Tang Tianhao was numb from staying there.

At first, he regretted it a little, thinking that his tone was too harsh and might scare Bai Xiaotong.

She had just started working not long ago, and she didn't know much about many things, and she didn't have much experience.

It was normal to be curious about many things when going to another place to study for the first time.

He shouldn't have reprimanded her harshly!

But who would have thought... others didn't take his words to heart at all.

If he wanted to say something, he could just say it there. Anyway, she just wanted to go to work?

Tang Tianhao was very angry!

It was really too much. Did they remember their identities?

They were a group of policemen! They should always remember to serve the people forever, think about improving their professional capabilities, and strive to solve more complex and difficult cases.

But now, they don't care about anything, just eat three meals a day?

Do they deserve the police uniforms on their bodies? Tang Tianhao must scold them after he goes there.

If they don't even have this most basic self-control, what qualifications do they have to protect the lives and safety of the people?

He, Tang Tianhao, is different.

No matter how delicious the food is, he will never take a second look at it.

After all, he knows very well that a policeman must know how to resist any temptation at all times, whether it is food, drink, money, fame or beauty.

If he can't resist, he is likely to fall into an abyss of no return.

Tang Tianhao sat in the car, and the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

The role he played in the police station next door was crucial. He was an old criminal policeman with considerable experience and had solved many major cases. He was also very famous in the circle!

This time he must scold them!

Most of the time, Tang Tianhao's personality is relatively gentle, but it does not mean that he has never been angry.

If anyone really provokes him, Tang Tianhao, he will definitely not be polite.

About two hours later, Tang Tianhao finally came to the outside of the Tianlong Police Station.

He was about to go in, but was stopped by the police at the door and asked,"Hello, is there anything you need to do?"

Tang Tianhao said,"Hello, old man, can you contact Director Meng Haiyang now? I have something important to see him."

"Looking for our Chief Meng?"

The old policeman at the door took out his pager and called out twice. Not long after, he got a response from Meng Haiyang.

"Ask him to wait for a moment. I'll be there soon."

"OK, Chief Meng."

After hanging up the phone, the old policeman said,"Little brother, you heard it just now, our Chief Meng will be here soon."


He nodded, his expression quite serious, and the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he became.

He must scold Officer Mao to death later.

The others had not been working for a long time, and they still had a lot to learn and improve. It was normal for them to not be able to face the temptation of delicious food.


Officer Mao was different.

He had been working for two or three years, and had participated in relatively serious cases before, and even hovered on the edge of life and death.

He was not even afraid of death, but now he was tied here by a cook? Can you tell me if there is anything more outrageous than this?

"Isn't this Officer Tang?"

Meng Haiyang hurried out of the hall. He came to Tang Tianhao and grasped his right hand, his eyes full of approval.

Meng Haiyang had worked with Tang Tianhao about two years ago. The latter's decisiveness and ability, as well as the calmness he showed when facing a crisis, left a deep impression on him.

"What brings you here?"

Tang Tianhao sighed and said,"Director Meng, I am a little embarrassed to tell you why I came to see you today."

"What's there to be embarrassed about?"

Meng Haiyang asked,"Does your police station need to borrow our police force to help solve major cases?"

"You can rest assured about this. I will do my best to cooperate with you. We are all considering the safety of people's lives!"

He smiled awkwardly and said,"Director Meng, this is not what I want to say."

"Not this?"

Meng Haiyang asked in surprise,"What is that?""

"Didn't our police department come to study here not long ago? Before leaving, Chief Zhuge said that they would be sent back in a day at most. After all, we have a lot of cases to deal with."

"Recently, under your leadership, the Tianlong Police Department has made very significant progress. All aspects of the work have been completed very well. We admire you and feel a little ashamed at the same time."

"Our Director Zhuge let them come to study, but these guys...actually came to eat for free. We called them to go back, but they were not happy."

"I'm sorry to embarrass you, it's really embarrassing!"

So this is what he was talking about.

Meng Haiyang quickly waved his hand and said,"You're welcome, Comrade Xiao Tang, please don't say that. If it were you, you probably wouldn't want to leave after eating the food prepared by our chef."

"Maybe you want to switch to us."

"But to be honest, I think it’s no problem for you to come to our police station. I can get you a position as team leader!"

"I highly recognize your ability. The rest of your treatment will remain the same, but you will be able to eat meals prepared by our prison chef every day."

Tang Tianhao:"???"

What did you say?

