Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 120 Do you want to buy some groceries? How much do you want?

"What? How much do you want?"

The old man asked with his eyes wide open, as if he was hard of hearing.

Pan Yuan: ? ? ?

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"Uncle, I'm asking where the fish stall that was just here is."

Pan Yuan thought the old man didn't hear him, so he moved closer and raised his voice a lot and continued to ask.

Old man: "Are you buying vegetables? How much do you want?"

Now Pan Yuan understood.

The two looked at each other, and Pan Yuan said: The old man looks very simple, but I didn't expect him to be a businessman.

"I want all of them, how much?"

"Hey, let's talk about fate, not money."

After that, the old man weighed the vegetables on the stall and quoted the price, "46 yuan, 45 for you."

Pan Yuan looked over directly after hearing it.

The old man received the money and happily pointed to a location.

Pan Yuan looked over following the old man's gesture and saw the community opposite.


The old man saw Pan Yuan's puzzled expression, but he didn't say much and nodded to him affirmatively.

The main reason was that he didn't know either. He just saw an old lady taking the young man and his tricycle to the opposite community.

He didn't get the specific location of Boss Lin, but it was good to have a clear direction. Pan Yuan carried the vegetables bought for 45 yuan and the accompanying information to the opposite community.


"Auntie, where are you taking me?"

At this time, Lin Zhou was taken into the community by the old lady again.

Compared to ignoring him last time, the security guard at the door nodded to Lin Zhou with a smile this time, looking forward to it.

"Take you to a safe place. My son is an urban management officer. They will be here soon. I am waiting for you at the entrance of the vegetable market."

Oh my god, there is inside information among the masses!

Lin Zhou was very surprised to see the old lady. No wonder she knew so much.

"Young man, the fish with fermented lees you made yesterday was really delicious. Our whole family loves it. Give me more today. Give me a 10-jin one. I brought a sealed jar."

Lin Zhou watched the aunt take him to an open space, and took out a glass jar of several liters from the shopping bag he brought with him.


Lin Zhou took the glass jar and started to put the fish in it.

"Handsome boy, give me more fish soup. It tastes really good. We finished the fish yesterday, and we cooked some noodles in the fish soup in the morning and mixed them. It was so fragrant and fresh!"

The aunt watched Lin Zhou open the stainless steel bucket. The red sauce soaked the red fish pieces, which were attractive in color and rich in fragrance.

In an instant, the taste I tasted yesterday in my mouth seemed to reappear in my memory.

A glass jar couldn't hold ten jin, so she packed a few more boxes. Then the aunt paid the money and went back with a big bag of fish with fermented lees.

The aunt has been cooking for so many years, and Lin Zhou doesn't need to remind her. She knows that this fish can be kept after tasting it.

It can be eaten for several days if it is sealed in the refrigerator.

Ms. Yao, who was playing with equipment in the fitness area of ​​the community with her children, also came over happily to buy wine lees fish the moment Lin Zhou appeared.

Many customers who bought in the community yesterday also became repeat customers.

They were originally wondering who would come to the community to set up a stall.

But everyone kept silent when there was something to eat.

Apart from anything else, this wine lees fish is really delicious!


At the entrance of the community, Pan Yuan was carrying a bag of vegetables and was restricted from even looking for someone.

Although 45 yuan is not much, it is quite a lot when it comes to the vegetables sold on the roadside. The weight is tight when carrying it.

"Hello, uncle, do you see a roadside stall selling fish?"

The security guard knew that this person was probably looking for a stall selling wine lees fish.

Because it was not clear whether this person was here to buy vegetables or lived in the community, the security guard asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

"To buy fish!"

Pan Yuan was a little confused by the question. What else could he look for Boss Lin for? Of course, he wanted to eat!

"In the community, go find him yourself."

This community is just opposite the vegetable market. It is not a high-end community. The security guards are usually lazy and even the fences are open. People come and go, and the security guards don't care at all.

So Pan Yuan walked into the community with vegetables.

As soon as he entered the community, there was an intersection. Pan Yuan didn't know where Lin Zhou was, so he could only look for him on one side.

Then he walked around and saw a group of people surrounding an area in the fitness equipment area in the center of the community. It looked very lively.

Pan Yuan almost thought without thinking that this must be Boss Lin, and walked over quickly.

The closer he got, the stronger the smell.

Until he saw Lin Zhou's figure, Pan Yuan was completely relieved.

Excited heart, trembling hands, finally found someone!

Pan Yuan stood in line behind the crowd.

When it was his turn, Lin Zhou saw him and laughed.

Lin Zhou had a great impression of Pan Yuan because of a fishing spot map Pan Yuan sent him.

He greeted him happily when he saw him coming.

"How did you find this place?"

Lin Zhou then thought that he was in someone else's community, so how did Pan Yuan get here?

"I asked the security guard and he said you were inside, so I came in."

"What are you selling this week? What kind of fish is this? It smells so good."

Pan Yuan was completely attracted by the wine lees fish in the iron bucket. He had never seen this red and oily wine lees fish before. It turned out that fish could be cooked like this.

He had so many fish at home, and he wondered if he could give them all to Boss Lin in exchange for some cooked fish to eat.

Pan Yuan was thinking, drooling at the fish with fermented lees.

Lin Zhou smiled and served him a portion.

"Try it, fish with fermented lees."

Pan Yuan was not polite, and scanned the payment code to pay before eating.

"I told you to eat fish, you don't have to pay."

Lin Zhou said helplessly.

Just then, a customer came to buy fish with fermented lees, Pan Yuan smiled, and took the fish to the side to eat.

Pan Yuan took a toothpick to poke a piece of fish and put it into his mouth. After tasting it, his eyes lit up.


It smells so good!

This smell is not only the smell of the seasoning, but also the smell of the fish itself.

Pan Yuan likes fishing. There are so many fish at home that no one eats them. His parents are afraid of fish now, and they live separately from him, for fear that they will eat fish every day.

Fortunately, there are many houses to be demolished at home, so they can live in different places.

Pan Yuan himself likes fishing and doesn't like eating fish.

Otherwise, he wouldn't give away all the fish he caught, or freeze them, just not eat them.

But because the fish was made by Boss Lin, he was still looking forward to it.

The hamburger last week was such a big surprise to him. He usually lives alone and it is impossible for him to cook. The most common takeaway order is hamburger.

Then after eating too much, his perception of hamburger was just like that.

But after tasting the hamburger made by Lin Zhou, it was really delicious beyond his perception.

It turns out that the patty can be not dry, the bread can not be soft and chewy, or it can fall apart like biscuits when bitten, and the ingredients can be so rich, etc.

This directly opened the door to delicious food for him.

In the past, he was only interested in fishing.

Now he has another hobby, which is to fall in love with the food made by Lin Zhou.

Seeing Lin Zhou busy, Pan Yuan squatted on the side of the road and ate the fish piece by piece.

There were many children playing in the community at this time. The adults were queuing up to buy wine lees fish, and the children were finding fun on their own.

Then seeing Pan Yuan eating happily, several children came and went and stood in front of him, watching him eat eagerly.

Some children were taller than Pan Yuan who was squatting when they were standing.

Feeling the shadow looming, Pan Yuan silently raised his head with a piece of fish in his mouth.

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