Meng Haiyang nodded.

He could now imagine how much of a shock the other party had just received.

As a chef, Lao Xu must know how difficult it is to cook dishes like Jiang Chen's.

Originally, Lao Xu was a silver medalist in the Dragon Country Chef Competition, so one could imagine how good his cooking skills were.

He took out his phone and dialed Jiang Chen's number.

After a moment, his voice came from the other end.

"Is there something wrong, Director?"

Director Meng said with a smile:"Um... Chef Xiao Jiang, where are you now? Is it convenient for Fang to come over?"

"We have a Sichuan chef here who wants to meet you?"

Jiang Chen on the other end did not speak.

He paused for a moment and replied,"No time."

Director Meng was stunned. He sighed helplessly and hung up the phone. He said to Lao Xu,"I'm so sorry, my little brother said he doesn't have time now, I'm afraid he can't come to see you."

"It's okay, it's okay."

Lao Xu waved his right hand and said,"A master like him would never condescend to come and see me."

"If anyone wants to see him, I will go to see him. Just tell me where he is and I will go find him right away!"

"It's in the back kitchen of our prison cell."

Director Meng said:"You'll know if you go over and take a look. He's very young, probably in his early twenties."

"The boy is also very handsome"


Old Xu's eyes widened to the limit, his whole body was stiff, his eyes were full of shock.

He couldn't believe the answer he heard?

Was he mistaken?

He was only in his early twenties, but he had such cooking skills?

It was unbelievable!

Was it true or false?

"You, are you telling the truth?"

He said calmly,"Why would I lie to you? Of course I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, come and see with me."

"No, no problem."

Now Lao Xu's scalp was numb.

Really, he thought it was too unbelievable.

He started cooking when he was seven or eight years old, and it has been sixty years now.

He thought that his cooking skills, even if they could not be said to be unparalleled in the world, were definitely unmatched by anyone.

As a result, a little Jiang Chen slapped him in the face.

He was very unhappy!

What's more important is... others are only in their early twenties! Cooking skills and medical skills are gradually becoming higher with age and time!

There is no specific routine for these two things, and it depends on a person's talent and perception!

Even if he knew how to cook since birth, it would only take him 10 to 20 years!

Even if he was extremely talented, he could only be on par with him, right?


Lao Xu was simply beaten by Jiang Chen.

This couldn't help but make him a little excited!

About 20 minutes later, Lao Xu came to the outside of Jiang Chen's room.

Director Meng pushed the door open, and Lao Xu walked in with a very respectful attitude.

Although he had made enough psychological preparations, when he really saw Jiang Chen. He was still shocked.

I know you are young, but why are you so young?

The most important thing is that you are still very handsome.

Is there any justice?

"Are you Chef Xiao Jiang?"

Jiang Chen, who was drinking tea on the chair, put down the teacup, raised his head slightly, glanced at her, and nodded gently.

""That's right."

Lao Xu came to Jiang Chen and grabbed his right hand, his eyes full of excitement.

""Chef Xiao Jiang!"

Lao Xu couldn't help but ask,"Who did you learn this cooking skill from? How come you are so good at it?""

"Can you teach me how to make your spicy chicken? It's so delicious!"

"The old man thought his cooking skills were great, but when he met Chef Jiang, he realized that there are always people who are better than you!"

He was so excited that his voice was even a little choked.


In Jiang Chen's opinion, the other party's performance was a bit too exaggerated.

It's just a meal, right?

Why was he so excited ?

"Just do it according to the ordinary method, and be careful enough when doing it!"

"Enough attention?!"

Old Xu looked at Jiang Chen, his slightly cloudy eyes sparkling with light, and then he carefully savored the words he said. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

However... in Meng Haiyang's opinion, what Jiang Chen said just now was purely fooling Old Xu.

He may not have even thought about passing on his real skills to the other party.

Jiang Chen's cooking skills have reached such a level, so he must have his tricks.

If he tells his tricks to others, then wouldn't his cooking skills be spread out in vain in the future? [] It will have a bad impact on his skills and reputation.

Anyone who is a little bit normal will definitely not do such a thing!

Meng Haiyang patted Old Xu on the shoulder and said,"How is it, Chef Jiang has also seen it, you can leave with me now, right?"

Lao Xu did not speak. His expression was quite serious. He lowered his head silently, and kept repeating the words Jiang Chen said.

Be careful enough!

Is this the secret to making a good meal?

In Meng Haiyang's opinion, Jiang Chen was fooling him.

But for Lao Xu, perhaps what he just said was the truth!

Jiang Chen continued:"When you cook, just cook. There is nothing else in your eyes, no reputation, no medals, and no other people's evaluation."

"You just need to focus all your time and energy on the food in front of you!"

"By then, the food you cook will taste pretty good!"

"As long as you put your heart into it, you can do well in cooking or doing other things!"


The old man's body trembled slightly.

Jiang Chen's last words had a great impact on him, like a revelation. As long as you put your heart into it, you can do anything well?!

Thinking carefully about Jiang Chen, what he said just now was indeed true.

Every time he cooked, he always had distracting thoughts in his mind, thinking all the time, what would others think after eating his food?

Compared to cooking itself, he cared more about how others would eat it?

But he never thought that cooking itself should be a great enjoyment for a chef!

He turned to pursue other things, and from that moment on he no longer put his heart into it!

How can you make good food without putting your heart into it!

Old Xu looked at Jiang Chen with a shocked face.

He couldn't believe that such profound words were said by a young man in his early twenties. You can do everything well with your heart!


Lao Xu came to Jiang Chen, grasped his right hand, and said sincerely:"Thank you for your teaching just now, I will keep your words in mind!"

"Don't worry, I will never let you down."

After the words fell, Lao Xu was very excited and rushed out of the kitchen.

Only Meng Haiyang was left standing there in confusion.

What did Jiang Chen just say?!

Why did he feel... that what the other party said sounded mysterious? He was basically fooling others!

But in Lao Xu's opinion, it was like finding a treasure!

It seemed that he had made some very important discovery?!

He really couldn't understand it!

"Chef Jiang."

He came to Jiang Chen and said,"I never thought that you are not only good at cooking, but also good at fooling people?"

"Even an old man in his 50s or 60s was fooled by you?"

Jiang Chen said seriously:"I didn't fool him, I was telling the truth."

With the help of the system, Jiang Chen's cooking skills improved by leaps and bounds.

During this period of work, he understood a truth!

In fact, the biggest help the system brought him was that it taught him to be attentive!

Every time Jiang Chen was cooking, everything in the world seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Only the food in front of him was left!

When a person's state is completely integrated with the surrounding food, no matter how bad his cooking skills are, they are not that bad.

Ding - at this moment, Jiang Chen's cell phone rang.

As soon as the call was connected, a familiar voice came from the other end.

"Chef Xiao Jiang, my name is Xiao Zhao. I would like to ask if you are free this Saturday?"

"Can you come back to the countryside with me? I would like to ask you to prepare a grand banquet for my cousin’s wedding?"

"Don't worry, your contribution is absolutely indispensable for the red envelope"

I love you:

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