Fog Era

Chapter 200

I put on Top Grade earphones and listened to the dynamic music in the earphones. I felt that the cells in the whole body were activated. The big brother Shi Tiexin started as usual. Every day of life.

The life of the leading big brother is hectic, stressful and thrilling, but when it was different from the past, with the change of mentality, things that were once avoided are now tasted.

Dear audience students, there is nothing wrong with it. Today, my lead big brother, the chicken soup lecture hall, is going to talk about the attitude to life. Recently, your big brother, I, comprehended one principle, that is attitude, decision, everything.

Life will be better only if you face life with a positive attitude. Only when you face your work with a positive attitude, your work will be more satisfying.

For example, when facing a street fight, don’t just feel the pain, because the fight is dangerous. Is there a job that is not dangerous in this world? What you have to think about is: As long as you can win, every punch you get will turn into a medal, and every knife you cut will turn into merit. As long as they can win, those medals and achievements will turn into dragon coins.

If you win, you have everything. If you lose, the injuries you receive are all for nothing. So when you fight, you must win and you must win.

(——The House of Speed ​​March 12: Hei Zun led forty-two of his subordinates in a street fight with Hongshunshe's subordinate team last night, winning a big victory and expanding his control of the site area. Four blocks.)

For example, when facing the counter-attack of the New Anti-Barbarian Party, don’t just feel dangerous, think that the enemy is killed and terrifying. Isn’t it better for the enemy to appear? What you have to think about is: these bastards are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, and today I will completely send you to hell!

If you think about it this way, don’t you immediately stop panic? As long as you don't panic in your heart, Danger Land can always fight back.

(——Flying Car Emperor March 16th News: Xin Yiyi elected a new leader three days ago, known as the gray warrior, threatening to completely wipe out the Black Venerable party. At 22:18 last night, Xinzhuyi raided the Black Zun motorcade and was killed by the Black Zun. In this martial power conflict, Xinzhuyi killed 24 people. The casualties of the Black Zun were unknown, but not serious. Afterwards, well-known drivers such as Mrs. Shaoyao and Tokyo Wolf spoke Condemn the undeclared fighting of the new barbarians.)

Everyone, there are always all kinds of unsatisfactory things in life, but don't always think about fleeing.

Is it useful to escape? Can you find your dream if you escape your industry? Escape from Tokyo Bay, can you touch poetry and the distance?

I tell you, escaping from this industry can only be more struggling, and you must go to a new industry and you must be struggling again. The sins you suffered in the past have become sunk costs. You have to be a new person again, and you have to be reprimanded at will.

Escape from Tokyo Bay is even more ridiculous. Where can you go to escape Tokyo Bay? The flames on the Kansai side are raging, and the beacon is dazzling, and even the chance of Gou may not be given to you. Going east is also no good, the Northern Sea Road is heavy with heavy snow, only the distant place has no poems, only the big ice stubble has not eaten.

(——The Asahi Shimbun, March 19: A large-scale bloody conflict broke out in the Kansai area. Many shopping malls and supermarkets in Osaka Prefecture were smashed and looted. The number of injuries and deaths continued to rise. Northern Sea District A snow disaster broke out, many houses were crushed by heavy snow, and roads were severely blocked. The government was unable to remove the snow, and the villagers were disconnected from power and network. The supply of living materials may become a major problem.)

So everyone, face life and career positively. Only by actively participating in the gang building with a positive attitude can you feel that you are a member of the gang and the future master of the gang.

The gang is like a nestling, it needs the care of every hand to spread its wings. A gang is like a baby. It needs everyone's care to grow up healthily.

Only when you contribute to the work, the work will pay to you. Only when you smile to life can life smile to you.

Everyone wants freedom. What is freedom?

Freedom is not about being a happy fat house at home.

There is no happy fat house in this world.

Look at those unemployed people, are they happy and fat houses? No, they can only wander numbly, moaning in pain, and complaining bitterly. Their hearts are full of negative emotions, only hatred and despair are soaking them. They have everything, but they think they have nothing, and in the end they can only really become nothing.

(——Tokyo Daily News, March 21st: Bishop’s influence continues to expand, and more and more people join the rescue bishop. In recent days, the bishop rescuers have repeatedly used fierce means to preach, and even forcibly broke the door. I hope that the general public will be alarmed about the incidents of entering the house, kidnapping and trafficking. My reporter Kyoko Matsumoto has been following it for a long time.)

Freedom is not escape, freedom is not fantasy, and freedom is not self-deception.

Freedom is not a light balloon. It is not so easy to catch. It requires you to put in more effort, more persistence, unwavering determination, unchangeable, and always following your leader—that is, me, and working hard.

Only in this way can we see freedom in the near future.

The wind and the wind will follow me, and my eyes will be rampant.

Don't be afraid of floating clouds to cover your eyes, and you are at the highest level.

This is freedom.

Thank you all!


"Boss, Boss, eat!"


Shi Tiexin a shivered came back to his senses, and found that his Four Great Vajra was watching him, so he waved his hand at will: "Keep on eating, keep on eating."

Sell Dad came over curiously: "Boss, you were thinking about it just now, what are you thinking about?"

What am I thinking about? I am thinking about a piece of chicken soup! The manuscripts are all thought out. Let me have a paragraph——

"The big brother must be considering the major event of the development of the gang." Guobing looked trustworthy: "I don't forget to eat. Thinking about the future, I really deserve to be a big brother."


Looking at the admiration of Guobing's face, Shi Tiexin couldn't bear to say that he was just thinking about chicken soup. He could only casually say: "More wins, less wins, and what's more? Big brother, of course you have to think carefully."

"Wow! As expected of the big brother!"

"There is really a culture, I didn't understand it!"

Four Great Vajra was immediately shocked.

"An Lao Xi, don’t be so nervous, we are developing very well now. The gang has expanded to a hundred people, and I have also taken down the second floor of the party bar, and the control site is gradually expanding. Now it’s one of the top ten powerful gangs in Tokyo."

"Yes, yeah, we are already awesome."

"I think, the boss is for myself The pressure is too great, so relax."

"Yes, the boss has never had a good time."

"Why don't you take the boss to play today." Selling daddy suggested: "Drafty D, you drive. Rotten Zifei, you arrange. Pancake, you treat."

"Okay, that's it!" A Fei looked towards Shi Tiexin: "Old Fine, what did you say?"

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