Xiao Zhao was not surprised by Jiang Xiaotian's reaction.

At first, they all had doubts about Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

When someone kept emphasizing in front of them how delicious the other person's cooking was, they all thought that person was crazy. Do prisoners in prison deserve to eat delicious food?

To put it another way, even if they deserve it...

How could a chef who can make delicious food actually go to prison?

Isn't that just a joke?

Just find a small restaurant and be a chef or apply for a job in a star-rated hotel. Isn't the monthly salary higher than that?

But the really outrageous and bizarre thing is that Jiang Chen actually stayed in prison willingly.

He worked diligently and conscientiously every day and did not complain about the prison meals.

Not only did it improve the living standards of the prisoners, but it also increased their crime-solving rate.

The most important thing is...

Xiao Zhao and the others also benefited from it.

If it weren't for the fact that he and Jiang Xiaotian had a good relationship, and the two had grown up together and wished they could wear the same pants.

He would not have taken the initiative to call and invite Jiang Chen over.

It is a blessing for others to be able to taste the dishes cooked by Jiang Chen.


Xiao Zhao patted his shoulder and said,"Don't worry, as long as you can invite him to cook, maybe your girlfriend won't even ask for a dowry."

"Such delicious food can’t be bought with money."

Seeing Xiao Zhao being so serious, Jiang Xiaotian16 felt a little unsure.

What if his cousin was playing a trick on him, and the chef who came to cook was not good enough, wouldn’t the neighbors in the surrounding villages stab him in the back?

The atmosphere in the countryside can be said to be good or bad.

As long as you don’t do anything to let everyone down, you will definitely get along well with each other.

But... once you don’t perform well in some aspects, countless people will attack you.

The villagers attach great importance to the banquets for weddings and funerals.

If the taste is really not good, others will probably be reluctant to pay the money.

They will feel uncomfortable and say a few words behind his back, that is a foregone conclusion.

Jiang Xiaotian will have to live in the countryside for a long time in the future, and he doesn’t want such a situation to happen

"Cousin, we have been friends since we were little. I trust you very much. You must not let me down."

"If his cooking skills are not good, I, your cousin, will lose face."

"Don't worry."

He patted Jiang Xiaotian on the shoulder and said,"I promise in front of you that your wife will definitely feel that it is worth it to follow you for the rest of her life after she comes to eat this meal."

"Don't worry about my eyes!"

"When has your cousin ever lied to you? Haven't you noticed that I've gained a few pounds recently?"

"It's because the food in our police station is so good. I wake up every night because of the smell."

After hearing what the other party said, Jiang Xiaotian couldn't help but look at Xiao Zhao.

What he said just now was indeed the truth!

Xiao Zhao has gained a lot of weight recently!

Both his belly and arms have become thicker.

Xiao Zhao has been a policeman for several years, but in the past month, his weight has obviously increased.

Is it really because his food is good?

Forget it.

Since my cousin has guaranteed it, it can't be that bad.

"OK, I'll go back and prepare a red envelope for the cook. Thank you for your help, cousin."

"piece of cake"


At the same time, Jiang Xiaotian's girlfriend's home


Mother-in-law Yang Meifang crossed her legs, slapped the table with dissatisfaction in her eyes and said,"This is simply outrageous. You are from our county town. I am willing to let you marry to the countryside. It is already a blessing for that kid's ancestors. He should burn incense to thank you."

"As a result, he planned to hold the banquet at his own home instead of in the county town!"

"A table in the county town only costs a few hundred yuan. Can't he even afford that little money for the banquet?"

"I think he just doesn't want to marry you!"

After hearing this, his girlfriend Zhou Xiaoyu hurriedly sat next to Yang Meifang and held her mother's hand.


Zhou Xiaoyu said:"I think it's good to cook a big banquet in the countryside. Think about it, if you can't finish the bread at the banquet in the city, it will just be wasted."

