Tang Tianhao is a man who loves work.

He did not forget Zhuge Tian's instructions before he left.

He asked him to come here not only to bring Bai Xiaotong and others back, but most importantly to learn advanced management experience from Meng Haiyang. The original status and crime-solving rate of their police station have always been hovering around the bottom, and they have not made any outstanding contributions.

But... in just half a year, their performance has made people look at them with admiration.

They must have grasped some mystery, which led to this situation.

"Director Meng."

Tang Tianhao asked:"Under your leadership, the Tianlong Public Security Bureau has solved three major cases in a row in just half a year and arrested several Class A wanted criminals."

"This makes us admire you very much. Our Director Zhuge asked me to come over and ask you, no, no, no, I should say to ask you"

"Why you can……"

Before he could finish his words, Bai Xiaotong took the initiative to step forward and said seriously:"Team Leader Xiao Tang, you don't need to ask. We haven't just been eating these days."

"I have already found out what is the secret of their ability to solve cases so quickly?"

Tang Tianhao looked at him curiously.

"It's the prison food."

When Bai Xiaotong said this, her eyes lit up, her beautiful face was full of excitement, and she was obviously yearning.

Saliva flowed from the corners of her mouth, and she looked very hungry.

Seeing Bai Xiaotong's performance, Tang Tianhao's mouth twitched slightly!

Damn, it can't be so exaggerated, right?

Tang Tianhao would definitely not believe what they said. Do you really think you are so easy to fool?

The food in the prison has nothing to do with solving the case.

It's unbelievable!


Tang Tianhao said:"You have no right to speak here, stand aside"

"Comrade Bai Xiaotong, what you said is true."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mao Guan also ran up and grabbed his right hand.

He said excitedly:"Let me tell you, the braised pork elbow we ate yesterday was so tender and bouncy, and the skin tasted so good. It was such a pity that you didn't come yesterday, otherwise……"

"Shut up!"

Tang Tianhao was a little disappointed.

He didn't know why Meng Haiyang and his police station could improve the crime-solving rate in a short period of time.

But he could figure out why their police station had not made any progress.

With such a group of stupid brothers, what great achievements can you expect?!

Every day, your head is filled with food or drink. We were obviously talking about business, but now you keep repeating in front of me how delicious the braised pork elbow is.

What's the matter?

Do we have to give an award to the chef who cooks in the prison?

Officer Mao stepped aside.

Meng Haiyang sighed and said,"Comrade Xiao Tang, what they said just now is exactly what I wanted to tell you. In fact, strictly speaking, they are really not wrong."

"Is it true or false? You will know if you stay here and try it at noon today."

Tang Tianhao nodded with a smile.

In order to find out the secret behind it, he had to stay here at noon today.

By then... he, Tang Tianhao, would use his sharp eyes and judgment to completely deny Meng Haiyang's lies.

As long as Meng Haiyang was exposed, Tang Tianhao had reason to believe that he would never be embarrassed to hide his lies in front of him again.

After all, everyone is serving the people and wants to improve their efficiency in solving cases.

As long as he begged again and again, Meng Haiyang would definitely say that he would not use the delicious food to perfunctorily fool him.



In the past month or so, with the help of the prisoners in the police station prison, they have gained a lot of clues that they had never imagined.

They have solved many major cases.

The most influential ones are naturally the three previous cases, but there are also countless small cases.

There are even some old cases that have been sealed for many years, and they are ready to give up the investigation.

As a result, someone suddenly jumped out and provided them with more important clues.

Then the case was solved!

They solved more than 10 or 20 cases in more than a month, and every police officer in the Criminal Team 3 was very tired.

Now they have already become the ace team in the Tianlong Public Security Bureau!

They have been highly appreciated and recognized by the higher-ups.

And now Jiang Chen... has become the well-deserved lucky star in the minds of everyone in the Criminal Team 3.

One case or two cases is fine, and it can be explained by coincidence and luck.

But every case is like this, which is a manifestation of his real strength.

Jiang Xue has been very busy before, and now she finally has time to rest. She doesn't go anywhere every day, and follows Jiang Chen to work in the kitchen.

Serving him tea, peeling garlic, cutting some onions, these are all insignificant little things, but they make her happy from the bottom of her heart.

She feels fulfilled and happy every day.

How does the saying go?

