The aroma was not particularly strong through a door.

But it made people hungry.

Zhuge Tian was not a cook, he just thought it smelled good.

It made him want to eat it.

His mouth was secreting saliva, and he swallowed subconsciously, his throat and abdomen were churning. He was like this before he saw the dish, so if he really saw it later, he would probably be unable to control himself.

Zhuge Tian's curiosity was completely aroused. What kind of dish is it? Can it produce such a strange and unexpected aroma?! The Sichuan chef Lao Xu next to him was even more shocked. As the saying goes, an expert can tell whether a dish is good or not as soon as it is served.

He has been a chef for decades, and his research in this area is naturally better than that of ordinary people.

He has also won international awards.

It is easier to judge the quality of a dish.

How does it taste? Sometimes you don't need to taste it yourself, just smell the aroma and see the color, and you can get a rough idea.

The aroma of this dish is extremely special, different from any dish he has seen before.

It seemed to be spicy diced chicken.


it didn't just taste like spicy diced chicken.

What really puzzled him was that this special aroma was not emitted by different dishes, but by one dish.

One dish had two aromas that complemented each other, worked well with each other, and didn't conflict with each other.

It was really rare.

In his decades of career as a chef, he had never seen such a dish.

Lao Xu was a little impatient.

He wanted to see what kind of mystery was behind that dish today.

He pushed the door open without saying a word and rushed in.

There were not many dishes on the table today, only six dishes and one soup in total.

Anyway, it was enough for the three of them.

It would be a waste to make too much!

The six dishes were spicy diced chicken, pork with preserved vegetables, Dongpo pork, stir-fried cabbage, stir-fried water spinach, and spicy and sour shredded potatoes.

The soup was corn and pork ribs soup!

The presentation of each dish was quite delicate, and the colors were particularly beautiful, giving people the feeling of a work of art.

It even made people feel like they couldn't bear to taste it.

But his fragrance was so tempting that it was impossible to resist.

Lao Xu slowly came to a table of dishes, his eyes fell, and he didn't move away for a long time.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and greedily captured the fragrance in the air.

The feeling of this fragrance...

It's really amazing!

When several dishes are placed together, generally speaking, the fragrance is too strong, evaporating in the air, and will mix with each other, and then it will not smell good.

But the dishes made by Jiang Chen are very magical.

Each fragrance is competing for beauty, but it is definitely not overwhelming, and it is not difficult to distinguish.

The feeling of each dish is very good!

No, I can't help it.

Zhuge Tian next to him suddenly rushed forward.

He was attracted by the fragrance of spicy chicken outside.

He quickly took out a pair of chopsticks, carefully picked up a piece of chicken, and put it into his mouth slowly with a sense of ritual.

The chicken was very tender, but the surface was fried golden.

The moment it was put into the mouth, a faint numbing taste came, followed by the spicy aroma.

There was also a little bit of pepper flavor.

Each kind of smell was indistinguishable and entangled together, bringing an extraordinary enjoyment to the tongue, lips and teeth.

He took a light bite.

The rich and fragrant juice burst out from the chicken cubes, swaying back and forth in the mouth, and it was so delicious that it made people want to cry.

His scalp was numb and his whole body was trembling with excitement!

How could it be so fragrant!

It must be so delicious, right?!

Originally, I thought that Lao Xu's cooking skills were already amazing enough, but now compared with Jiang Chen, the gap between the two is too big!

They are not on the same level at all.

No wonder Bai Xiaotong and the others felt that Lao Xu's dishes were quite ordinary after eating them, and even couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

That's not them deliberately bragging!

The difference in the skills of the two is huge.

Obviously, the raw materials used are similar, and even the color of the appearance looks almost the same.


why is the taste so different?!

Jiang Chen's is far better.

He picked up another piece of pork with preserved vegetables, which is one of his favorite dishes to eat with rice.

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) When the chopsticks landed on the pork with preserved vegetables, he felt that the meat on the preserved vegetables seemed to be shaking and trembling slightly.

It seemed that it would fall off the plate at any time, like jelly.

It can be seen that the pork with preserved vegetables must have been steamed for a long time.

There is no doubt about the taste!

He slowly picked up the pork with preserved vegetables and put it in his mouth.

Waves of fragrance came, and the fragrance of preserved vegetables had been completely integrated into the meat.

The two are perfectly matched!

[] The meat has a good taste.

It will melt instantly with a slight pressure of the tongue.

It is perfect to the point of melting in the mouth.

But the surface layer of skin is still slightly elastic and chewy, which makes people feel two different feelings.


If I had known, I would have come here last time.

It would be a great pity to eat such delicious food one day late!

He finally understood why his brothers were so eager to stay in their police station.

If it were me, he would definitely not want to leave!

He quickly added another big bowl of rice, and wolfed down the dishes in front of him.

Lao Xu next to him was a cook.

No matter how good the food tasted, he would always remain calm.

He slowly picked up a piece of spicy chicken, slowly put it into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and felt the delicious taste.

Ordinary people eat to taste the taste, but as a cook, when tasting the food cooked by others, he has to carefully consider it.

How is the heat control of this dish?

What kind of thoughts and ideas did the cook have when he was cooking?

Also, what is the secret of this dish being so delicious?

As an experienced chef, Lao Xu could easily come up with the above series of answers when he tasted any dish before.

But... today when he tasted Jiang Chen's cooking, he was surprised to find that... he couldn't taste it at all.

He just felt that the taste was extremely good, so delicious that it made people want to cry.

But why can he cook so deliciously, he couldn't figure it out now.

This made Lao Xu very confused.

What kind of chef did he meet?

After eating several dishes in a row, Lao Xu still couldn't figure out the answer. He couldn't figure out what the secret of Jiang Chen's delicious cooking was.

After thinking carefully for a long time, he simply broke the jar and broke it.

If he couldn't figure it out, he wouldn't think about it.

Isn't the most important thing for a dish to be delicious?

He also opened his belly and devoured it without saying a word.

He swept every dish on the table with the momentum of a whirlwind.

After eating almost everything, Lao Xu put the chopsticks and bowl aside with satisfaction.

He couldn't help but sigh:"It has been at least six or seven years since I had such a good meal."

"Me, me too!"

Zhuge Tian next to him couldn't stop eating at all, and ate even harder than before.

He finally understood Tang Tianhao's choice.

At this moment, Zhuge Tian felt a little regretful, but also a little fortunate. He regretted that he shouldn't have come, and was fortunate that he came.

He probably wouldn't be able to go back after coming here.

But if he didn't come, he probably would never have the chance to eat such delicious food in his life.

What really made him speechless was that such an awesome chef was still cooking in prison.

It was simply unfair!

The three of them ate up the six dishes and one soup, leaving nothing behind.

After they finished eating, Lao Xu stood up and walked in front of Meng Haiyang, bowing deeply to him. Meng Haiyang was a little confused when he saw this scene. He didn't understand what he was doing at all.

"Old man, you are……"

"Director Meng."

The old man said sincerely:"I have a small request, I hope Director Meng agrees"

"Could you let me see the little chef?"

"I want to ask him how he made a dish so delicious.

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