Xiao Ma couldn't believe his eyes.

He was a little excited and suddenly snatched the portrait from the other person's hand.

His face was almost touching it.

He looked at it carefully for a long time.

Finally, he confirmed his guess.

This was not his illusion.

He really knew the person in the portrait.

He had met him several times before and greeted him.

Originally, Xiao Ma's family was poor, and the job he found later had a relatively low income. He could only rent a house in a slum area for a few hundred yuan a month.

At that time, there lived a middle-aged man downstairs from him. He was always taciturn and wore a hat.

Xiao Ma greeted him several times, but the other party just turned a blind eye.

In Xiao Ma's impression, he was an indifferent and withdrawn person.

But Xiao Ma didn't expect that he was actually responsible for several murders.

Thinking back to"070", he was still frightened.

She could kill a teenage girl in her prime.

Doesn't that mean that in the past few years, he has been living next door to a murderer.

And he was a vicious murderer.

He might attack him at any time.

Now that I think about it...

I am really lucky.

Before he could do anything, I was put in a cell because of my girlfriend.

It was a cell where Jiang Chen was the chef.

Seeing Xiao Ma so excited, Lao Qiang was a little curious.

"Brother, what's going on?"

He couldn't help but ask,"From your performance, it seems like you know the person in the photo?"

""I know him."

Xiao Ma's lips kept trembling, and his voice was trembling slightly.

Thinking about it now, he was really scared.

He was lucky.

Lao Qiang's eyes lit up, and his words were full of excitement.


He grabbed Xiao Ma's shoulders and said,"Then do you know where he lives?"

"If you knew, let's go quickly and tell the police about this. As long as we catch him, we can both have extra food!"

Before Xiao Ma could say anything, Lao Qiang continued,"Brother, you can't be ungrateful! I gave you his information, you can't eat it all by yourself."

"Don't worry, Brother Qiang."

Xiao Ma still understood this rule.

He nodded and replied:"I know what to do"

"That's fine."

Lao Qiang pulled Xiao Ma off the bed and said,"Let's go find the police!"



Police station office.

Looking at the shocking photos on the projector, the police officers present clenched their fists, their faces were angry, and several of them were shaking.

They had never thought that there were such cruel and vicious people in the world.

Many of those girls were not yet adults, and they were just 16 or 17 years old, but they were severely tortured.

Even when they were young, they were not spared.

They actually cut their bodies into pieces and threw them into the trash can!

How could he do it?

Too vicious!

Meng Haiyang said seriously:"Now we have identified the portrait of the suspect, but we don't know his specific identity information or where he lives."

In criminology, there is a subject called psychological portraiture, which is to infer his approximate age, identity and occupation based on some traces left at the scene and the murderer's method of committing the crime.

This subject is extremely profound and difficult to learn.

Few people can truly master it and understand it thoroughly. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This case is too difficult and has caused a considerable negative impact.

They had no choice but to hire the top experts in this field in China to conduct psychological profiling!

After more than half a month of collection, analysis, reasoning, and demonstration, they got the final result.

This is a middle-aged man around 35 or 36 years old, probably a vagrant.

He lives alone.[]

He is taciturn, fierce and brutal!

The only thing we don't know is where he lives.

"I think this is simple."

Tang Tianhao stood up and said,"We can issue a wanted order. Since we have his portrait, it shouldn't be difficult to catch him."

"As long as someone provides useful relevant information, we can give them an appropriate reward at that time."

After listening to Tang Tianhao's words, everyone agreed.

Meng Haiyang nodded.

He couldn't help but sighed and said,"To be honest, it would be a bargain for such a vicious and despicable bastard to just kill him."

After hearing this, the others also agreed.

She killed a total of six or seven young girls, several of whom were only fourteen years old.

She should have had a bright and beautiful life, but it was ruined by that beast........

The most important thing is that he not only killed six or seven girls, but also destroyed six or seven families.

It would be a good thing for such a person to just kill him.

"I have a good idea to make the murderer suffer a hellish torture before he dies."

Guo Mengmeng's words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked down with curiosity in their eyes.

I don't know why Guo Mengmeng said this.

"What do you mean?"

She said calmly,"Imagine if a person is extremely hungry and has delicious food and leftovers in front of him every day."

"You can see the delicious food, but you can only eat leftovers, and you can only eat a little at a time. Do you think... is this torture?"

Everyone shuddered when they heard this.

What Guo Mengmeng said just now really made them shudder. Of course, everyone knew what the delicious food she was talking about was.

As for how good Jiang Chen's cooking skills were, everyone had seen it with their own eyes.

Before, Wu Qiang could only look at a meal but not eat it, which tortured him to the point of being worse than death and unable to sleep at night.

What's more... he could only look at it every day but not eat it.

That was truly worse than death.

"I think it would be better to let him go hungry for two days and give him food once!"

Tang Tianhao clenched his fist and said,"It would be too easy for this damn beast to be killed directly."

Some criminals are excusable. They were forced to choose to resist and embark on the road of crime.

But there are some people who are truly against the will of heaven and earth and are outrageous.

Many policemen still have a certain degree of sympathy for the former.

When interrogating or treating them, they will appeal to their emotions and reason with them.

However, in the second case, everyone can kill him, and even think that killing him directly is a kind of relief for him.

The death penalty can never be abolished.

Even... some people have done extremely crazy things, and just killing him is the greatest tolerance for him.

No one else opposed Tang Tianhao's proposal.

In their opinion, this is indeed the right thing to do.

"Chief, Chief."

A police officer outside ran in excitedly and said,"We have found out where that guy lives."

Suddenly, everyone in the room's eyes lit up and their faces were full of excitement.

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