The smell of fireworks in the world soothes people's hearts!

"Old classmate."

Jiang Xue stood beside Jiang Chen, raised her head, and looked at him tenderly. Stars twinkled in her beautiful eyes, and her face was full of smiles.

"What are we going to eat for lunch today?"

Jiang Chen replied,"Didn't you say before that you like to eat beef stewed with potatoes?"

"I will make you beef stew with potatoes today."

Whether it was the prisoners in the prison or the people in the Criminal Investigation Team 3, they were all taking advantage of Jiang Xue.

It was Jiang Xue who took the initiative to pay for the corresponding ingredients. She wanted to eat it herself, so Jiang Chen would make it.

Jiang Xue's eyes lit up, and she remembered that not long ago, it seemed that she did tell Jiang Chen unintentionally, but she didn't take it seriously. As a result, he arranged it today.

"Old classmates."

Jiang Xue was a little touched. She looked at Jiang Chen with tears in her eyes and said,"You are too good to me, right? Did you make potato beef specially for me?""

"Not entirely."

Jiang Xue asked disappointedly:"I knew that a straight man like you could suddenly have such a delicate mind?"

"I might... be doing it for my future girlfriend too!"

"Your future girlfriend, you……"

Before Jiang Xue finished her words, her graceful body suddenly froze there, and her extremely beautiful face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. It turned red all the way to her ears, making her look even more charming and beautiful, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes away.

"You are not honest at all, you are taking advantage of me!"

After saying that, Jiang Xue stepped aside and started peeling garlic by herself.

Jiang Chen, who saw this scene, was slightly stunned and did not react.

Wasn't Jiang Xue quite outspoken when she spoke in front of him before?

How come... she suddenly seemed to become very shy?!

It's really puzzling!

Why did she become a different person after that?

Jiang Xue felt as if her heartbeat had accelerated a lot. She speeded up the work in her hands and tried not to let herself think too much.

Although Jiang Xue is extremely beautiful and has many suitors, she is now 22 years old and has never been in a relationship. She has never even touched a boy's hand!

He grew up in a wealthy family, and his parents gave him enough love. In addition, he had a monthly pocket money that many people could not earn in several years. It is very difficult to pursue Jiang Xue, so most boys give up after a few days.���step, and finally let go.

They also know the gap with Jiang Xue!

But after more than a month of getting along with Jiang Chen, he made delicious food for her every day, plus he was handsome, gentle, and had a nice voice...

It was hard not to fall for him!

Before, she didn't have any strong feelings for Jiang Chen, and she could act calm when he occasionally teased her.

But recently...

It seems that there is really a little bit of that... (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Jiang Chen said those words, she actually felt a little shy

"Hurry up!"

Jiang Chen said without turning his head,"There is only one hour left before dinner."

"Got it."

Putting the beef bought in advance on the chopping board, Jiang Chen's knife flashed up and down, the light was dazzling, and the sound of ping-pong came from the chopping board.

Jiang Xue looked at his busy figure standing in front of the stove, her beautiful eyes could not move away, and she just watched quietly.

Not long after, the beef was cut, and then put it aside for later use.

Then came the potatoes that had been peeled in advance, and it was still a set of smooth operations, cutting them into even-sized pieces.

After finishing the potatoes, put the beef in the pot, add water, ginger, scallions and cooking wine.

Jiang Chen turned on the high heat again.[]

After the water boils, remove the layer of foam on the surface.

There are two pots in the kitchen, one of which is used to cook beef, and the other is used by Jiang Chen, who has added a lot of oil.

After the oil boils, put the potatoes in. After about seven or eight minutes, the potato skin becomes golden and crispy, and waves of fragrance fill the house.

When it is completely golden, you can remove the potatoes.

Stir-fry the beef that has been cooked and put aside to dry. At this time, the aroma of the beef is also floating in the house.

It is indistinguishable from the aroma of the potatoes, and it is simply a great enjoyment to smell.

Then add onions, ginger, garlic, star anise, dried peppers, dried chili peppers, bay leaves, and cinnamon to stir-fry.

At this time, the aroma of the beef is getting stronger and stronger.

Jiang Xue, who is hungry, can't wait to stand by the pot. This is almost the case every time she cooks.

When the meal is almost ready, Jiang Xue will look at the pot with anticipation, wanting to take out a piece and taste it as soon as the dish is ready.

