried fish from the big brother who sells candied haws."

Chen Lu replied without any thought, looking particularly happy.

Cheng Guangpeng:! ! !

Candied haws’ big brother?

Is he the one selling bitter melon and candied haws at the school gate?

Cheng Guangpeng hasn't seen the man selling candied haws at the school gate for a long time.

Apart from anything else, that guy sells so many varieties of candied haws.

I haven’t eaten in a long time. I went to sell fried fish.

There are quite a lot of people who know how to do it.

Not to mention, Cheng Guangpeng also became interested after not eating candied haws for so long.

"Where are you? Are you just going together?"

"At the Nanbin Vegetable Market, yes, we made an appointment to go together."

"It's so dangerous for you kids to go out. Well, I'll go with you."

Cheng Guangpeng patted his chest with a righteous look.

He quickly changed the money for the primary school students, then handed the cashier to his dear mother, and set off with Chen Lu and others.

"Little boss, do you also want to eat the candied hawsed apples sold by big brother?"

A group of children were about to set off but didn't want to be separated from each other by taking a taxi. Then Cheng Guangpeng, as an adult, checked the map and the bus, and took a group of children on the bus.

I can't do it without him!

After school time, they were not the only ones, as soon as they got on the bus, a busload of primary school students were chattering non-stop.

Cheng Guangpeng seemed to be surrounded by a group of ducks, and he kept answering their questions, one big and two big.

Suddenly I felt impulsive.

How could he follow me just because he was curious about the fried fish cooked by the owner of Candied Haw Lu?

It's quite far from Nanbin Vegetable Market, and you have to change buses in the middle. It's already past five o'clock when you get there.

For a moment, Cheng Guangpeng seemed to feel like an adult taking a group of children out for a spring outing.

No, it’s Xiayou, it’s summer now.


Royal Capital - Villa Three.

When the time was almost up, Lin Zhou moved the prepared ingredients to the tricycle.

Today, in addition to smoked fish with distiller's grains and fried small fish, he also prepared fish ball soup.

Pan Yuan caught a lot of fish last night. Lin Zhou couldn't see him catching the big fish and putting them back, so he asked him if he wanted to drink fish ball soup. The fresh fish meat was also delicious when made into fish balls.

As soon as Pan Yuan heard about eating fish balls, he became more and more energetic in fishing.

Lin Zhou also fished all night, and then went to the vegetable market in the early morning to buy two buckets of small fish.

The owner of the fish stall also asked him what time the stall would be set up, and said he didn't see him at the door of the market after selling the fish yesterday.

Lin Zhou immediately told him to leave the stall at 6pm, for fear that the boss would misunderstand him.

Everything is ready and the stalls begin.

The housekeepers stood at the door and watched Lin Zhou leave, then turned back to the villa to pack their things and prepare to get off work.

At this time, at the entrance of Nanbin Vegetable Market, on the open space on the sidewalk, there were not only vendors selling vegetables, but also old diners waiting for Lin Zhou.

Compared with only a part of the people who came last night, more than 200 people in the group knew the news today.

Except for those who were still at work or were too busy to come, everyone came to surround the place where Lin Zhou had set up his stall yesterday.

So many people gathered at the entrance of the vegetable market, making the street more and more crowded.

Cheng Guangpeng got off the bus with a group of elementary school students and found the entrance of the vegetable market by looking at the map.

"There are many people here, hold hands and don't run around."

Seeing that there were so many people in the vegetable market in the evening, Cheng Guangpeng stared at the children worriedly.

Everyone was looking around for Lin Zhou's figure.

It wasn't six o'clock yet, so naturally he couldn't find him.

"It's not six o'clock yet, is it that the stall hasn't been opened yet?"

On the way here, on the bus, Cheng Guangpeng and the other children were popularized by Huang Jiaojiao about the story of Boss Lin along the way.

She heard all of them from her uncle.

Standing at the entrance of the vegetable market, everyone felt like they were waiting for their idol to arrive, and they were all very excited.

Cheng Guangpeng was among a group of elementary school students, and there was no sense of disobedience.

He looked at the time, it was only 5:30, and there was still half an hour before 6 o'clock.

"It should be, my uncle said that Boss Lin is a punctual person, and he always arrives on time at the time he says."

Huang Jiaojiao said with her hands in her pockets.

As the person who knows Boss Lin the most, she has a lot of say, as if she is a big sister, full of the aura of a big boss.

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