Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 116 The Urban Management Officers are Here

“That... sells fish with distiller’s grains.

Lin Zhou was a little at a loss when he saw the aunt who parked his car.

But I politely introduced the fish with distiller’s grains.

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The aunt became interested when she heard it, "Can you try a piece? If it's delicious, I'll buy it. There are many people in the family, so if it's delicious, I'll buy more."

Lin Zhou:......

I always feel that these words are very familiar.

"Okay, but I have to find a place to stop. Parking in the middle of the road is blocking the road."

"Follow me, I know where the place is."

The aunt was carrying a small bag and walked quickly ahead after hearing the words, waving to Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou was in a trance, opened his mouth and then closed it, then followed the aunt on a tricycle.

Then he was taken to the entrance of the community opposite the vegetable market.

Lin Zhou:? ? ?

Subconsciously, Lin Zhou glanced at the system task interface to see if this address would work. It was beyond the scope of Nanbin Wet Market and he would have to rush back after selling this order.

Then I didn't expect that the system background showed that today's check-in and setting up stalls had been completed.

Love only requires him to come and set up a stall here, and it doesn't matter whether he sells it or not!

If he is not strong-willed, he would like to ride a tricycle and take the fish with distiller's grains home to eat himself.

His attention returned to setting up the stall, where the aunt was still standing in front of him waiting.

"Young man, this is your first time here. I live in this community. There are no urban management personnel here to set up stalls. It's time to get off work. The road over there is blocked. People often make reports, and then the urban management personnel will come to drive people away. , it’s safe here.”

Lin Zhou opened his eyes slightly and listened as he brought out the distiller's rice fish.

Good guy, aunt knows so much!

"Thank you, auntie. I'll treat you to the fish with distiller's grains. You can try it."

Lin Zhou didn't expect that following the enthusiastic aunt would be such a good thing.

The aunt's words confirmed his suspicion. This street was a road after all. It was occupied by people setting up stalls and selling vegetables. It was impossible to walk on it. The urban management would definitely take care of it.

As soon as the iron barrel was opened, the stale smell of fish with distiller's grains came out, violently and quickly. The nearest aunt, who didn't wear a mask like Lin Zhou, almost turned somersaults from the smell.

"Oh, I'll go, it's really good."

The aunt looked at the oily fish with distiller's grains in the iron pot, smelled the tangy and spicy smell of wine, and her mouth was secreting saliva from the irritation.

In the oily red oil, there are pieces of jujube-red fish soaked in oil and wrapped in fine chili sauce. You can also see the minced and fried black tempeh, and the minced garlic has been fried into a golden color. , dotted around the fish pieces, becoming a shining embellishment of the distiller’s fish.

"Did you do this?"

The aunt looked at Lin Zhouwen with some surprise.

My aunt lives in a community opposite the vegetable market. She visits the food nearby every day and knows all about it.

I just saw Lin Zhou's tricycle and felt it was novel.

This is a stall that I have never seen before, and the food trucks provided by the system are all brand new, and each stall has a unique design style based on what it sells.

Compared with ordinary stalls, it can be distinguished at a glance.

The aunt looked at the brand new and clean stall huddled in the crowd, and she didn't dare to walk away. She was afraid of bumping into someone, so she was anxious and timid. Out of curiosity, she went up to talk to her.

Then I saw a young man who was similar to my own son huddled there, afraid to touch pedestrians standing on the road buying groceries, so I felt pity for him and took him to the gate of the community.

"Yes, Auntie, please try it."

Lin Zhou took out a disposable lunch box, picked up a few pieces of fish with distiller's grains, put toothpicks in them and handed them to the aunt.

The aunt was not polite, picked up a piece and ate it in her mouth.

"Yeah! It's delicious!"

The fish with distiller's grains looks very fragrant from the looks of it, but I didn't expect it to taste even better than I imagined.

The taste is very rich. After one bite, you can taste the faint taste of alcohol and spiciness, the aroma of fish, and a little bit of sweetness. It is still warm in your mouth and very fragrant.

"How do you sell it? Give me some."

The aunt finished the rice fish on the small plate in one go, and then waved her hand to buy it.

At this time, the entrance of the community is a place with a lot of people coming and going after get off work and school.

Lin Zhou and his aunt were eating fish with distiller's grains here. The aroma was so fragrant that it was difficult for people coming and going not to notice.

Then I looked at the aunt who was eating, and I was greedy.

Hearing the aunt ask about the price, many people stopped and looked around. If it was not expensive, they would buy some to try.

"Fifty one pound."


The price is not cheap.

Auntie had already tasted it, but she didn't think the fish with distiller's grains was so delicious. It cost fifty-one catties, so she opened her mouth and asked for two catties.

Lin Zhou quickly took out the scale and weighed it.

A 500 ml disposable lunch box, which is exactly one pound in weight, was packed with two boxes and handed to the aunt.

"What kind of fish is this? Can you give me a pound to taste?"

The aroma of the lees fish is really fragrant.

The passers-by standing aside, as long as they stayed for a long time, were all curious about the taste of the fish with distiller's grains.


Lin Zhou raised his eyes and saw that there were many guests standing in front of him, but they were all watching eagerly.

He paused, took out a disposable box, put some fish with distiller's grains in it and placed it next to the stall, shouting: "Fish with distiller's grains, fragrant fish with distiller's grains. It's delicious and not expensive. You can try it for free."

Once you say this, what's the difference between inviting everyone to eat fish with distiller's grains?

The passers-by who were watching were attracted directly, and came to the stall at lightning speed, and surrounded Lin Zhou's stall in an instant.

A large group of people, holding small toothpicks, poked a small piece of fish meat into their mouths, and then enjoyed it with the same expression.

Just when everyone was about to buy some, the vegetable vendors on the opposite road suddenly shouted that the urban management was coming.

For a moment, these vegetable vendors at the entrance of the vegetable market were like locusts passing through, quickly picking up vegetables and fruits and running away.

Even the vegetables in the hands of the vegetable buyers were not wanted, and they ran away.

The scene was extremely chaotic.

Lin Zhou was dumbfounded.

Then he was a little panicked, because it was the first time he encountered the situation where the urban management came to drive people away from the stalls.

Seeing that the people who set up stalls nearby began to pack up their things and run away, he subconsciously wanted to run.

"That... the urban management is here, I have to go!"

A passer-by who had just finished eating the fermented fish: ? ? ?

"Don't go, little brother. I just tasted the food and I'm so hungry. What will I do if you leave?"

"That's right. People are being chased away from the market over there. It's okay for you to be here."

"Don't worry. I want two kilograms. Can you sell me one before you leave?"

"Little brother, come with us. It's not safe."

A group of people just tasted the free lees fish.

How could they let Lin Zhou run away before they had time to buy it.

Time was urgent. Lin Zhou didn't even have time to get on the tricycle. He watched a group of diners pull his arms and push the tricycle directly into the community!

The security guard at the gate of the community saw this scene and pretended not to see it.

Lin Zhou was dumbfounded.


(Thanks to the gift king of vinegar treasure. This chapter is an extra chapter. There will be more later!)

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