On the first day, Xu Youtian didn't eat anything. He thought it was nothing.

After all, he was an unemployed vagrant. When he didn't have a job before, it was okay to go hungry for several meals.

After two days, they still didn't give him anything to eat. Xu Youtian couldn't sit still anymore.

But he could barely control himself with his strong willpower.

There was no sign of compromise or begging for mercy in front of them.

After the third day, Xu Youtian would wake up from hunger in his dreams at night.

He always felt his stomach twitching and trembling, and gurgling sounds came from time to time. His complexion became unusually ugly. He looked a little pale and haggard.

On the fourth day, Xu Youtian lay there, unable to move, and most importantly... he didn't even have the strength to speak.

Not eating for eighty or ninety hours in a row had already put his body functions in a state of collapse.

Looking at Captain Wang sitting opposite him, he coughed slightly and said in a pleading tone:"You can't do this?"

"You are abusing the prisoners, can you give me something delicious to eat!"

"I feel now���Very hungry!"

Captain Wang found what the other party said just now ridiculous.

Give him something delicious?!

It's just wishful thinking!

Does he know what he is saying?

Captain Wang gradually approached the other party, smiled and said:"Weren't you very arrogant before?"

"You killed so many innocent people, not only did you not repent, but you even showed off in front of us!"

"How can we let you go?"

Xu Youtian smiled again.

But his smile seemed a little strange and even shocking.

He slowly raised his head and cursed:"Idiot, you are a complete idiot!"

"Do you think I will apologize and admit my mistake by using this method?"

"Nonsense, that's really nonsense!"

"When I was doing those things, I thought about what price I would pay. Now when I think about those girls enjoying themselves in front of me, I feel very happy and excited!"

"Do you understand?"

""It's nothing to starve me for two meals!"

Captain Wang and Xiao Zhang looked at each other.

There was deep shock in their eyes!


This guy is really awesome!

One has to admire him! He didn't eat anything for four consecutive days, but his mouth is still so hard?

Most people can't do that.

"Very good."

Captain Wang said:"I will let you know what it means to be worse off than dead in a moment!"

Captain Wang glanced at Guo Mengmeng standing at the door and nodded slightly. The latter immediately understood what to do and quickly retreated.

Not long after, a plate of steamed buns as hard as soil was brought in.

Not only was the color of the steamed buns ugly, but most importantly, it could be judged at a glance that they were particularly unclean.

Under normal circumstances, people would not have the slightest appetite.

But... when Xu Youtian saw the plate of steamed buns, his eyes shone with brilliance.

He seemed particularly excited!

He kept swallowing his saliva, looking at the steamed buns on the plate. He seemed a little restrained and couldn't bear it.

Like a hungry wolf, he couldn't wait to pounce on it.

They didn't think this was a punishment for him, did they?

For an extremely hungry person, there is no difference between delicious food and unpalatable food.

Even if he was really given such a steamed bun, Xu Youtian wouldn't think there was anything wrong!

Would this make him admit his mistake?

Ridiculous, really ridiculous!

He knew that the food in the prison was very poor. If he wasn't extremely hungry, he might not be able to eat it.

To some extent, Captain Wang and the others were taking care of him.

"How is it?"

Captain Wang said with a smile:"Can you eat this steamed bun?""

Wasn't what Captain Wang said just now nonsense?

He can definitely eat it.

No need to think about it, no need to ask.

He nodded stupidly, with a blank look in his eyes. He just wanted to rush forward and grab the steamed bun. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

No matter if it is dirty or not, or if it tastes bad or not.

As long as it can fill your stomach, it's fine!

When you are extremely hungry, you can even chew tree bark, let alone flour!

"Very good."

Captain Wang, who saw this scene, was very satisfied with his performance just now.[]

"I knew you could eat it."

After saying this, Captain Wang clapped his hands gently.

Footsteps were heard in the corridor.

Captain Wang was stunned. He subconsciously closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

The rich fragrance in the air made Captain Wang look shocked!

What... what is this?! It smells so good!

Numb, spicy, and especially fresh. The most important thing is that the smell is particularly strong.

Fortunately, Captain Wang and others had eaten not long ago, otherwise they might lose their armor after smelling this kind of fragrance.

Xu Youtian, who was suffering from hunger, smelled the spicy and fresh fragrance of the spicy chicken cubes, and his body began to twitch violently.

The whole person's mind was almost blank, and his body was filled with countless strength again under the drive of the last light.

He clenched his fists tightly, a gurgling sound came from his throat, and he stared at the door in front of him.

It smells so good!

Against the backdrop of the rich fragrance, the black lump on the plate, root It was not in his eyes.

He stared blankly ahead, his eyes full of expectation.

He must see what was so delicious later!

His mouth was secreting saliva like crazy, his abdomen was churning, surging back and forth, and his stomach almost shrank into a ball.

The spicy and fresh fragrance of the spicy chicken cubes was more than just a fragrance for Xu Youtian.

It was a very sharp steel sword that made his abdomen surge constantly, as if it was going to crush all his internal organs!

He wanted to eat it, really wanted to eat it!

He opened his mouth to the limit, looking at the plate of spicy chicken cubes on the table, his eyes were about to fall out.

Such deliciousness was close to him, but he could only look at it, not eat it at all!

The evenly chopped green pepper cubes and the fried golden and crispy chicken pieces were mixed together, covered with thick soup, fresh and fragrant, spicy and long-lasting.

It made people salivate!

It was so delicious that I wanted to cry!

"Here, give me a bite!"

If he hadn't seen the spicy chicken in front of him, it would have been fine for him to eat the black lumpy bun next to it.

But... after seeing such delicious food, it was impossible to let him make do with it.

"Do you want to eat?"

He nodded frantically, his head like a hammer, ready to smash on the table.

"Yes, yes, yes... slurp... my good officer, Officer Miao! Please, let me have a taste?"

"I really...really want to eat it!"

"Could you please be merciful and do me a favor?"

Guo Mengmeng took the black lump next to her, put it in front of Xu Youtian and said,"Come on, taste this steamed bun. What do you think?"

"I think he tastes pretty good!"

"I promise you will like it!"


Xu Youtian is about to cry now.

What they did is really more painful than killing him.

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