Fog Era

Chapter 201


This word is really unfamiliar, Shi Tiexin subconsciously wants to refuse.

But I think about it again. I used to be reluctant to play because the red line of life is imminent, and there is no chance to play.

Shi Tiexin himself is actually a game fan. He used to drooling on online game console messages and thinking about hardware news. When Zhou Xiong invited him to dinner, he could also play with keen interest pleasure on the old-fashioned arcade. His interest is evident.

Young people who don’t like to play games? If there is a choice, who doesn't want to be a happy fat house? The chicken soup just now was made up for others to listen to. It's really beautiful to be a happy fat house!

It's just that his previous life didn't allow him to play wantonly.

But now...Look around, um, you don’t have to worry about food and drink, you have a high status, and you don’t lack money. There are hundreds of brothers, and I seem to be really good at this world line.

As for the golden basin that you have thought about before?

Whoever loves to wash their hands, whoever loves to flee who flees, I am going to play games now!

By the way, what’s more beautiful is that you don’t have to do everything yourself, just keep ordering.

So Shi Tiexin said to A Fei: "You arrange it."

"Okay, I am good at this aspect, so please look forward to it!"

With attendants crowding round, I got out of the restaurant and got on the big cross country of D. You don't need to move a finger when you open the door and close the car door. This is probably the life of a powerful person.

Looking back, Liu Qigang was like this in his factory.

But how big is Liu Qigang's factory? How big can the entire Earthwood Fortress be? And in this prosperous Tokyo, this big city with a population of more than 10 million, I, Shi Tiexin, is also a person of all sizes!

In other words, Tokyo seems to have been one of the distribution centers for video games, and there have been other events such as video game exhibitions. Thinking about it this way, I haven't seen it for so long since I've been here. It's really a mistake.

hmph hmph hmph, I’m going to be extravagant today, come and play a hundred boards!

wu wu wu, the off-road vehicle roared and started, and the night breeze was very refreshing. This off-road vehicle has been modified by D. Except for the front windshield and the pillar frame, the lid, shed and the like on the door are gone, and it drove wildly. Moreover, the huge and wide seat is suitable for the brawny man of Shi Tiexin's height and body type.

"Go and play!"

"Ao ao ao!"

The boys howled wolves, whizzing through the streets. The Japanese pedestrians on the street looked sideways to avoid, and heard the Chinese howling of the little brothers, none of them dared to speak out.

"The fucking high-beam dog, dare you turn off the high-beam light?" A bright light came from the opposite side, and AD yelled. The driver on the opposite side started spraying immediately, but how could he be the opponent here? A Fei and the three of them couldn't help themselves, and they all started to help each other. The foul language rushed over like a jet of high-pressure water, and the luxury car that passed by shivered, making the direction unstable.

"hahaha!" The little brothers laughed wildly, feeling raging in the wind.

Looking at these reckless little brothers, Shi Tiexin's heart couldn't help but waves. He didn't know how to evaluate this kind of rampage. However, young people who have been depressed for a long time seem to be particularly attracted to this tone.

Shi Tiexin also laughed.

From a smile to a big laugh, it shook the street in the end.

Golden basin to wash your hands?

I don't want to wash it anymore.

How important is a hundred boards!

All the way rushing wildly, the Japanese style flashed in front of my eyes, and the five people in the car remained in a cheering excitedly state. Where is the speed limit now? The city track is speeding all the way, but it takes 20 minutes to reach a certain place.

"Senior, coming soon." A Fei introduced enthusiastically: "I know a store with the best quality. Today I am absolutely satisfied with you!"

"Hmm." Shi Tiexin nodded: "I've heard of it, Akihabara, I'm looking forward to it."

"Akihabara?" A Fei was taken aback, and then his expression became funny. He took Shi Tiexin's elbow. Rib: "Old thin, didn't expect you to be okay with that tune, the maid, right? Cat ears, right? COSPLAY, right? Hmm, have an idea."

Maid? cat ear? What's this, isn't the video game city in Akihabara?

Shi Tiexin frowned: "This is not Akihabara?"

"Of course it's not Akihabara." ALFY was confident: "Akihabara only has a few. And the level is very average. If you go to the street to scan, it depends on your luck, you may not be good. It is better here, with a long history and orderly, well-managed services in place, and rich and colorful projects. It can be called the Holy Land in Holy Land. Land, definitely Level 1 is great!"

A Fei’s face was full of brows—I’m sorry that you, an illiterate who can’t write, could say such a long list of words. It’s really hard for you!

But what the hell is this place?

is it possible that is there any other game hall at Holy Land Level here?

3 minutes later, Shi Tiexin looked up at the shiny light box sign-Kabukicho Sakura Street.


I have studied in Natural History, and it seems to be a traditional Japanese folk art form, that is, the kind with white faces all over the face, looking strange, what are we doing here?

But I lowered my head again and found that people coming here, people going are very prosperous. Under the influence of the dark night storm, the whole of Japan was in depression, and traces of decadence can be seen in the streets and alleys of Tokyo, but here alone seems to be thriving and prosperous.

Yellow skin, white skin and black skin, men of all colors are flowing here. Three-sided mark, four-block mark, five-ring mark, all kinds of luxury cars come and go here endlessly. It really looks like a bustling place.

Shi Tiexin immediately asked without shame: "Where is this place?"

"Huh? Boss, don't you know?"

A Fei took a look at Shi Tiexin's expression. I found that my boss really didn’t know where it was, so he immediately stepped up and explained: “Boss, isn’t he here to play today? I’m thinking about it, I’m playing, I can’t take off eating, drinking, gambling and taking five kinds of prostitution. Eat and drink. It’s certainly not uncommon for a guy who is gambled and smoked. So we might as well omit the foreplay, stop procrastinating, and get to the point-how about one?"


Female ticket?

Is it so straightforward?

Shi Tiexin feels his face is a little swollen. Isn't it red? I can’t blush, or else I’m ashamed to take the lead, big brother!

"I think this idea is very good." Selling father immediately said: "I said that Japan is now...what is it? Half what?"

"Half capital Doctrine and semi-colonial."

"Yes, semi-colonial. Colonization, of course, should be colonized. The so-called semi-colonization must be half of us and half of them. The motherland sent me, we There are men here, so Japan must have women." Sales dad patted Ah D on the shoulder: "What do you think, don’t reproduce?"

A D kicked the accelerator: "Reproduce! "

No, I said you guys, I just want to play a hundred boards, I don't want to be colonized! I, I... I am actually a little curious, hehehe ~~

Forget it, as the people want, let these little brothers go with them generously. at worst I just watch and don't move, I can't touch it, I can't touch it, I can't rub it...

"Here, this is the place."

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