The next day, after 7 a.m.

The coach got up early in the morning and came to the door of the Luming Hotel early, and before the door opened, he was squatting at the door.

Luo Wei came over yawning, and when he saw a person squatting at the door, he immediately said happily: "Why are you here so early? "

The coach shook his head: "I'm not here to eat. "

What are you doing at the door without eating, Luo Wei gave him a strange look, took out the key and opened the door to go in.

After turning on all the lights, Aunt Zhang also came over.

After the two of them cleaned the house, there was a lively sound outside the door.

"Is Boss Lu here?

"Haha, the sheep we went to buy early in the morning, the pure grassland big-headed sheep, look at this meat, absolutely fresh!"

"Hey, coach, why are you at the door?".

As soon as the student came over, without shouting a few times, he saw the coach squatting at the door.

He saw that this group of people was carrying such a big sheep, and immediately stepped forward and said bitterly: "You can't eat so openly, you must be temperate!"

The students didn't expect the coach to be so attentive, but not everyone can bear the roasted whole sheep.

They have long been hungry, and they will say that they are not allowed to eat, so how is it possible?

"The coach reassures you, we'll eat a meal and talk about it when we're done. "

"Yes, whoever wants me not to eat this roast whole lamb is having an enmity with me!"

"I've been hungry all night, and I can't say I won't eat if I don't eat!"

The men did not listen to the persuasion, but went in with the sheep in their hands.

Lu Ming heard the movement downstairs and yawned.

"It's so early!".

"You're so positive!".

Seeing the sheep lifted, Lu Ming stepped forward and said with a smile, then took it and took out the scale in the store: "A total of 20 catties, this is a big-headed lamb, according to the market price of 50 catties, and the processing fee is 5000." "

After the students finished paying, Lu Ming took out the basin and began to marinate.

It had just been marinated, and it turned out that another group of people came behind it.

When I inquired, I was also here to make roasted whole sheep, and like these people, they were all students from the gym upstairs.

Lu Ming suddenly smiled and said, "You eat like this, do you still want to work out?, shouldn't you control your body fat?"

"I'll talk about this later, but I can't wait for the whole sheep now!"

"That's right, what you're doing is too fragrant, who can still hold back when they smell it. "

"Boss, stop the ink, just do it. "


There were not enough grills in the store, so Luo Wei went to buy several in one go, and at the same time there were hundreds of catties of fruit charcoal. ‘

Now, five sheep roast together, it's a spectacular.

After all the sheep were on the grill, a few people in the store didn't even have the time to drink saliva, and they were busy turning over the shelves and adjusting the fire.

Around the same time, a few sheep gradually turn golden, and it will be able to rest for a while.

Lu Ming sat on the chair and turned on Douyin, the video he posted yesterday didn't expect to have comments, and the number of fans has risen by hundreds.

Click on the comment section.

"Huh, it turned out to be Boss Lu's douyin, brush his douyin, as his customer, the backhand is a concern!".

"This is not the last time Jiangcheng was boiling, poppy powder restaurant, and later it was said that someone else slandered. "

"Look at this restaurant is very clean, and it is an open kitchen, customers can see clearly through the glass, this is good, who goes to eat are relieved." "

"Praise for Boss Lu, his cooking skills are really good, everything is delicious!".


Netizens all praised Lu Ming, although the heat of the original incident gradually passed, but Lu Ming's fame spread.

Everyone knows that the food cooked in this restaurant is absolutely delicious.

Taking advantage of the spare time, Lu Ming decided to send the next video, he took a picture of the roasted whole sheep in front of him, and after adjusting the angle, several roasted whole sheep in the picture were golden, and they knew that they were delicious across the screen.

After finishing it, Lu Ming went to roast the mutton.

As soon as the video was uploaded, someone swiped it.

Lin Zhen lives in the community near the hotel, and he went to Lu Ming's restaurant to eat.

Seeing the video uploaded by Lu Ming, to be honest, he had also eaten roast whole sheep before, and he felt average, he tasted fine at first, but in the end, his mouth was greasy, and the smell of mutton lasted for a long time, which made him uncomfortable when he thought about it.

At this moment, I don't feel anything when I brush it again.

Even through the screen, I can remember the taste of the original food, and I suddenly have some nausea.

If it weren't for Boss Lu's fighting sound, maybe Lin Zhen would have slipped away at this time.

He refreshed it again, and suddenly found that there were already comments underneath.

"As soon as I opened it, I saw Boss Lu's Douyin, I have to say that Douyin is powerful, I always know what I'm thinking, I just went to eat it yesterday, I can only say roast whole sheep YYDS!".

"I've eaten together! I still want to eat! I hope that next time the manager goes back to Jiangcheng, he can come again!".

"Think too much, you just kill me once, even if I go to eat, I will eat secretly!".

"It turns out that someone has eaten it, it means that it is delicious, I am about to drool when I watch the video, I feel hungry and thirsty, please ask if there are more people to reply, after all, roasting whole sheep is not cheap!".

"What's more, it's not cheap, the rules in Boss Lu's store are only to charge processing fees, the price of vegetarian ingredients is 10 times, meat dishes are 5 times, and a sheep costs at least one or two thousand, you can calculate the processing fee yourself." "

"Shhh...... Oh my God, forget it, I'll just lick two bites at the screen!".

"Phew, disgusting, ......."




After a while, there were more than a dozen comments, Lin Zhen looked at it, basically all old customers were commenting, and some people had even eaten it.

He stared at the roasted whole sheep in the picture, and suddenly felt very fragrant inexplicably, and the corners of his mouth were a little crystal clear.

Swallowing his saliva, Lin Zhen hesitated for a moment, and then decided to go downstairs to have a look, anyway, the restaurant is also close, to see if it tastes good.

He was thinking that if it wasn't tasty, there wouldn't be five sheep roasted at the same time.

After all, Boss Lu's fees have never been cheap.

There are not a few people who have this kind of idea, and several people in the neighborhood have decided to check it out.

And the other side.

After a long wait, the five sheep emitted a shocking fragrance that put the greedy eyes of a group of students on them.

"Suck ~ Suck ~ ".

A student suddenly heard the sound of sucking saliva next to him, he turned his head to look, and suddenly said in surprise: "Ouch, coach, why haven't you left yet?"

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