Chapter 567 Call Anytime

When Mo Xiuchen came out of the bathroom, Wen Ran said goodbye to Bai Xiaoxiao and hung up the phone.

  His hair was short. He just wiped it dry with a dry towel. Without using a hair dryer, he went directly to bed, stretched out his long arms, and took Wen Ran into his arms.

  The strong and masculine masculine breath lingers into his nose, and his heart beats gently. He lowers his eyes, a deep smile in his eyes, and asks casually: "What have you talked about with Bai Xiaoxiao?"

   "Your hair, don't you blow it dry?"

  Wen Ran did not answer the question, his delicate and handsome facial features were reflected in his clear eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a perfect arc, his tone was lazy and comfortable: "No, it's done in three or two minutes."

  Hair blowing time, he prefers to use it to hold her in his arms, talk to her, and the hair will dry.

   There was a blush on the warm white cheeks unknowingly, whether it was because of the heat sprayed in his ears when he talked, or because he was so beautiful and charming and sexy.

  The more she can't do anything with him, the more it is difficult to calm her mind to be so close. It seems that his easy look, a smile, and even the breath sprayed in his ears all stirred up her inner feelings.

   She lowered her eyes subconsciously, and her gaze stopped on the slender fingers he placed in front of her. His fingers were slender and white, with distinct joints, and they were very beautiful.

  "Xiao Xiao told me just now that she was with Xiao Yuting because Xiao Yuting's mother was sick. She went to the hospital to visit, and Xiao Yuting invited her to dinner, not because of him."

"is it?"

Mo Xiuchen's voice was filled with a smile. He condensed her slightly lowered face. In his eyes, her jade-like skin was glowing with a pitiful, thin pink color. Somewhere in his heart, it was so soft. Out of shape.


   Wen Ranfu raised her head again, her eyes firmly looking at Mo Xiuchen.

   "Luo Haofeng, do you still like Xiaoxiao?"

   she asked, her long eyelashes blinking slightly. Mo Xiuchen chuckled, grasping her soft and boneless hands, and said softly, "I like it, but A Feng is also a proud person, and Bai Xiaoxiao clearly expresses that he does not want to make peace. He has troubles, and he won't bother her again."

  Luo Haofeng still only likes Bai Xiaoxiao, not the deep love he can't let go of, nor the deep affection he has for Ran Ran, even if he feels depressed in his heart, he will not let go of his dignity.

   Thinking of this, he bowed his head, kissed Wen Ran's forehead softly, and said softly: "It's not early, go to sleep."


Nodded gently, no longer said anything, just grabbed his arm and slid down. Mo Xiuchen put his arm on her neck, hugged her delicate body in his arms, and patted her pattingly with a big palm, "Hey, Close your eyes."

  He felt the slight stiffness of her body, but pretended not to know.

   Wen Ran pursed his lips, leaned his body to the side in front of him, buried his small face in his arms, found a comfortable sleeping position, and closed his eyes.

  The room is quiet, and there is a warm and tranquil atmosphere in the air, and the person you love is pillowed with a solid heart. After a while, you will fall asleep peacefully.

  Mo Xiuchen stared at her quietly for a long time, then kissed her on the forehead with great affection, lifted the quilt, got out of the bed, and walked toward the study.

When he was in the shower just now, he went through what Wen Jin said on the phone in his mind. Sitting in a chair in the study, he pressed the computer power button and dialed Tan Mu’s number. While waiting, the computer was turned on.了机。 The machine.

  He switched the phone to his left hand and picked up the mouse in his right hand.

  The phone was picked up, and Tan Mu's voice came with a hint of fatigue: "Hey, Xiuchen, what's the matter?"

  In the middle of the night, he didn't accompany his wife to sleep, so he called him. There must be something wrong.

  Mo Xiuchen tapped on the keyboard with one hand, typed a few words, and said, "I just received a call from Wen Jin, saying that the person in contact with Fu Jingyi may be Qin Sen."

   "Qin Sen?"

   Tan Mu’s voice, with a slight stunned, the next second, it became clear and deep: "Is there any evidence?"

Mo Xiuchen clicked the mouse to search, and the search results appeared on the screen quickly. His eyes quickly swept over, and his voice overflowed his thin lips indifferently: "Not yet, Lu Zhiwei is checking him, but I am a little worried... …"

  After listening to him, Tan Mu whispered: "I understand, I will talk to my old man when I turn around. When I was talking on the phone with him two days ago, I happened to hear him talk about something."

   "Well, that's what I meant. Qin Sen's brother-in-law is Uncle Tan's rival. If he really has a problem, then..."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't say the following words.

  Because he knew that when he said this, Tan Mu knew what he didn't say represents.

   "I'll call my old man in a while." After Qin Mu finished speaking, he asked, "Is there anything else I need to do?"

   Mo Xiuchen pulled the corners of his lips lightly, and said lightly, “Not for the time being. I have nothing to do now. I want to do those things myself.”

  "If you need me to do it, please call me at any time."

  Although he is going to leave these two days, no matter where he is, as long as his brother needs him, he will be there on call.

  Mo Xiuchen felt warm. With his friendship, without the polite words of thanks, he calmly replied: "You should rest for a few days. Maybe, in a few days, I really have something for you to help."

  He was talking on the phone, but his long, narrow eyes were staring at the LCD screen, and he browsed through the information above ten lines at a glance. Those were the most well-known information.

  The corners of his thin lips evoked a cold arc. He didn't want to sleep tonight anyway. It happened to practice hands. He hasn't done that for a long time, so let's see if his hands are born.


  Bai’s house, on the second floor, in a dark bedroom with a soft wall lamp,

After Bai Xiaoxiao and Wen Ran finished talking on the phone, they kept their eyes open and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

  The image of meeting Luo Haofeng and the others at Yipinxuan came to her mind tonight. If she knew that Luo Haofeng would be there with Tan Mu, and Gu Kai and the others would be there, she would never propose to go to Yipinxuan.

  As soon as she and Xiao Yuting entered, they saw three excellent and handsome men sitting by the window. By coincidence, they met Luo Haofeng's gaze.

  When she saw her, Luo Haofeng's long and narrow peach blossom eyes flashed with faint joy, and then, when he saw Xiao Yuting next to her, the emotion in his eyes was instantly replaced by indifference and coldness.

  So that she couldn't believe it, there was a flash of joy in his eyes at the beginning, was he really happy when he saw her?

  Since he went to the hospital last time, they have almost never met. Later, even if they talked on the phone because of their gentleness, they were courteous and alienated.

  (End of this chapter)

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