Chapter 568 Good morning

   Therefore, when she met at Yi Pinxuan this evening, Luo Haofeng looked indifferent and alienated when she went to say hello to their table.

   didn't even invite her to eat with them. Instead, he asked Gu Kai who was talking to her not to disturb her and Xiao Yuting's meal. The implication was that she didn't want to see her and asked her to leave quickly.

  She shouldn't care about these things, but she doesn't know why, but she cares in her heart.

  His indifference, the faint sarcasm and suggestion in his words, is like a stone thrown into her calm heart, causing faint ripples.

  During the meal, she was absent-minded, and the most image in her mind was the image when she asked Luo Haofeng for help early that morning, when he really rushed to rescue her and lifted her out of the car.

  Even, she can still clearly remember the feeling that Luo Haofeng took her into her arms, and when his clear and pleasant breath entered his nose, her heartstrings seemed to be picked up by an invisible hand.

   And his eyes looked at her with deep concern...

  She remembered her mother's words again, "Of course, you can't be with Luo Haofeng." She frowned, and a bitterness floated on her lips. Now, her mother can rest assured.

  Luo Haofeng would never come to her at all.

  The mobile phone on the bedside table rang twice, and information came in.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with surprise, she reached out and took the phone, unlocked, and read the information.

  When she saw the content of the message, her lips were slightly pressed, and a touch of sneer passed across her watery eyes. It's really ridiculous. The man who had been so disgusting and indifferent to her for more than two decades, now he is so gentle and polite to her.

  The information was sent by Xiao Yuting.

  Not only thanked her for visiting his mother, but also apologized to her for the harm he had done to her over the past two decades. And asked her if she would go to the hospital tomorrow, and he came to pick her up.

  Tomorrow, the day his mother had surgery, she stared at the phone for a few seconds, put it back on the table, and did not reply to his message.


  The next morning, Wen Ran woke up very early.

  When she woke up, the man beside her was still asleep. She blinked, blinking away from her lazy sleepiness, her eyes stopped for a moment on his handsome face, and she wanted to get up quietly.

  However, as soon as she moved, Mo Xiuchen woke up.

   opened her eyes, her narrow eyes looked at her, and the corners of her mouth immediately curled up with a soft arc, "Of course, you are awake!"

   "Well, good morning."

Wen Ran also replied with a gentle smile. The happiest thing in the world is like she and him are now, at night, with a beloved humanity to say'good night', hug and sleep till early morning, open your eyes, to your beloved People say "good morning".

  It doesn’t need much intense love, nor vigorous vigor, not to mention many oaths of alliances, sweet words, as long as they can stay together day and night, the wind and the moon are quiet, that’s enough.

  Mo Xiuchen returned her with a petting kiss. Although the kiss was printed on her forehead, it made her feel more excited than kissing her lips.

  A kiss without a hint of thought, pure affection and compassion, his big hand clasped her shoulder lightly, and his narrow eyes were filled with love that was too thick to dissolve.

  It seems that she is the most precious baby in his heart.

   stared at her for a moment, he turned around, got out of bed, and said to her, "Of course, wait a minute, I'll get you clothes." Then he turned around and went to the cloakroom to find clothes for her.

When Wen Ran got dressed and washed, Mo Xiuchen checked the box he packed up in the middle of the night last night, raised his eyes, and looked at Wen Ran standing in front of the dressing table: "Of course, do you have anything else to do? Take it."

Wen Ran turned his head and looked at the man squatting in front of the suitcase. His handsome face was slightly raised, his facial features were very handsome, and his eyebrows were dyed three points warmly. The first bunch in the morning came in from the French window. The sunlight just illuminates his exquisite handsome face, and she can't see it for a moment.

  Mo Xiuchen's narrow eyes closed slightly, and a small smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, waiting patiently for her to answer.

   "No more."

  Wen Ran regained consciousness, his eyes swept across the open suitcase in front of him.

  He nodded, "It's fine if there is nothing."

  In fact, in addition to important things like certificates, you can buy clothes and daily necessities in Country D. He just asked casually.

  He stood up, held the suitcase in one hand, and her hand in the other, walked out of the bedroom and walked downstairs.

  When the two walked to the stairs, Wen Ran's mobile phone rang.

  Mo Xiuchen released her hand and went downstairs with the suitcase. She followed behind, picking up the steps while answering the phone.

   "Of course, I won't see you off in a while. When you come back, I will pick you up at the airport."

Bai Xiaoxiao's voice came from the phone, with a gentle smile and a light and soft tone: "Okay, you must pay attention to rest yourself, don't be too tired, your legs have not fully recovered. When I come back You can pick me up again when you have a chance."

  Last night, when they were talking on the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao said that she would go to see her off this morning.

  At this moment, I don’t know what’s going on, or I’m sorry.

   "Call me when you get there, remember that the phone is not allowed to be turned off, I want to contact you at any time." Bai Xiaoxiao exhorted on the phone.

   chuckled softly: "I know, you are really long-winded."

   "Do you dare to say I'm long-winded!"

  Bai Xiaoxiao's monotony suddenly rose, and his tone was full of displeasure. Wen Ran almost shook her ears by her voice, and immediately surrendered: "I was wrong and wrong. I'm going to eat breakfast, so be it."

  As soon as she hung up, she saw Xiao Liu leading Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu in, and said with a grin, "Master, grandma, Luo Shao and Tan Shao are here."

  Mo Xiuchen has put down the suitcase and is sitting on the sofa, picking up the newspaper to read. Hearing Xiao Liu's words, he raised his head and looked at Luo Haofeng's Tan Mu.

  In the kitchen, Ma Zhang came out with breakfast and saw Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu, and immediately greeted them with a smile, and said that they had done a lot for breakfast, so that they could have breakfast with the young master and the young grandmother.

   "Mother Zhang, you are still the best."

Luo Haofeng smeared honey on his mouth. He smiled like Zhang Ma and thanked him. Tan Mu glanced at Wen Ran, walked toward the sofa, glanced over the suitcase that Mo Xiuchen had put aside, and asked concernedly: " Ready?"


  Wen Ran smiled and nodded, Mo Xiuchen and Tan Mu looked at each other, and the corners of their lips curled up: "It's still early, eat breakfast first."

   "Well, Xiu Chen, did you know that A Mu and I will come very early today, so that Zhang's mother prepared such a rich breakfast."

  Luo Haofeng walked into the restaurant, looked at the sumptuous breakfast, and immediately beamed his eyes.

  As soon as his voice fell, there was another clear and pleasant voice at the door: "It smells so good, it's not as good as it's too early, I seem to have come just in time!"

  (End of this chapter)

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