Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 115 Monkey shit, it’s all monkey shit!

"Ape dung, it's all ape dung!"


Zhang Jianjun's eyes were shining as he looked at the portions of fish with distiller's grains on the table in the courtyard.

Carrying Maotai wine, walking as fast as flying.

The driver who followed him silently drove his car to the garage to park the car.

Lin Zhou almost died laughing. Uncle Zhang is in his sixties, but he didn't expect that he was quite good at talking about hot words on the Internet.

"I just happened to bring some good wine. Let's try it. What kind of fish are you looking for? It's so delicious!"

I have to say that the presentation of this fish with distiller’s grains is really good.

It was fried to a charred aroma, and the color was no longer golden, but a bright grass red color. The originally dry fish meat was re-fried with red oil sauce, and the color was bright and appetizing. It was so beautiful that it was so beautiful that it was so delicious.

"Fish with distiller's grains, let me tell you a good dish to go with wine."

Lin Zhou took the wine handed over by Uncle Zhang and raised his hand to look at it. Good guy, Moutai. He has to set up a stall right now, so how can he drink this.

"I have to set up a stall at 6 o'clock. I make a lot and sell some. I'm afraid I won't be able to drink the wine. I'm afraid I'll get drunk."

"Then drink something else. Do you have any other wine?"

"There is rice wine. I used distiller's grains to make fish with rice wine grains, but the rice wine is still there."

"Then drink rice wine."

Lin Zhou responded and called his aunt to bring rice wine.

A group of people gathered in the courtyard to eat fish with distiller's grains.

Lin Zhou also handed the wine-grained fish to the housekeepers and aunts.

After a busy day, Mr. Lin began to taste his work.

A glass of rice wine and a plate of fish with distiller's grains.

Zhang Jianjun and Lin Zhou didn't even change their seats, they just sat in the pavilion in the yard and started eating.

The others stood in front of the iron pot in the yard, eating with chopsticks without raising their heads.

The freshly cooked fish with distiller's grains is still steaming.

The small pieces of fish become even smaller after being marinated, air-dried and fried.

Just drink wine and eat one bite at a time, each one tastes delicious.

The taste of the fish in your mouth is completely different from that of ordinary fish. It has a hard texture and is a bit difficult to bite open. But if you chew it carefully, you can taste the aroma of the wine that blends with the fish. The lees of the rice wine also bring a little sweetness, which makes the chili pepper After the spiciness hit the top, it was quickly suppressed, forming a distinct salty and spicy taste.

The spiciness is just slightly spicy, and the sweetness in the rice wine naturally enhances the freshness of the fish, making the fish taste lingering for a long time.

The more the fish is chewed in the mouth, the more it tastes and is very fragrant.

It's suitable for drinking wine slowly and having a piece from time to time.

The perfect seasoning brings out the flavor of the ingredients to the extreme, making it an unsurpassed and amazing delicacy.

After the Zhang family's driver tasted the fish with distiller's grains, his eyes changed when he looked at the housekeepers and nannies who were standing together eating fish.

What kind of magical employer is this?

The food is so delicious.

Looking at Butler Sun and the others, they look like they are used to it. They must eat such delicious food often, right?

The driver's envious eyes could not be concealed.

Now he finally understood why the Zhang family and his son gave gifts to Mr. Lin when they were fine.

Even for this stuttering, we have to establish a good relationship.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, so it is probably convenient to have a meal together!

The driver had to drive. He didn't drink. He only had one small piece of fish in one mouthful. The food was so exciting that he wanted to take out a bowl of rice and just eat it. It must be very satisfying.

Woohoo, it smells so good!

Does Mr. Lin still need a driver? Can he work two jobs?

The driver's mood was that the more he ate, the more heartbroken he became.

If you can't eat such delicious food often, you might as well never taste it in the first place.

If you haven't tried it, you won't know how delicious it is, and you won't think about it.

What a mistake!

"Would you like white rice? It feels a bit salty after eating too much."

In the pavilion, Lin Zhou drank a glass of rice wine and ate a lot of fish pieces, and felt more and more hungry as he ate.

It’s definitely good to put a pot of this thing in the room as a snack at night. Touch one from time to time, it’s very fragrant.

"Have a bowl. How did you make the fish so fragrant and fresh? Although it is dry, it is very fragrant and delicious."

Zhang Jianjun was so satisfied after eating that he really wondered how some people's hands could grow like this.

"That's necessary. Who am I? Isn't it an exaggeration to call myself a contemporary chef?"

Listening to Zhang Jianjun's praise, Lin Zhou raised an uncontrollable smile uncontrollably.

Although he is no longer a teenager, when he reveals his confident smile, he can make people feel the vitality that belongs only to young people.

This happens to be something that Zhang Jianjun, who is over fifty, has already lost.

When Zhang Jianjun looked at Lin Zhou like this, his eyes were filled with the tolerance and kindness unique to his elders.

"It's no exaggeration. I'll give you a banner to hang on your tricycle tomorrow. Just write the four characters "Contemporary God of Cooking."

Lin Zhou imagined that scene uncontrollably in his mind, and his expression suddenly became humble.

"That's not necessary. You have to keep a low profile. I'm still young and there's still room for improvement."

When Zhang Jianjun got along with Lin Zhou, the smile never fell off his face.

The two of them had breakfast and dinner like this.

After finishing at around five o'clock, Lin Zhou hurriedly moved two large barrels of distiller's grain fish to a brand new fish stall tricycle to prepare for the stall.

The fish stall provided by the system is fully equipped with pots, grills and a series of other things, all of which were dismantled by Lin Zhou. Today, when selling fish with distiller's grains, two buckets will be enough.

Use it when selling fried fish or grilled fish.

After Lin Zhou left, Butler Sun and the others cleaned up the villa and got off work together.

He was also carrying a packaged fish with fermented lees.


Nanbin Vegetable Market.

The vegetable market is usually the most crowded in the morning and evening.

Some people go to buy vegetables in the morning, and naturally some people go to the vegetable market after get off work in the evening to buy vegetables.

But the vegetables in the evening may not be as fresh as in the morning, after all, they have been outside for a day.

Especially in summer, the vegetables have been exposed to the sun for a day, and they have to be watered constantly, otherwise the moisture will be lost, and they will look even less fresh. How can unfresh vegetables be sold?

When Lin Zhou arrived at the place, he saw that there were people selling vegetables on the roadside at the intersection of the street where the vegetable market was located. Looking forward, people were coming and going, and there was no end in sight.

This was much more crowded than when he came at three or four in the morning.

He looked at the vendors selling vegetables on the roadside who had seriously affected traffic and suddenly doubted, is there really no urban management to drive them away?

Thinking about the places where he had set up stalls before, maybe because of the time, he had not encountered urban management.

Thinking about when he first set up a stall, he checked online which places were easy to be driven away by urban management.

Or places where stalls cannot be set up, he has checked them.

This is the first time he has encountered this situation.

Lin Zhou struggled to move slowly among the crowds of people selling vegetables and buying vegetables on the roadside.

The crowds were so crowded that the tricycle could not be driven, and he could only move slowly with the crowd.

An old lady who was buying vegetables saw a fish sign hanging on his tricycle and curiously followed him to ask what fish he was selling.

He had never experienced this kind of scene of selling while walking. Facing the old lady who was asking enthusiastically, he suddenly couldn't speak clearly.


(I just finished writing two chapters and was about to take a break. I saw that a big guy gave me the gift king. Who can resist this? I must add more!)

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