The setting sun was high in the sky, and the evening glow was in full bloom.

The orange-yellow light was like a tide, surging endlessly, flowing through the vast wilderness.

The whole world was dotted with a dazzling and bright color.

About an hour later, the car left the city and stepped into the country road.

There were green mountains and green waters on both sides, and the view was lush and majestic.

The mood of both people became much more relaxed.

Jiang Xue opened the window, and the oncoming breeze brought bursts of floral and leaf fragrance.

The warm sunset in the sky quietly slapped the girl's beautiful profile.

The smile on her face looked even better.

I don't know if it was my illusion.

Jiang Chen always felt that Jiang Xue now seemed to be more beautiful than before.


Jiang Family

""Xiao Zhao!"

Jiang Shaolong said anxiously,"Will the chef you hired come today? It's almost afternoon, why haven't we seen any trace of them yet?"

"If it really doesn't work, you can call him and tell him not to come, I'll just find a chef in our village."

Every village has a chef who is responsible for preparing banquets for weddings and funerals.

Their cooking skills are self-evident.

Although they are not as good as Jiang Chen, they are much better than the chefs in ordinary hotels.

Many people in the countryside, even if they have money, prefer to hire chefs in the village when they hold weddings and funerals.

They are unwilling to go to hotels.

There are many kinds of food in hotels, but the taste is far worse than their own.

"Don't worry."

Xiao Zhao said to Jiang Shaolong:"I have just sent him a message, he said he will be here in half an hour at most."

"Let us prepare the ingredients. Don't worry, his cooking skills will satisfy you."

"I guarantee that after he does this, from now on, everyone in the village will come to him for help."

"But his price is a bit high, it costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan to hold a show"


Jiang Xiaotian had not told Jiang Shaolong about Jiang Chen's price before.

When he suddenly got this answer from Xiao Zhao, his whole body trembled.

He said in disbelief:"Why is his fee so expensive? In our village, one person only charges 5,000 or 6,000 yuan."

"He's paying three times more than that?"

Xiao Zhao said quickly,"Don't worry, you get what you pay for. When he comes, you'll know that the ten thousand yuan is well worth it."


Jiang Shaolong couldn't help asking,"You have a lot of money, how come you don't know about such an important thing? Discuss it with me in advance?"

Obviously, facing everything his son did, Jiang Shaolong was very angry and particularly dissatisfied.


Jiang Xiaotian smiled awkwardly and said,"Isn't it that I trust my cousin? Since he said that the chef's cooking skills are very good, it must be not bad."

"As long as our fellow villagers can really enjoy their meals, more than ten thousand yuan is a good deal. We have already spent so much money, so we don’t mind taking a little more."

Jiang Shaolong snorted coldly, without saying anything, he retreated to the lobby inside with his crutches.

About ten minutes later, a luxury car drove into the village. The moment Xiao Zhao saw the car, his eyes lit up and he hurried forward. After looking forward to them for a long time, they finally came. As soon as Jiang Chen and Jiang Xue got out of the car, Xiao Zhao ran up to them with an anxious look on his face and said,"Chef Jiang, you are finally here."

Jiang Xue said apologetically,"I'm sorry, the scenery along the way is so beautiful, we two found it very interesting, so we played for a while halfway."

"It's okay, Chef Xiao Jiang has already prepared the ingredients for you, and it's up to you to work hard from now on."

"Please hurry up, the guests can't wait any longer."

"no problem."

Jiang Chen nodded gently, and walked into the kitchen with Jiang Xue.

When Jiang Xiaotian saw the two of them, his eyes widened and he stood at the door in a daze, unable to react.

The guests in the main hall were also a little puzzled.

The man and woman just now were actually cooks?

They are so beautiful, they can be stars?

It is really hard to believe that such young people have such high cooking skills!

In their village, middle-aged men between 30 and 40 years old are usually doing this kind of banquet work.

Most young people are unwilling to learn such skills. On the other hand, even if they really learn it, their cooking skills are not good enough.

The food for the banquet is more particular about the taste. It does not need to be particularly delicious, but it must not be bad. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!) If the dishes for the banquet are not delicious, it is easy to be criticized in the countryside.

Therefore, every household pays more attention to it.

Jiang Shaolong walked out of the house again.

He coughed twice and said,"Xiao Zhao, why do I feel that the two chefs you found are less and less reliable?"

"They are really good looking, probably in their early twenties, right? So young, even if they started learning to cook at the age of eleven or twelve, they have only been learning for seven or eight years."

"Can he cook for so many people at once?"

Xiao Zhao patted his chest and said,"Don't worry, he can cook for the one or two hundred prisoners in our prison, let alone these few guests."

Jiang Shaolong:"……"

Oh my god!

So this is the prison cook? []

You really... are you kidding us?

Are you kidding me?

Jiang Shaolong sighed and said,"No, I must go to the kitchen to take a look. What if he……"

As he said this, he leaned on his cane and just came to the kitchen door. The scene that came into his eyes made him stunned.

At this moment, Jiang Chen had already peeled the potato skins and was cutting the potato shreds!

Most of the guests who came on the first day were the man's relatives, so the dishes were relatively simple, not as many as the main banquet, probably only seven or eight dishes.

Four meat dishes and four vegetarian dishes!

Whether it is meat dishes or vegetarian dishes, they are quite common. If it is the main banquet that night, the number of dishes varies according to different local customs.

But generally there are between sixteen and more than twenty dishes!

Each dish is quite exquisite.

An ordinary kitchen knife flew up and down in Jiang Chen's hand, flashing with light, looking like a martial arts drama.

Even at a distance of several meters, Jiang Shaolong could feel the gusts of cold wind generated by Jiang Chen's knife rotating at high speed!

After a moment, his knife fell on the chopping board, and the sound of ping-pong was particularly clear.

One by one, the whole potatoes were cut into shreds by him and piled up on the chopping board quite neatly and evenly.

Each potato shred is a rectangular block, and the thickness is almost the same, just right. If it is too thin, it will easily lead to too much starch secretion.

When you stir-fry the sauce, it will stick to the pan, and the taste will be weird, not delicious at all.

If it is too thick, it will not be easy to fry, and the taste will not be very good.

Therefore, the thickness of the potato shreds is more particular.

This is also the secret of whether the authentic green pepper potato shreds can be made refreshing.

Jiang Shaolong and Jiang Xiaotian, two (rich) people standing at the door, were stunned.

Let’s not talk about how good Jiang Chen’s cooking is, just the knife skills he just showed are enough to make many chefs ashamed.

Anyway, in the ten miles and eight villages, they have not seen any chef whose knife function is half as good as his.

This is a bit awesome!

After cutting the potato shreds and green peppers, you can stir-fry them next.

Jiang Chen poured oil into the big pot, and when the oil was about 80% hot, he put the chopped garlic in.

The rich fragrance instantly filled the kitchen, and then put in the chopped green peppers.

It only takes a few seconds to stir fry, and then add the shredded potatoes.

Then proceed to the next step of stir frying.

The taste of the green pepper and the shredded potatoes was stimulated little by little as Jiang Chen stir-fried them back and forth, and finally merged.

The taste of both is quite mellow and rich, and it is difficult to distinguish between them, which makes people's mouths water.

Jiang Shaolong's mouth gradually widened, and his eyes stared at Jiang Chen without blinking - the green pepper and potato shreds being stir-fried in the pot.

Although it has not been completely fried yet, the smell has already whetted people's appetite.

Good, so fragrant..

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