Meng Haiyang and his police officers were very happy.

However, the robbers who participated in the robbery this time were all regretful.

They had trusted their boss very much. They never thought that this operation would fail.

In their opinion, everything was perfect and all the plans were flawless. They had planned everything

, but they didn't expect that there was another Jiang Chen who suddenly jumped out and killed them by surprise.

Whenever they think about it now, they feel very uncomfortable. It

's too aggrieved and painful!

Of course, this is not the most incredible and unacceptable thing for them.

What's more important is that Meng Haiyang put this group of robbers in Prison No. 3.

This means that they have no chance to taste Jiang Chen's food.

Every day when doing morning exercises or morning exercises, they always hear others discussing how great the food in Prison No. 2 is.

Their descriptions are so vivid that they drool after listening to them.

But... they can only hear it and have no chance to eat it.

This is simply an extraordinary and huge torture, and it's like a nightmare when they think about it.

It's too painful and uncomfortable!

I can't stand it at all!

At first, everyone thought that it was just people from other prisons who were deliberately bragging and exaggerating. How could there really be such delicious food?

Until one day, when Ma Dagang passed by Prison No. 2, he smelled the smell coming from the cafeteria.

He was almost crazy at the time.

He rushed to the cafeteria of Prison No. 2 with all his might.

But how could the prison guards in the prison meet his demands and stop him outside?

Ma Dagang roared wildly, and looked at the people in the cafeteria eating so deliciously, and he was full of envy and jealousy.

No matter what, Ma Dagang didn't expect that they could be divided into different levels even though they were all in prison.

This made him feel particularly uncomfortable!

It was the first time that Ma Dagang encountered such a situation.

After Ma Dagang went back, he told everyone what happened inside in front of others.

This made everyone in the prison feel even more unbalanced.

But... what if it's unbalanced?!

Isn't it just to endure it?

They don't have the courage to openly challenge the police officers above.

Unless you don't want to live anymore


It was late at night.

Senior leader Nangong looked at the latest case report, frowned slightly and was shocked.

It was obvious that the content of this report surprised leader Nangong.

Originally, in his impression, the police station led by Meng Haiyang had always had a low case-solving rate.

Although he had given them severe warnings more than once, he hoped that every police officer could work diligently and solve more cases. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

(bgdc) But it was useless.

They had been ranked last for ten consecutive years with their amazing crime-solving rate.

But in less than half a year, they were like a reborn.

The crime-solving rate was so high that as long as the case happened within the jurisdiction of the Menghai Police Station, it would basically take no more than three days.

All of them would be solved.[]

Murder cases, robberies, thefts... every case can be easily solved.

This had to shock him! It was really unbelievable and hard to believe.

Leader Nangong repeatedly confirmed whether the document in his hand was a joke, and read every word carefully.

The content above is true!

This made Leader Nangong very puzzled.

What's going on?!

He touched his chin with his hand, looked at the content on the document, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Good guy...

Could it be that some expert has appeared in their police station recently?

That's why the crime-solving rate has become so high?

Just when he was curious about this, there was a knock on the door outside. Leader Nangong said,"Come in"

"Hello, boss."

Looking at the secretary in front of him, Nangong leaned back in his chair leisurely, folding his hands across his chest.

He said calmly,"You came at the right time. I have a question for you."

"What's the problem, leader?"

Leader Nangong said,"Do you know what happened in the Tianlong City Public Security Bureau recently?"

"How come their crime-solving rate has suddenly become so high? It seems like they have caught a lot of criminals?"


The secretary was stunned, obviously not knowing how to answer the other party's question, and he didn't know the answer either.

"What, you don't understand either?"

The secretary smiled bitterly.


She stepped forward cautiously and said,"How can I possibly know about this matter?"

"I have no idea, but I know one thing, that is... recently there has been a lot of buzz about the police station."

"Many other police departments are also discussing this matter."

I love you:

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