Old Li's stomach churned, and he couldn't help swallowing his saliva, his Adam's apple moving up and down.

The rich and fresh aroma made his body almost stiff.

It smells so good!

Every year in the countryside, they have to eat a lot of banquets, and most of the taste is just okay.

Although it tastes better than in the hotel, it is not that impressive.

But today's banquet, it immediately attracted Old Li's attention.

It smells really good!

It is definitely something he has never seen before.

He found a place to park the car and couldn't wait to come to the yard.

The scene that came into view made Old Li stunned.

He never thought that Jiang Shaolong, who had just moved to the village, would have so many guests at home?

Generally speaking, when you have just settled in the village, you don't know many people. It is considered very lively to have 10 to 20 tables for weddings and funerals.

But Jiang Shaolong's yard was almost full. There were at least two or three hundred people in total.

""Zero, zero, zero" This means that there will be thirty or forty tables.

For farmers who have lived in the village for a long time, dozens of tables are not many.

But so many people came to support them not long after they moved in, and the situation is very different.

Lao Li is over fifty years old, and he has seen a lot of ups and downs and eaten a lot of good things.

But... when he smelled the fragrance in the air, he still salivad a little.

He saw a large group of people around the cooking area, including old people, children, women and middle-aged people.

Everyone was looking forward to it, blinking their lips constantly, and discussing when the meal would start.

Obviously, everyone couldn't help it.

"Where did Lao Jiang and his team invite the chef from? His cooking skills are amazing!"

"Who says not? I just ate it not long ago and now I'm hungry again!"

"Is this the first time I’ve eaten a banquet of such high quality?"

""Yes, yes, can they hurry up? I can't wait!"

There was a woman in her twenties, holding a child in her arms. When she smelled the fragrance in the air, even the child cried.

It was not an exaggeration, she was really crying.

He stared at the dishes in the basin, but he could only smell the fragrance and couldn't eat it at all. It was so unpleasant.

Not to mention the children, even many adults couldn't help it.

Everyone stood at the cooking area and looked around, surrounding Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue.

I didn't expect that the chefs who cook big banquets now not only have good cooking skills, but also look very handsome.

The two of them can be movie stars.

Lao Li swallowed his saliva and quickly took out his mobile phone to dial his wife's number.

"What are you doing?"

His wife's voice came from the other side.

Lao Li said anxiously:"My dear, don't waste time, come here quickly"

"Don't eat at home, you must eat at Lao Jiang's house today. The taste of their food is different from that of ordinary people, it is so delicious."

The wife on the other end of the phone did not answer Lao Li's question immediately.

She was slightly stunned for a moment and said,"What are you talking about?"

"Isn't it just a banquet? It's not like I haven't eaten it before, how can it be as exaggerated as you say?"

My wife seemed to hear Lao Li drooling on the other end of the phone, which made him even more curious.

There are at least dozens of banquets in the village every year, and an average of one or two banquets a month.

After all, there are many people in their village, with hundreds of households.

Every month, everyone has some things to do, such as getting married, having children, moving, and the death of the elderly.

My wife had just eaten two banquets not long ago, so she couldn't help but doubt what Lao Li said.

"Stop talking, come here quickly!"

"Oh, and I have to bring 300 yuan for the meal. I feel uncomfortable with only giving 200 yuan for such delicious food."

"The remaining few hundred dollars are all for thanking them for hiring such a good cook!"

My wife:"……"

What the hell?!

Is there something wrong with your head?

Are you kidding me?

Lao Jiang and his family just moved to the village, and Lao Li had no dealings with them before.

And now you are giving 500 yuan to others at once?

Aren’t you too generous? You shouldn’t do this, right?

The old wife said angrily,"Lao Li, I’m telling you……"

"Come quickly, you will miss the chance if you don’t come!"

"Don't talk to me anymore. If you don't come, don't regret it later."

Feeling the tough attitude of Lao Li, his wife stood there blankly with the phone.

She was completely confused.

With an unbelievable look in her eyes, she didn't understand what happened to her husband just now?

It was the first time she saw Lao Li get so angry in front of her?

Not really, right?

Is it really as exaggerated as he said? (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

He also asked me to bring a few hundred yuan for the gift?

Forget it.

Just believe him for now.

Whether it's true or not, let's go and take a look. If it

's true, I can have a delicious meal today, which is also a good deal.[]

If it really tastes good, wouldn't it be enough to just take back the few hundred yuan in share money?

She walked into the house with a few hundred yuan in her pocket and was about to leave when Lao Zhang poked his head out and asked,"Aunt Li, what are you doing?"

"Let's go to Lao Jiang's house for a feast."

Lao Zhang:"???"

He has a lot of questions now.

"No, I remember your Lao Li had gone there before, what are you going there for?"

The old man replied:"I don't know what's wrong with our Lao Li, he asked me to bring a few hundred yuan for the share of the money, and said that his banquet tastes very good........"

"If there were only one or two hundred yuan left, it would be embarrassing. I wouldn't dare to talk to them when I meet them in the village in the future."

The countryside is a place where favors are valued.

Favors between each other are very important.

If the banquet at their house is really delicious, it would be embarrassing to give one or two hundred yuan.

Before Lao Zhang could react, Aunt Li left the yard.

Standing stupidly at the door, Lao Zhang was stunned.

His eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

What happened just now?

What did he hear?

Is he sure he is not dreaming?

It was the first time he saw someone asking for extra money.

It was not just a few dozen yuan, but a hundred yuan, which suddenly increased to two or three hundred yuan.

The favors were not small!

The most bizarre thing was the reason for giving more favors. It was actually for the banquet?

He really couldn't understand it.

Lao Zhang was also quite familiar with Lao Li's character. understanding.

He is relatively cautious in doing things. This is the first time he has seen such a situation.

This inevitably made Lao Zhang curious and he had an impulse to go over and take a look.

He turned and went into the house and took out two hundred yuan.

Of course, the two hundred yuan did not mean that he would give it all away. He took out one hundred yuan first.

See what the meal over there is like.

If it is really delicious, he will take out another one hundred yuan, and give him a total of two hundred yuan.

That's right, let's do it. 0.4

Lao Zhang also rode his small bicycle and drove over there along the road on the river.

He saw more and more people rushing to Lao Jiang's house, and many people were answering the phone while walking.

It seems... it's the people at home who called them over.

"Come on, we'll be there soon"

"Is it really as exaggerated as you said? Is a meal really that delicious?"

"You didn't lie to us, did you?"

""Okay, okay, we're almost there, don't rush us!"

Seeing everyone rushing to run, Lao Zhang also perfectly demonstrated what it means to be old and strong, and he quickened his pace.

It's okay for one person, but so many people said so, even if the food doesn't taste particularly good, it's definitely not bad.

He ran like crazy, and finally arrived outside the Jiang family's door ten minutes later. The scene that came into his eyes made him completely confused!


The old man couldn't help but swear.

Why are there so many people?

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