Five children, all staring at the fish with fermented lees in his hand.

Seeing Pan Yuan raise his head, the children were startled and took a step back, but their eyes were still on the fish with fermented lees in Pan Yuan's hand.

Under such gaze, Pan Yuan could not eat anymore no matter how hungry he was.

Pan Yuan originally wanted to feed the children, just a little fish, but he couldn't bear to see the children looking at it greedily.

But after thinking carefully, he didn't know if the children could eat it. If there was any problem after eating, he would be scolded to death by the children's parents.

There are few children now, and every family has only one or two, and they are precious.

So under the gaze of the children's brothers and sisters, he quietly closed the lid and put away the fish with fermented lees.

Then a grandmother next to him bought a fish with fermented lees from Lin Zhou's stall and saw her eldest grandson staring at the fish with fermented lees in Pan Yuan's hand. As a result, this person saw her eldest grandson staring at it eagerly, but she didn't feed the child a bite. It was really stingy.

She immediately pulled her grandson away with a bad face.

"Why are you so greedy? Staring at what others have in their hands, they won't give you food. Grandma bought it and we'll go home and eat it!"

Pan Yuan:......

What the hell!

Pan Yuan was so angry that he almost cursed.

Who is this!

Do I owe you?

"I'm sick, I can feed your grandson, do you dare to let him eat?"

Pan Yuan is not a good-tempered person. He immediately fought back when he got angry.

Young people nowadays, what is it to swallow your anger? If you want to make me feel bad, you will go crazy and kill everyone.

The old lady didn't expect Pan Yuan to talk back, and her face turned green when she heard this.

Seeing the eyes of a group of people around her looking at her, she didn't know whether she was afraid or knew that she was not right, so she pulled her grandson away with a sullen face.

Lin Zhou looked at this scene and almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

This fisherman's temper really suits his taste.

"Handsome guy, don't bother with her. That old lady is famous in the community. She wants everyone to give in to her grandson, as if she has a throne to inherit."

"Yes, the adults are unreasonable, but the child is quite sensible. Otherwise, I wouldn't let my child play with her child."

"It's probably because her parents taught her well. There are many such old men and grandmothers. I met a grandmother who spoiled her grandson before. She taught her child to hit people. When I met such a child, I would just run away with my child. I couldn't explain it even if I was right."

"What's your problem? There is a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in Building ** who are raising children together. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have conflicts and fight at home every day. It's so exciting."

The diners who buy wine lees fish here are all from the same community.

At this time, the children are out of school, and they all take their children to play downstairs.

When I met them, I couldn't help but say a few more words. With wine lees fish, I poked them one by one with a small toothpick and couldn't stop chatting at all.

Lin Zhou was packing the fermented lees fish while listening to the gossips of the mothers. It was quite interesting.

Pan Yuan didn't even eat the fermented lees fish, and listened in the crowd.

"The family upstairs from my house is the same. The child jumps around at home every day. Our house is like an earthquake. I went up to find them, but they said that the child is still young and they can't take care of it. I was so angry."

The man who just got off work and returned to the community saw Lin Zhou selling fermented lees fish, and he turned a corner and came over. He lined up to listen to everyone's complaints and couldn't help but join in.

Then the topic returned to Lin Zhou.

"Boss, where do you usually set up your stall? This fermented lees fish is so delicious. I bought a pound yesterday and ate it as a snack when I got home. Give me two pounds today."

"I was originally setting up a stall at the entrance of the vegetable market, and then I was pulled to your community. After you buy it, I will go to the entrance of the vegetable market."

Lin Zhou was really helpless about this.

The task location is at the entrance of the vegetable market. How can I be pulled to sell in other people's communities every day?

The owners who didn't know the whole story thought that Lin Zhou was from their community, so he was selling.

Unexpectedly, he was setting up a stall in the vegetable market and was pulled over by people from their community.

Who is so foresighted!

Knowing that there is something delicious, he pulled the person and the car away first.

"No wonder, I said no one would set up a stall in the community, and there are not many customers."

The person who spoke obviously didn't notice how many people were buying wine lees fish on the scene.

"I bought a pound yesterday, and today I brought my own basin to buy it. If I bought less, it wouldn't be enough to eat."

"This fish is really delicious. I bought it home and put it there to prepare dinner as a dish. As a result, it was not dinner time yet, so I ate it as a snack, touching a piece for a while, touching a piece for a while, and it was finished in a while. It smelled very good."

At the time of getting off work, there were many people in the community. The guests coming and going soon shared the two large buckets of wine lees fish that Lin Zhou brought.

Yesterday, everyone may not know the charm of wine lees fish, but today everyone bought a lot.

Lin Zhou didn't have to go to the market to continue selling. He could just close the stall after leaving the community.

Pan Yuan saw that there wasn't much fermented fish, so he bought two more kilograms.

He didn't like fish, but the fermented fish made by Boss Lin was good!

Lin Zhou closed the stall and walked to the community gate. The security guard waved to him again and stopped him.

"Brother, give me another serving of fermented fish."

Lin Zhou:......

"Uncle, it's sold out."

"What? Sold out!?"

The amiable uncle jumped three feet high in an instant, his eyes widened in surprise.

Lin Zhou didn't expect that everyone would buy so much. Two large buckets were sold out in less than an hour.

"No more, sir. I'll leave you a box tomorrow."

Lin Zhou had a good impression of the sir. He couldn't bear to see him suffer because the lees fish was sold out at such an old age.

Anyway, he was selling fish here this week, so leaving one was not a big deal.

"Well, you must leave me one tomorrow, no, leave two, one pound is not enough."

"Here is a hundred yuan, I'll give you a deposit first."

The security guard was afraid that Lin Zhou would not leave him one, so he insisted on paying first.

Lin Zhou pushed the money back helplessly.

"Sir, if I really come, don't worry, you take the money first and give it to me tomorrow."

Lin Zhou refused to take it, and the two of them were arguing at the gate of the community.

Seeing that Boss Lin was so popular everywhere, Pan Yuan couldn't help but followed him and laughed happily.

After a tug, Lin Zhou and Pan Yuan left the community.

"Boss Lin, are you going fishing today?"

At the intersection, when they were about to separate, Pan Yuan looked at Lin Zhou and asked.

To be honest, fishing is really addictive, and Lin Zhou was just interested in fishing.

Hearing this, he was very moved.

But thinking of his experience in the Air Force, he was afraid of being embarrassed, so he declined.

"No, the lees fish is easy to sell, I will go back and prepare more, next time, next time."

"Okay, then make an appointment when you are free, I'll wait for you!"

Pan Yuan was not disappointed.

Such delicious lees fish must be very complicated to make, and it is reasonable for Boss Lin to be busy.

"By the way, this is for you, a massage voucher given by my fishing friend, you can go to the store for free, without restrictions. Boss Lin is so hard to set up the stall, you can try it when you have a break, his master's craftsmanship is very good."

Then when Lin Zhou was leaving, Pan Yuan stuffed a massage voucher into Lin Zhou's hand.

Lin Zhou wanted to say something, stretched out his Erkang hand, and saw Pan Yuan turned around and waved and ran away.

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