Chapter 571

  Corning Hospital

  Gu Kai, wearing a white lab coat, waited outside the gate of the hospital with medical staff. Seeing Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu sending Mo Jingteng, they immediately greeted him and helped Mo Jingteng onto the surgical cart.

  While checking on Mo Jingteng, he asked Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu beside him, "What's the matter?"

  Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu called Mo Jingteng on their way to the hospital.

  Before, Mo Jingteng’s attending doctor had always been Gu Kai’s father Gu Yan. Today, Gu Yan took Ranran to Country D, and he took over the patient Mo Jingteng.

   Seeing his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, his ink eyes half-closed, and his expression slightly abnormal, Luo Haofeng's heart trembled, and he subconsciously asked, "Akai, what will happen to the old man, right?"

  Although Mo Jingteng fainted, it wasn't about him and Amu. They didn't treat him like anything, but at the time, they were in his office.

  If he really has three longs and two shorts, Xiu Chen will not trouble them, and Mo Zixuan will definitely be endless.

Tan Mu's eyes changed slightly, his eyes swept over Mo Jingteng, and then at Gu Kai.

  As he spoke, the group of people had arrived at the entrance of the hospital. Gu Kai pressed her thin lips lightly, and ordered the nurse, "Send to the second operating room." Then he lowered his steps slightly.

The others pushed Mo Jingteng to move forward. Gu Kai turned his head, his eyes swept across Tan Mu's stern expression and the faint worry between Luo Haofeng's eyebrows, lowered his voice, and said faintly, "He is pretending to be dizzy. "

   "Pretending to be dizzy?"

   "Keep your voice down!"

  Luo Haofeng cried out in surprise.

  Aside, Tan Mu gave him a cold look, and said lightly.

  Fortunately, the hall was crowded and very noisy at this time.

  Mo Jingteng was being pushed into the elevator, and he could not hear his voice.

   "When he fainted, were you two by his side?"

  Gu Kai scoured the faces of both of them sharply, with a calm tone, and a trace of doubt

  Why does Mo Jingteng pretend to be dizzy?

  Tin Mu’s voice was calm and cold, “Well, he wanted one of me and A Feng to take over the position of President of Xiu Chen, but when we refused, he fainted.”

  He thought that Mo Jingteng really fainted.

  At that time, he and Luo Haofeng were in a hurry.

   Carrying him out of the office, he happened to meet Cheng Jia. He asked Cheng Jia to speak to Mo Zixuan, and rushed him to the hospital with Luo Haofeng.

   turned out to be fainted.

  Thinking about it, but also find it ridiculous.

  Hooked up the corner of his mouth, but his smile was a bit cool, like this warm and cold season.

Luo Haofeng also laughed, and his smile was full of ridicule, "Jiang is still hot, it seems that the old man is determined to let Xiuchen return to the company. A Mu, it is better for you to agree first. We are MS. The group has been working hard for so many years, and it is a pity that it was given to Mo Zixuan in this way. Perhaps Wen Ran can cure his illness by going to Country D this time, so it may not be certain that Xiuchen will return to the company."

  They worked so hard to give up so much, Xiu Chen gave up and gave up, and he felt that it was not worth it for him.

  Although Xiu Chen left the MS Group and had enough ability to give Wen Ran the best life, he just couldn't get used to Mo Zixuan and didn't want him to sit back and reap his profit.


When Mo Zixuan arrived at the hospital, Mo Jingteng had just been pushed into the ward.

  The reason why he is so fast is because when Gu Kai entered the operating room, Mo Jingteng woke up on his own.

  Therefore, there is no surgery.

  However, Gu Kai didn't let him go so easily. He just gave him a series of checklists and asked him to perform a series of complicated checks. It was not for the check fee, but to toss him.

   This saves him from pretending to be dizzy next time, and scaring the people around him to death.

   "Dad, are you okay. As soon as I heard that you fainted, I rushed over."

  Mo Zixuan walked to the hospital bed with a look of concern. Behind him, he followed Cheng Jia.

  Mo Jingteng's face was pale, looking at it, he was really weak and sick. It was a series of examinations that had tormented him.

  Looking at Mo Zixuan who was approaching, Mo Jingteng said calmly, "You came to the hospital, what should I do in the company?"

  Mo Zixuan sneered inwardly.

On the face, there is a look of concern.

He squatted down in front of the hospital bed and looked at Mo Jingteng who was lying on the bed with great concern, his voice with a deep affection, "Dad, at this time, you should stop thinking about the company and take good care of the illness. Most importantly. I heard that you fainted, and I was so worried, how could I just come and have a look."

   "What is there to worry about? It's not the first time I fainted, and it's not the first time I went to the hospital. By the way, Amu and Afeng are."

  His gaze crossed Mo Zixuan, and glanced at the ward. Just now he went for an examination, with the help of a nurse.

  Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu did not know where they went.

  "They are back to the company. Dad, how come you fainted suddenly."

  Mo Zixuan frowned nervously when he said this.

   seemed to be very worried about his body, his eyes looked at Mo Jingteng with concern, deep in his eyes, a sharp touch was fleeting.

  Mo Jingteng's eyes flickered. In Mo Zixuan's concerned eyes, he changed the subject and asked, "Zixuan, how do you think about handling the'Haochen' matter?"

  Mo Zixuan's eyebrows condensed with a heavy touch, and his tone was slightly depressed, "I am thinking of a way. At present, I am going through the judicial process. We can't take advantage of labor and money. We can only take advantage of this secret loss."

   "A dumb loss?"

  Mo Jingteng frowned unhappily, his face a little ugly.

  He thought to himself that if he changed to Xiuchen, he would definitely not do nothing and suffer from this dumb loss.

  According to Zixuan's handling of things, if the group is really handed over to him, he can almost foresee that within a year, MS Group will disappear from G City.

  It was his hard work all his life. In order to make the MS Group grow stronger, and to make the Mo family the richest man in City G, he used all means to do many things ignoring his conscience. Never let Zixuan ruin his efforts.

   Thinking of this, he became more determined to let Xiu Chen come back.

  No matter what method is used, he must let Xiu Chen return to the company.

  If he insists on giving up the company for Wen Ran, he doesn't mind letting Wen Ran disappear from this world.

  He lowered his head, and a flicker of dark birds flashed by in the depths of his eyes. Mo Zixuan just saw that his face was not good.

   didn't know that he had thought about so many corners in such a short period of time.

   quickly explained why he said he had eaten this dumb loss.

  Behind, Cheng Jia saw that the father and son couldn't finish talking for a while, so he turned and walked out of the ward.

  When I went to the bathroom, I happened to meet Shen Yuting coming out of the elevator. She and a nurse were talking while walking.

   "Doctor Shen!"

   Cheng Jia's heart moved slightly, and when Shen Yuting passed her by, she smiled.

  Shen Yuting heard someone calling her, and stopped, only then did she see that the person calling her was Cheng Jia.

  (End of this chapter)

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