Chapter 540 Why not be selfish

Chapter 541

  The suburban villa late at night, quiet and elegant like a pure girl.

  On the second floor, the master bedroom is filled with a warm and soft halo. On the soft big bed, the face is soft and peaceful, and there is a shallow arc on the lips.

  Beside, Mo Xiuchen gazed at her white and pure cheeks gently.

  The more I look at it, the more distressed it becomes.

  It took a long time to get up slowly.

  Mo Xiuchen got out of bed, took out a delicate vial from the drawer, poured out two pills in his hand, walked to the sofa, picked up the water cup on the coffee table, and took the medicine.

  He turned his eyes, looked at the sleeping woman on the bed through the air, turned around, and walked into the study.

  I lit a cigarette, took two heavy puffs, and spit out a string of smoke, separating Junyan from the smoke, and holding the cigarette between his slender fingers.

  The scene of rejection just now appeared before his eyes, and Si Tan's eyes went dark for a moment.

  Tonight, coming back from the banquet, he watched TV with Wen Ran for a while, and then let her take a bath.

  The two of them took a shower one after another. He dried Wen Ran's hair. Uncontrollably, he kissed her.

  He later apologized to her and said, “Of course, I’m sorry, I just couldn’t help it.”

  Wen Ran flushed little face white.

  The more he is, the more sad she is.

   Looking at his apologetic deep eyes, her heart seemed to be stabbed by a sharp blade, and the blood dripped.

   After a long while, her voice hesitated and trembled: "Xiu Chen, I..."

  She didn’t know how to explain, it couldn’t explain at all.

  Mo Xiuchen is too shrewd, she is afraid that once she explains, he will know the reason.

  As everyone knows, he already got the answer from Gu Kai this afternoon.

Mo Xiuchen pressed her into his chest with his chin resting on the top of her hair, and said softly: "Of course, don't say anything, I know, I promise, I won't force you again, I will give you time, Wait patiently for the day you like."


  Mo Xiuchen took a deep breath, her **** thin lips pressed tightly.

   handed the cigarette to his mouth again, took a heavy puff, and spit out a string of cigarette rings, a certain idea in his heart became firmer and firmer.

  After he got the affirmative answer from Gu Kai in the afternoon, this thought has never disappeared from his mind. No matter what method he uses, he must let Ranran recover.

  Even if it is to trade with one's own health.

  He wants her to live well.

  To live healthy and safe.

  Let him pay any price, he is willing.

  Even if she doesn’t want to, he will do that

   Lifted his eyes and looked at the door, he said silently in his heart, of course, if one day I can't accompany you, you don't love me anymore.

  Strongly suppress the tumbling emotions.

  Mo Xiuchen put out the remaining cigarettes, took out the phone, and dialed a number.

  In the air, the smoke gradually dissipated.

  The dialed call was picked up, and a deep voice came from the phone: "Hey, President Mo!"

  "Amu said, Wu Tianyi will be escorted back to City G by you?"

  Mo Xiuchen's voice was low and there was a slight dumbness.


  The other person has a calm tone.

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes flashed deep, and his voice turned cold: "Don't let Zhou Mingfu's situation happen to Wu Tianyi."

  There was a moment of silence on the phone. A few seconds later, Lu Zhihui’s voice came: "Well, I know, I won’t let that happen again."

  Last time, Zhou Mingfu died suddenly the night before the trial. They didn’t find out who did it.

  This time, he has applied to the leaders above, and he personally escorted Wu Tianyi.

  After returning to City G, he also plans to take care of it himself.

  Be sure to ask Fu Jingyi’s hiding place from his mouth, and never let the last thing happen again.

  "Wu Tianyi is a person who has direct contact with Fu Jingyi. He knows a lot. Fu Jingyi will definitely not let you easily charge him back to G city and sell him. He will definitely do something."

  Mo Xiuchen got up and walked to the window. His long figure stood behind the curtains, staring at the night outside the window coldly. The more Wu Tianyi knew, the harder it was to guarantee his safety.

  He also wants to know the whereabouts of Fu Jingyi from his mouth, and find out Fu Jingyi so that he can still be healthy.

   "I have arranged everything, this time, even if you use a pry, you have to pry Fu Jingyi's mouth open."

  Lu Zhihui’s voice came through the radio wave with a hint of the coolness of the night.

  More, it is firmness. .

  Mo Xiuchen finished talking with him, and the phone rang again. Seeing the caller ID, his eyes narrowed and he pressed the answer button with his long finger: "Hey, Akai."

   "I knew, you haven't slept yet."

  On the phone, Gu Kai's voice came with confidence, Mo Xiuchen twitched at the corner of his mouth, and did not form a smile. He asked faintly: "What's the matter?"

   "You said in the afternoon, when will Wu Tianyi be escorted back?"

  Gu Kai yawned on the other side of the phone and asked tiredly.

   "Tomorrow, Lu Zhihui will personally **** him back. I just called and told him something."

  Mo Xiuchen sat down in the chair, his long body slowly leaned in, raised a hand and gently rubbed his forehead, Gu Kai said with some excitement near his ear:

   "That's right, the thing I told you last time has been developed, and the trial effect is very good. When Wu Tian comes back tomorrow, I will use it for him. I will definitely know the whereabouts of Fu Jingyi."

"So fast?"

  Mo Xiuchen knew what he was talking about. That was what Gu Kai began to study after Xiao Wenqing was arrested, and it would allow her to tell the truth.

   is more effective than any polygraph.

"The experiment was finished just now." Gu Kai's voice came with a hint of pride and confidence. After speaking, he yawned again and said tiredly: "I'm too sleepy. Go to bed first. When Lu Zhiwei comes back tomorrow, Let's go together again."

   Before he could answer, Gu Kai just hung up the phone.

  Mo Xiuchen sat quietly in the study for a long time, then walked out, closed the door of the study, walked to the bed, stood there, staring softly at the bed's sweet sleep.

He went to bed and hugged her gently, although she was sleeping soundly, she naturally drilled into his arms, found a comfortable position and buried her small face in, then put her arms around his waist and continued Sweet dreams.

  Mo Xiuchen's heart warms up.

   Slender fingers flicked her white cheeks.

  The eyes were fixed on her tenderly, no matter how you looked at it, it was not enough.

  On the contrary, the more I look at it, the more distressed it becomes.

   "Of course, why don't you be selfish."

  Mo Xiuchen murmured, her low-pitched voice filled with deep pity. If she was selfish and loved him less, she wouldn't have to push him away so decisively.

  She knows that he can get rid of her ‘poison’, why not be with him...

  He stared at her, the color of the bottom of his eyes gradually darkened, he slowly leaned over, thin lips, and lightly printed on her forehead.

   "Of course, what should I do with you."

  (End of this chapter)

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