Chapter 572 I love him

Chapter 573

  D country

  After nearly twenty hours of flying by plane, Gu Yan, Mo Xiuchen, and Wen Ran finally arrived in D Country M City. Once out of the security check, the person who came to pick up the plane was already there.

   is a middle-aged man.

   Politely greeted Gu Yan, and introduced themselves to Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran. After the three greeted them, they walked out of the airport together.

  Mo Xiuchen kept holding Wen Ran's hand tightly, opening the car door for her, and watching her get into the car before he got in.

  Send them to the hotel. After the car stopped, Gu Yan said to Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran, "Xiu Chen, you He Ranran first go back to the hotel and rest for a while, and we will go to the hospital tomorrow."

  Wen Ran blinked slightly, and asked softly, "Dad, won't you go back to the hotel?"

  Gu Yan smiled gently, "I have something wrong, I will go back to the hotel later and take a plane for more than ten hours. You are also tired. Take a good rest first."

  Mo Xiuchen accompanied Wen Ran back to the hotel. After putting her luggage away, she put a bath water for her, let her take a bath first, and then take a good night’s sleep.

  He could see the tension in Wen Ran's heart.

  Although she doesn't say anything, there are still unnoticeable traces between her words and deeds. And he, seeing it in his eyes, his heart ached slightly.

  Wen Ran came out of the shower, he dried her hair first, put her in bed, and then he went in to take a shower.

  Obviously tired, but lying on the spacious and soft bed, it was warm but not sleepy.

  Thinking of going to see Dr. Brown, who was talking about her father tomorrow, and going through a series of examinations and tests, her heart was out of control.

   Thoughts fluttered, even Mo Xiuchen didn't return from the bathroom until the deep magnetic voice was above her head, and her thoughts were pulled back.

   "Of course, what do you think?"

  Mo Xiuchen's short hair, which was only wiped with a towel, was still wet, with a strand sticking to his forehead, and the corners of his **** mouth were slightly curved with a shallow arc, that look, indescribably **** and charming.

  Wen Ran came back to his senses, and with a little blurry eyes, just like that, he slammed into his deep and tender eyes, his heartbeat, and inexplicably missed a beat.

  The air between the wings of his nose has been replaced by his clear and good-smelling masculine breath. While he was talking, he went to bed extremely naturally, stretched out his long arms, and took her into his arms.

  Wen Ran's body stiffened slightly.

   "Of course, are you tired after flying on the plane for so long?"

  The smile at the corner of his mouth was with a bewitching charm, Rutan's deep eyes seemed to **** her whole person in. She didn't know if it was her illusion, she actually felt that there was a dangerous burning in his eyes.

"Ran Ran!"

   "Xiu Chen, don't..."

  Wen Ran panicked, her voice had a trembling sound.

   "Of course, I won't bully you. Go to sleep, I'll take a shower."

  He didn't force her, she should have been happy, but why, she felt sorrow and sorrow in her heart.

  He always takes cold showers now, and her heart is both distressed and sad.

  When Mo Xiuchen came out of the bathroom again, Wen Ran had already lay down on his side, with his back facing him and facing inside. Standing in front of the bed with his long body, he did not go to bed immediately, but stared at her quietly.

  He came out only a few minutes in the bathroom. In such a short period of time, she must have not fallen asleep, knowing that he came out and did not speak, and wanted to come, but didn't want to talk to him again.

  He pressed his thin lips lightly, and went to bed gently, gently hugging her from behind.


  G City

  Because Mo Jingteng fainted in the office in the morning, the afternoon meeting was not held.

Not only that, the next day, Mo Zixuan did not know how to persuade the old antiques to become acting president, and agreed to Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu to resign, and let them finish the work as soon as possible. Salary, let them leave the MS Group.

   "Amu, where are you going, do you return to city A immediately?"

   Outside the MS Group Building, Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu were standing in the parking lot. The sunlight on their faces outlined their handsome facial features, one cool and handsome, the other suave and handsome.

Tan Mu looked up at this building towering into the sky. He stayed here for ten years. Now he is leaving, there is still a trace of sadness. Suddenly a question arises in his heart: I wonder if Xiuchen left, did this happen? Kind of emotion.

  (End of this chapter)

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