Speak of the devil and he will appear.

All of them had been worried about this matter before.

In their opinion, just having a portrait of the criminal was far from enough.

They had to determine the location of the criminal before they could completely declare the case solved.

But this was a very difficult task, and they couldn't find a place to start.

As a result... after searching everywhere for a long time, they finally found the murderer.

Suddenly, someone reported it and gave them a clue to the murderer's location.

Director Meng hurriedly asked,"Hurry up and tell me, who is it?"

The policeman wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He was very anxious to run all the way here. He knew the importance of this news very well, so he wanted to report it to the people in the police station as soon as possible.

That vicious murderer is unforgivable!

They must not let him off easily!

The policeman continued,"The clue was also provided by a prisoner in Prison No. 2. He said that the man lives downstairs from his house."


"But what?"

Meng Haiyang asked quickly:"If you have something to say, please speak quickly. Don't delay. Our time is very precious."

"But he has a small request, hoping that our chef Jiang can give him an extra meal."

Everyone in the office was stunned for a while, and then they couldn't help shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

They were not surprised by this.

Everyone who was willing to take the initiative to report and expose and provide information to their police station almost made the same request.

They just hoped that Jiang Chen could cook something delicious for them.

After all, no one has been able to resist his cooking skills so far. No matter how picky they are about food, as long as they have tasted Jiang Chen's cooking skills, they will praise him and be completely convinced by him.

"Got it."

Director Meng said,"We'll be there soon."


…… trial room

"Xiao Ma."

Lao Qiang's attitude towards Xiao Ma is now particularly cordial.

He put his right hand on the other's shoulder, and said with admiration in his eyes:"We two are very good brothers, right?"

"I have been taking special care of you since you entered prison."

"What do you want? I'll give you what?"

"Whatever you want to do, I will do it with you."

""Isn't what I said right?"

Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment. Although he didn't understand why the other party was being polite to him for no reason, he thought about it carefully. What he said just now was indeed the true facts.

"Brother Qiang."

Xiao Ma continued to ask:"What... do you want to tell me?"

"Since I was so good to you, can we ask Chef Xiao Jiang to make braised pork elbow and roast duck later?"

Xiao Ma:"???"

You just said so much in front of me just for this purpose?

"No, no other requests?"

Lao Qiang said with a smile:"What else can I ask for?"

"Isn't there anything we can do? I have sold out all the bosses around me who I could betray, leaving no one alive."

"If there is anyone else who is worth my betrayal, don't worry, I will never cause trouble for you!"

"I had no choice but to do this!"

Xiao Ma smiled bitterly.

"Okay, no problem."

He readily agreed,"Don't worry, Brother Qiang has taken such good care of me in prison, I will definitely not be ungrateful."

"Then we'll both have a good meal."

""Okay, okay."

Lao Qiang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, his eyes filled with excitement that could not be concealed.

Not long after, the door was pushed open.

They both looked down and saw Meng Haiyang in front of them.

He clasped his hands in front of his chest, with a serious expression, and said to Xiao Ma:"Little brother, you said you know where this criminal lives? Is it true or false?"

"Right there."

Xiao Ma took out a piece of paper and wrote down the specific address information on it, and continued:"He should still be living there recently, but you have to hurry up."

"I feel like he must be a very vigilant person. I'm afraid if you guys go too late, he'll notice it in advance and run away."

"OK, got it." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Meng Haiyang took the note and didn't waste any more time. When he walked out of the interrogation room, he quickly led the members of the Criminal Division 3 and set off. As soon as they stepped out of the interrogation room, they heard the sound of Xiao Ma banging on the door.

""Chief, Chief!"

Xiao Ma said loudly,"Don't forget what you promised us."

"We must ask Chef Xiao Jiang to prepare something good for us?"[]

Meng Haiyang said without turning his head:"I know"

"What do you want to eat? I told him in the afternoon, don't worry, he will make it for you."

"Thank you, Director!"

The two got a positive answer, and their eyes were full of excitement. I can have an extra meal tonight!

I feel so happy just thinking about it!

I didn't expect that there would be such a happy thing in the world.

Sure enough, the prison has to be a big brand that is trustworthy.

The food inside tastes good, and the most important thing is that if you make a contribution, you can also be rewarded with some delicious food!

Lao Qiang and Xiao Ma both regretted why they didn't know enough bad guys.

Otherwise, if they betrayed a few more, maybe they could taste Jiang Chen's superb craftsmanship every day.

That taste is delicious just thinking about it!

"Xiao Ma!"

Lao Qiang said with a smile:"Let me tell you, the braised pork elbow made by Chef Xiao Jiang is absolutely delicious."

"I guarantee that once you have tasted it once, you will be like me, you will never forget it and dream about eating it every day."

"It smells so good that it makes me want to cry!"

Seeing the other party constantly emphasizing in front of him, he was somewhat skeptical.

Is it really as exaggerated as he said?!

However... thinking about the dishes Jiang Chen made before, Xiao Ma was still full of expectations.

After all, Jiang Chen could make the most ordinary dishes into delicacies.

It's so happy to have someone to betray!


Looking at the young girl lying on the bed, Xu Youtian had a greedy look on his face.

He slowly squatted down, holding the girl's white arms like lotus roots in his palms, and then put his nose forward, greedily breathing in the faint body fragrance from her body.

This smell made her addicted.

The girl lying on the bed was so beautiful.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, it was just right for him to enjoy it.

Xu Youtian couldn't wait.

After he finished enjoying it, he would be very careful and cut the girl's body piece by piece.

Then throw it into the trash can.

Who will find it is completely up to fate.

He stretched out his right hand to hold the girl's collar and slowly pulled down the zipper.

The snow-white jade neck was exposed to the air, the girl's face was beautiful, and her expression was peaceful.

She just lay on the bed motionless.


Just when he was about to succeed, there was a loud bang outside the door.

His body trembled slightly, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

Xu Youtian turned around and was stunned by the scene he saw.

Police. Did he get exposed?

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