She greedily took a deep breath, and the rich aroma of beef completely awakened her internal organs and taste buds.

It smells great!

You can tell it's delicious at first glance.

Then he added bean paste, beef hot pot base, cooking wine, salt, sugar and soy sauce.

Then turn the high heat to low heat and simmer for about forty to fifty minutes.

As it simmered slowly over low heat, the pot kept making gurgling sounds, and the lid that was originally on the pot began to jump slightly.

As if it would be ready at any time, bursts of rich and fresh aroma kept coming out of the pot.

Jiang Xue watched intently, already a little impatient.

Give it to her quickly, give it to her quickly!

"Old classmate, I want it so much! I want it now!"

"Don't be in a hurry."

Jiang Chen looked at the pot calmly and said,"Let's wait for a while, there are only a few minutes left."

The heat of the potato stewed with beef still needs time, and it must be firmly controlled. Don't rush for it.

Otherwise, the potatoes and beef will not be fully flavored, and it will feel like eating two dishes, without the same flavor.

The potato beef will not taste good in that way.

Jiang Xue was about to cry in a hurry.

It's so greedy!

After about two or three minutes, Jiang Chen felt that the time was almost up, so he walked forward and opened the lid of the pot.

The aroma that came to her face made Jiang Xue's face show an intoxicated look.

It looks and feels great!

She couldn't wait to take out a pair of chopsticks and quickly picked up a piece of potato. Even though it was still very hot, she still had no time to care and put it directly in. Mouth.

After a long time of stewing, the fresh aroma of the beef has been completely integrated into the soup. The red color and bright soup are mixed with potatoes. The perfect combination of the two flavors, fresh and fragrant, with a light spicy taste, makes people feel particularly satisfied.

Jiang Xue completely forgot that the potatoes were hot.

Great, it tastes great!

Then, she added another piece of beef. After simmering it over low heat, the aroma of the beef was just right, but it was not stewed too much.

The meat is still very tender, and the soup is particularly abundant. The moment you put it in your mouth, you can clearly feel the thick juice splashing out of the meat.���

It spreads back and forth in the mouth, and the fragrance is so delicious that it makes people speechless!

It's really delicious!

"Old classmate, you are so nice to me!"

Jiang Xue said while eating:"Hurry up and give me a bowl of rice!"

Jiang Chen smiled, touched Jiang Xue's head with his hand, and nodded gently in agreement.

"No problem."

Not long after, he handed a bowl of white rice to Jiang Xue.

The latter couldn't wait and took the rice and ate it directly.

The glutinous, fragrant, soft and tender, endless aftertaste, fragrant and particularly chewy potatoes and beef, combined with the white rice, was simply a human enjoyment.


When Tang Tianhao visited the police station, his feelings were no different from those of Bai Xiaotong and others.

In short, it was just one sentence - very confused.

He was so confused that he couldn't be more confused!

He never thought that the daily performance of the police officers in the police station was similar to theirs.

But the prisoners in the prison were like moral models.

Not only were they very obedient, but the most important thing was... they actually had military training when they had nothing to do?

Can you believe this? It was outrageous enough!

Bai Xiaotong and others didn't pay much attention to the things in the police station.

They were always discussing which dish was the most delicious? And what meals the prisoners in the prison would eat today.

This made him speechless and a little angry!

Damn, I called you to come and study, but you just want to eat every day?

Are you worthy of the clothes on your body?

Finally, ten o'clock came, and Meng Haiyang couldn't help but say:"Comrades, let's go to the prison cafeteria now." After the voice fell, Meng Haiyang, who was already fifty years old, regained his youthful vitality again, allowing everyone to perfectly see what it means to be strong at old age.

He stepped so fast that the skin on the soles of his feet was about to smoke!

He rushed to the kitchen of the prison in front!

The others followed closely behind him.

Tang Tianhao was so confused!

Is it really necessary for you to just eat a meal? They really don't have the demeanor of a policeman.

Although he was not in a hurry, he was very curious and wanted to see what they were eating.

So he didn't waste any time and quickly quickened his pace to follow them.

It didn't take long before he rushed to the corridor of the prison.

The moment he just entered, he felt as if he was hit hard by a hammer.


What is that?

Why does it smell so good?.

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