"But in the countryside, you can cook your own feast and stay there to eat slowly. The most important thing is... I feel that the cooking skills of the hotel are not as good as those of the rural chefs."

Yang Meifang snorted coldly and said,"What do you know?"

"Do you think that the wedding banquet is just for eating?"

"My dear daughter, why don’t you understand such a simple truth?"

"I tell you, people live by their face and trees live by their skin. The most important thing for people in this world is nothing more than the word face. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Originally, when you married to the countryside, your aunts and uncles were very opposed to it. They even scolded me, thinking that I was not thoughtful enough."

"I couldn’t find a good home for you!"

"As a result, the poor boy Jiang Xiaotian is going further and further and is even unwilling to plan banquets in the city!"

"What good food is there in the countryside? I don't believe the chef he hired can be as good as a hotel chef."

"You have to give him a call anyway. You have to come to the city no matter what. I will not agree to his request no matter which chef he hires."

"Do you really think that our Zhou family has no face?"

Zhou Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed and asked quickly:"Mom, is it me who is getting married or you?"

"I am your daughter, and what you should be thinking about now is how can I make me happy?"

"Xiaotian and I are truly in love. He has met most of your requests. When you asked for a betrothal gift of 180,000 yuan, no one even blinked an eye."

"I looked for people everywhere to help me raise the 180,000 yuan for the betrothal gift!"[]

"It's just a small matter now, why are you still making a fuss here?"

"I'm telling you this today. I don't like banquets in hotels. There are many varieties, but the taste is not that good."

"It's fine to hire a master in the countryside. If you keep making trouble, I'll be really angry."

Seeing her daughter's tough attitude, Yang Meifang was a little confused.

She didn't expect her daughter to go against her?

"Xiaoyu you……"

"Stop talking."

She interrupted her mother and said,"I just like to have a feast in the countryside, what's wrong with that?"

"I think it's okay. If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Seeing her daughter enter her room, Yang Meifang slapped the table with her hand, feeling unhappy. She really didn't understand what her daughter was thinking.

How could cooking a big feast in the countryside be as good as eating in a hotel?

What's more, it's not very face-saving!

Such a simple truth, couldn't she understand it?


"Have you packed your things?"

Jiang Chen, who was sitting in the car, urged Jiang Xue upstairs,"Hurry up, according to the custom in the countryside, we should go there on Thursday to start cooking slowly after the main meal on Saturday night."

In the countryside, it usually takes two to three days to have a meal.

The purpose is to make it lively and prosperous on July 30.

This is also the biggest difference between booking a banquet in the countryside and booking a banquet in a hotel.

It is indeed troublesome to book a banquet in the countryside, but it is more enjoyable to eat.

More importantly, the lively time can last for a long time. If it is in a hotel... just eat the main meal on the day, and the rest of the time you can just make do with it.

"Here I come, here I come."

Jiang Xue trotted down from upstairs, sat in the car and wiped the sweat off her forehead.

"Can you please stop rushing me in the future?"

Jiang Xue couldn't help but said,"Don't you see that I haven't even put on my makeup?"

"You are pretty, you don't need to put on makeup, you look better without makeup."

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up.

She looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jiang Xue held her cheek with her hand and couldn't help laughing:"I was wondering if the sun rose from the west today?"

"But I remember very clearly that you never said such things before!"

"In the past, two out of three sentences you said were inaudible, and only half of the remaining sentence was inaudible?"

"Either you are arguing with me or you are on your way to arguing with me? Why, have you changed recently?"

Jiang Chen was stunned for a while and couldn't answer.

Even he himself didn't notice this subtle change.

Maybe... he had noticed Jiang Xue's beauty from the bottom of his heart in the past few days.

"Stop talking."

Jiang Chen stretched his body and said,"Let's not waste time, let's get going!"

"Dele!" Jiang Xue stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away like a sword from a string, galloping on the road.

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