Ma Dagang, who was sitting on a chair, still felt it was unreal when he thought about the scene that happened not long ago.

Everything happened in a flash.

It was so fast that he couldn't react.

They had worked hard and planned carefully for so long, but in the end, they were caught before they had time to react?

This was really frustrating.

They acted like a tiger, but in the end, they didn't get two dollars and fifty cents?

Who could stand that?

The key point was that Ma Dagang was very unconvinced.

They had obviously designed it very cleverly, and the whole plan was seamless, from the design stage to the implementation stage.

It should be perfect!

What's going on?!

How could they be caught so easily?

He was really unconvinced in his heart!


Slapping the table with his hand, Ma Dagang suddenly stood up from the chair, his eyes filled with deep anger.

"Tell me what's going on?"

Ma Dagang said,"Did you place spies among our brothers?"

"That's why he betrayed my whereabouts in the end."

Apart from this, Ma Dagang couldn't think of any other reasonable explanation.

Seeing that the other party was so angry, the latter leaned back in his chair leisurely with a gentle smile on his face.

Meng Haiyang said with a smile:"We didn't arrange any spies. It was the prisoners in the prison who provided us with the information."

"I think his name was something... Anyway, I forgot it"

"You only need to know that the information was provided by the prisoners, that's enough, as for other things, they are not important at all."

Meng Haiyang was stunned when he heard the news.

He opened his mouth blankly and looked at the other party in disbelief.

He even wondered if he had hallucinations?

No, that's not it.

Is there anything wrong?

It was the prisoners in the prison who betrayed them.

It shouldn't be!

Even if they betrayed them, it would not do any good to those people in the prison.

Do they have to do this?

He took a deep breath and said,"You...are you telling the truth?"

"Why would I lie to you?"

He answered calmly,"It was done by the prisoners in the prison, what's the problem?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

His attitude was particularly firm, and he waved his right hand gently and said:"What you just said was simply a joke!"

"I tell you I won't believe a word you say"

"Is there any benefit for them if they betray me?"Meng Haiyang smiled and said,"You asked the right person. It is indeed beneficial for them to betray you."

"They can eat prison meals prepared by our prison chefs, and even the deluxe extra meals!"

"No one can resist this temptation."


What the hell are you talking about?

Prison food.

Is this a joke? (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) Do you really think I'm that easy to fool

? Do I look like someone with a problem in the brain?

He said coldly,"Do you think the joke just now is funny?"

"Don't get me wrong."

He said calmly:"I'm not telling you a joke, let alone joking with you."[]

"Everything I just said is true."

"If you don't believe it now, you can go and ask."

Ma Dagang fell down on the chair.

Thinking back to what the other party said, it was as if he was slapped hard in the face.

He felt very uncomfortable.

Oh my god!

Is God going to play with me like this?

I worked so hard for so long, just to live a carefree life after robbing the bank.

In the end, you did this to me?

Aren't you playing with me?

Ma Dagang clenched his fists tightly, and the more he thought about it, the more wronged he felt.

His body twitched and trembled slightly, and finally he even burst into tears in front of him.

His voice was particularly choked and he looked particularly embarrassed.

Meng Haiyang was a little confused when he saw this scene.

Why was he crying in front of him?

".I say you……"

"Don't say any more."

He interrupted the other person without saying anything, and sat in the chair blankly. The more he thought about it, the more he felt unconvinced and embarrassed. (Good Zhao Zhao)

"Why? Why did God do this to me!"

"Are there still people who are so shameless nowadays? Doing something that hurts others and benefits themselves just for a meal?"

"Damn! I really can't figure it out!"

Seeing this scene, Meng Haiyang shook his head and smiled bitterly, but didn't say anything. He had expected their performance.

After all...

Jiang Chen was indeed a particularly unexpected existence.

It was because of his appearance that they were alert and the crime-solving rate remained high.

He had every reason to believe that it would not take long for their police station to become the most famous and the police station with the highest crime-solving rate in the local area.

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