I worked so hard to transfer from the police station next door to yours, but I didn't get a promotion or a pay raise, and all I got was three meals a day... cooked by a prison chef? Are you looking down on me?

The most important thing is that I can't resist the temptation of a prison chef?

Good man, do you think I'm the same as all of them?

Tang Tianhao is different from others. He has experienced a lot of ups and downs before, and has handled many major cases and made breakthroughs. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He can resist any temptation, and even when facing a life-and-death crisis, he is still calm and composed.

In the end, do you think I will fall into the hands of a prison chef?!

It's just a big joke?

"What do you think, Comrade Xiao Tang?"

Tang Tianhao forced a smile and said,"Director Meng is a very humorous person. He likes to make jokes with me that I can't understand."

"How could I……"

"I'm not kidding you."

He answered very seriously,"What I just told you is true. All the other comrades in your police station want to come to us."

"The purpose is to eat the same food as the prisoners in our prison, but I can't agree to it. We already have a lot of newcomers like that in our police station."

"Only experienced police officers like you are what I need. As long as you nod, I promise to let you eat the meals cooked by our chef every day."

"The most important thing is, I can personally talk to Zhuge Tian, I promise to let him release the person, how about that?"

Tang Tianhao didn't know how to answer.

What's going on? It seems like eating the food cooked by your prison chef is an honor?

Brother, can you please stop playing with me like this? After all, I have made two personal and second-class merits.[]

You want to buy me off with just a meal?

Do you have any sincerity?

"No, that's not necessary."

He smiled and said,"Chief Meng, I appreciate your kindness, but I'm happy to stay in our police station, so... I may have to let you down."

"So that's how it is!"

He couldn't help but sigh, with a look of disappointment in his eyes, and said,"Since you have said so much, I won't force it."

"I'll call them now and ask them to come out and go back with you."

"Or how about you just have a quick meal before leaving?"

"No, no."

Tang Tianhao said:"There are still a lot of cases waiting for me to deal with in our police station. I don't have time to eat here. You should call them and let us go back."


Director Meng didn't force it. He took out his cell phone, dialed Bai Xiaotong's number, said a few simple words, and hung up.

About ten minutes later, Bai Xiaotong and several other policemen came out of the police station in a listless and neat manner.

When Tang Tianhao saw them, he was completely stunned.

It has only been two or three days, why do they feel that their stomachs have grown bigger?

Isn't it a bit exaggerated?

He took a deep breath, clenched his fists and cursed at everyone present:"You are a bunch of useless things!"

"What's going on? Even when Director Zhuge called you personally, you couldn't take you back, right?"

"You must not forget the purpose of coming here. Is it for you to come here for a free meal?"

"It would be fine if you were eating here, but the key point is that Director Zhuge called and asked you to go back, but you were unwilling to go back and wanted me to pick you up in person?"

"Ask yourself with your conscience: if you keep this attitude, how can you serve the people? How can people trust you?"

"Come back with me immediately! Reflect on it carefully and review it!"

Officer Mao said a little aggrievedly:"Old Tang, we can't be blamed for this. We didn't expect their food to be so good."

"The taste was so good that we couldn't help but stay. If you don't believe me, you can……"

"You shut up!"

He interrupted Officer Mao and said,"I wouldn't be that angry if you didn't tell me about this, but I'm fine with the others, since they haven't been with our police department for long."

"But you are different. You have been working for two or three years. Don’t you know what is important and what is not?"

"I tell you, if you go back, our director will definitely scold you!"

He touched his head and said,"Old Tang, it's not urgent anyway, why don't you stay and taste the taste of their prison food?"

On the first day, Meng Haiyang asked Jiang Chen to cook two meals to entertain them, but on the second day, seeing that everyone still showed no signs of leaving, he did not cook any more. He just asked them to eat prison food with Jiang Chen!

Everyone was very resistant at first, but when they actually went to eat it once... they found that it was really delicious!

Later, they trained with the police during the day, and when it was time to eat, they went to eat and drink, as if they had already planned to change jobs.

They didn't want to go back at all!

"What did you say?"

Tang Tianhao said:"What you say really makes me more and more disappointed. Well, I will stay today to see if it is really as delicious as you say."

"I can make all of you unwilling to go back. I will show you what qualities an excellent criminal police officer should have."

"No matter how delicious the food is, it can't stop me from going back to investigate the case."

Everyone nodded seriously. They were also looking forward to seeing how Tang Tianhao... Chen... would perform after tasting Jiang Chen's cooking skills.

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