"That's not very good, a sheep pickled and roasted time, how to do it take four or five hours, now it's close to 8 o'clock, and you can eat supper when it's roasted." "

"Why don't you come early tomorrow and buy mutton and I'll roast it for you, and I guess you can eat it until noon." "

Lu Ming waved his hand and said, this is really not what they want to eat right away.

If the lamb is not marinated well, it is difficult to guarantee that it is delicious.

And the time of baking must also be on point, otherwise it will be cooked on the outside, and there may be bright red blood streaks inside, which will be difficult for anyone to swallow.

The students were dumbfounded, looked at each other, it seems that they can't eat today!

What should I do!

We can only wait for the next day.

These people had no choice but to leave, and made an appointment to come the next morning.

After they left, the house was also nearing the end, the table was in a mess, only bones were left, there was no meat at all, they praised Lu Ming's cooking skills, and then left one after another.

Lu Ming had a busy day, and it was finally time to rest, so he sat on the chair and closed his eyes at this time.

It looks like you are closing your eyes, but you are actually looking at the balance of arrears in the system.

"Ding, the host currently owes a total of 921,500 yuan. "

Seeing the decreasing numbers, the corners of Lu Ming's mouth rose slightly.

It's hard work, but it's worth it.

In fact, this number can be even less, if it wasn't for the decoration cost of more than 20,000 a few days ago, otherwise it would have come below 800,000.

Then, while Aunt Zhang and Luo Wei were cleaning, he picked up his mobile phone, opened the Douyin account, changed his name to his real name, and started to operate on Douyin.

Since he decided to promote the store through Douyin during the day, and wanted to use the Internet to help Liu Mingzhi find his comrades-in-arms, he can already start the operation in his spare time.

Just do it.

Lu Ming looked at the few fans and didn't know how to start.

He thought about it, it would be better to start the audio and video of the fight, so that he could slowly increase the number of fans.

Lu Ming didn't know what to shoot, so he picked up his mobile phone and recorded it in various places in the hotel, and the whole video was very concise, showing all the real situation.

At the same time, remembering the last time others slandered, he focused on photographing the back kitchen, then clicked upload and put it aside.

At this time, Aunt Zhang and Luo Wei, who had been busy all day, sat in front of him.

The two of them would beat their legs and pinch their shoulders for a while, and their eyes were full of tiredness.

They looked at Lu Ming, wanted to speak and stopped, just staring at him vigorously.

Lu Ming scratched his head, what kind of trouble is this, he knows that they are tired, but he can't let himself pinch their shoulders and beat their legs, right?

Seeing that Lu Ming was indifferent, Luo Wei's face was entangled, and after waiting for a long time, he asked weakly: "Boss, you have worked hard all day, we know, but it's already 8 o'clock in the evening!"

Lu Ming didn't know why, and looked at him suspiciously.

Seeing this, Aunt Zhang on the side also said softly: "What's that, boss, you see that there are no customers now, I just want to ask you if you are hungry?"

As soon as he heard this, Lu Ming couldn't cry or laugh, he was so busy all day that he forgot that the big guy hadn't eaten yet.

In fact, these two people can also cook, but looking at their posture, they just want to eat what they make.

"Well, I see, I'm going to stir-fry for you. "

When Aunt Zhang and Luo Wei heard this, their whole people were in good spirits.

You must know that working in Lu Ming's restaurant is the biggest benefit, you can eat the food cooked by Boss Lu every day, and I don't know how many people envy it.

Besides, although they were tired, as long as they ate the food cooked by Boss Lu, the whole person immediately came back to life.

It can only be said that good food heals everything.


The other side.

After the coach returned from work in the evening, he thought that he still had to tell his students to eat as little as possible, so he said in the group.

"Everyone should pay attention to their calorie intake every day, and never eat high-calorie food at dinner, otherwise our fat loss plan will be completely in vain, and everyone will work hard every day in vain!".

After some students saw it, they replied weakly in the group: "Coach, don't worry, we didn't eat dinner today, where did we get the high-calorie food!".

"Didn't you go downstairs to the restaurant for dinner at night?" the coach asked.

At that time, they were in such a hurry that it was hard to imagine holding back from eating.

Hearing movement in the group, other students began to reply one after another.

"Don't mention it, when I talk about dinner in the evening, I think of the roast whole lamb!"

"Oh my God, the roasted whole sheep is so fragrant that when I close my eyes, my mind is full of sheep, and I am destined to have no sleep tonight!"

"The big guy said okay, tomorrow at half past eight we will meet downstairs in the gym, and we must let the boss bake us as soon as possible!".

"Don't say it, I can't wait to get it in my mouth!".


What's going on?

The coach was a little confused with his mobile phone, why was he going to eat roast whole sheep.

Although that thing is delicious, it is ridiculously high in calories, and there are all kinds of fats, so it can be said that it is in vain to eat a meal for half a month.

"This is not a good thing to eat, you have only lasted a few days, and the weight of a roasted whole sheep will immediately return to before liberation!".

The coach hurriedly blocked in the group, this was his student group, all the students he led were inside, and there were nearly two hundred people in the group.

As soon as he said this, someone immediately stood up and asked.

"What?roasted whole lamb??Is it delicious?".

"Hey, I like to eat mutton the most, you want to eat roasted whole lamb tomorrow and take me one!".

"There's nothing more beautiful than eating a hot roasted whole lamb on such a cold day!"

"I'm sorry, we're already full of people, it's just right for ten people to team up to eat, but it's a little expensive, but it's particularly fragrant, I don't regret the series in this life, but a roast whole sheep will cost at least more than six thousand, everyone be prepared!".

"More than 6,000? It's a bit expensive, but it's not so hard to accept if it's ten people AA, just squeeze the money a little, now do you want anyone to eat?




In the end, several groups of people in the group spontaneously wanted to eat roasted whole sheep.

Seeing this, the coach is almost crying to death!

You guys came to the gym just to eat roast whole lamb, are you still my students?

At the beginning, I vowed to lose weight!

He felt that this matter must stop everyone, and they must not be allowed to sink, isn't it just a roasted whole sheep, how delicious can it be?


PS: Seeing the growth of background data, the little author has unlimited power to code words, thank you for your support!

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