There are more than 300 days in a year.

Every day makes him half-hungry.

Then put the delicious food made by Jiang Chen in front of him, so that he can smell it, but can't eat it even if he sees it!

Put a plate of dark food next to him, but that thing can be eaten.

Otherwise, he will starve to death!

Of course, even if he instinctively wants to do so, his body function will drive him to eat something.

Such a scene is too exciting.

Just now, Xu Youtian didn't have the slightest intention of admitting his mistakes and bowing his head.

When he spoke, both of them could clearly feel the arrogance in his words.

He never seemed to think that he had done anything wrong in hurting innocent girls.

If he really used violent law enforcement and beat him up, it would not be worth it to sacrifice his career for such a rubbish.

"Xu Youtian."

Standing in front of him, Captain Wang narrowed his eyes and said,"You really don't think you have done anything wrong?"

"You don't want to repent, right?"

He sneered and said,"What's wrong with me doing things that make me happy?"

"You don't understand how interesting young girls like that are!"

"Besides, let me tell you, the ones who are really wrong are you!"

"You guys are the ones who really make me feel ridiculous and unbelievable!"

"I really don’t understand you. What’s going on with you?"

"There is clearly an opportunity to make yourself feel particularly happy?"

"But you just don't want to!"

"You still pretend to punish evil and promote good. Don't think I don't know that the thoughts in your hearts are the same as mine, dirty and filthy!"

"I'm just braver!"

"Anyway, when I did this, I didn't think about living"

"I also know that sooner or later, something like this will happen to me!"

"But...I won't take it to heart"

"I have already deserved it."

Captain Wang nodded and said,"Okay, I just hope that you will not regret what you have just done!"


Xu Youtian couldn't help laughing.

He seemed to have heard a funny joke?

"What are you talking about?"

He said coldly,"Since I dare to do such a thing, I dare to admit it!"

"Regret? Why should I regret?"

"I will never regret it!"

Captain Wang was no longer angry.

Seeing the other party's arrogant behavior in front of him, he couldn't help laughing.

The more arrogant, proud, and proud Xu Youtian is now, the more satisfying it will be to be slapped in the face.

"Put him in the detention room for a day or two."

""I understand!"

After saying this, Captain Wang stood up and walked out of the room.

After Captain Wang left, Xiao Zhang came to him and said with narrowed eyes:"Is it too late for you to regret now?"

"If you really don't repent, I'm worried that you will……"

"Shut up!"

Before Xiao Zhang could finish his words, he interrupted him and said,"What can you do to me now?"

"I just don’t believe that a people’s policeman would dare to lynch me?"

"As long as you don't dare to abuse me, I will tell you the truth, you... will never be able to do anything to me."

The other party's performance just now made Xiao Zhang secretly look forward to it.

He is getting more and more curious about how Xu Youtian will behave when he is hungry for a day or two and can only eat dark food.

I wonder if he will slap himself twice!


In the confinement room.

Seeing Jiang Chen bring in the braised pork elbow and a plate of golden roast duck, Xiao Ma and Lao Qiang were drooling.

They stared at it intently, almost forgetting to breathe, their eyes full of greed.

Those two dishes looked delicious!

Xiao Ma couldn't control himself, he rushed forward and took the pork elbow from Jiang Chen. (To read the exciting novel, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

As he moved, he could clearly see the pork elbow trembling slightly in the plate.

After a long time of simmering on a low fire, the braised pork elbow was stewed soft, glutinous and fragrant, with a fragrant aroma, rich and lingering, and continuous.

Xiao Ma almost cried with greed.

He suddenly thanked fate for its favor and gift to him. He actually let the murderer sit downstairs in his house! []

Report to the people above, and you can eat the braised pork elbow made by Jiang Chen!

It's so happy!

He didn't even bother to pick up the chopsticks, and directly picked up the braised pork elbow, took a deep breath, and slowly put the pork elbow into his mouth.

When his teeth touched it, the skin of the pork elbow was quickly pierced, and the rich soup, fresh and tender, instantly slid into his mouth.

His body trembled suddenly, and his eyes lit up.

This pork elbow tastes absolutely amazing!

Why is it so delicious?!

No wonder the people in the prison racked their brains and tried their best to find ways to make merit every day.

It seems that

Jiang Chen's appearance has indeed brought a lot of improvement to the police station's crime-solving rate.

The skin of the pork elbow is very soft, tender and smooth, and the meat inside is stewed very soft, but it doesn't seem to be chewy when eaten.

The most important thing is that the thick soup has been completely integrated into it. It's so delicious that it makes people praise it and even want to cry!


This taste is really amazing!

Lao Qiang next to him wanted to grab the pork elbow, but after thinking about it carefully, he restrained his impulse.


Anyway, Jiang Chen made the braised pork elbow specially for Xiao Ma. He was able to come and eat a little bit because of the other party's help.

If he really competed with him for it, wouldn't he be too much!

Looking at the roast duck on the plate, he quickly tore off a leg and ate it happily.

There is an important trick to Jiang Chen's roast duck being so delicious, that is, he used pine white charcoal fire when roasting it!

Therefore, there is a faint pine white fragrance in the roast duck, which is endless aftertaste, and it will not make people feel greasy at all! It is very different from other roast ducks.

When the two of them finished their meal and returned to the prison dormitory again, a large group of people surrounded them, and everyone's eyes were full of envy. They kept asking what they had eaten today.

The two of them described the roast duck and pork elbow they ate vividly in front of everyone, and it was quite perfect.

The prison was full of envious voices, and everyone was drooling!

"I also have to betray two people!"

"Yes, yes, yes, it’s a pity that my good buddy didn’t commit any crime, otherwise I would have sold him out!"

"That's right, why is it that among the law-abiding people around us, we don't even have the chance to make meritorious deeds?"

"I want to eat pork elbow too!"


Xu Youtian, who was locked in the interrogation room, had no idea what Captain Wang and his men were up to.

He still maintained a rather arrogant and even arrogant attitude.

In Xu Youtian's opinion, the police could not do anything to him.

Even if he was beaten every day in prison, he thought it was a good deal.

After all... he had enjoyed things that others had not enjoyed. He must bear a price that others had not borne..

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