Chapter 539 Let's go home

   "Of course, I already know that Fu Jingyi used poison on you. When you find him, the poison on your body will definitely be resolved."

  Mo Zixuan saw Wen Ran's expression a little cold, but watched him alertly without speaking, and he stepped forward, with a vaguely anxious tone.

  Although it was a deal between him and Mo Xiuchen, he still wanted to let the woman in front of him know that he was helpful and he was too anxious to express himself, forgetting that this was the pain in Wen Ran's heart.

   Her hand hanging next to her was quietly clenched, Mo Zixuan's words seemed to remind her that she was sick and she should not stay with Mo Xiuchen anymore.

  Thinking of this, her face turned white, but she couldn't see clearly in the dim light.

   At this moment, behind him, there was another soft call: "Ranran!"

  The voice fell, and a familiar breath came from the air. Wen Ran raised her eyes and looked at the man coming from the door. She pressed down the emotions in her heart, and pressed her lips gently.

   "You go in and clean up the mess inside."

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes swept across Mo Zixuan coldly, and the voice of the exit contained a hint of displeasure and some kind of warning.

  Mo Zixuan looked at the dark color in Mo Xiuchen's eyes, and replied ‘OK’. Although he was reluctant, he turned around and left.

   "Of course, why did you run outside alone?"

  Mo Xiuchen stared at Wen Ran's faintly pale face with deep eyes, secretly guessing in his heart what Mo Zixuan said to her just now.

   Wen Ran curbed his emotions, met his warm eyes, and whispered: "Xiao Xiao called me. I came out to answer the phone. Have you finished talking?"

  She just answered the phone, but forgot to listen to what he just said.

   "Well, it's over."

Mo Xiuchen stretched out his hand to embrace her shoulders and embraced her slender body in his arms. Si Tan's eyes were filled with tender love, and the voice overflowing with thin lips, not like the clear and majestic just now, but low and magnetic, listening. , Very pleasing to the ear.

  "What award was awarded to Cheng Jia? Is she satisfied with her promotion?"

   A clear smile appeared between Wen Ran's eyebrows and his eyes, looking at him shiningly. I thought, Cheng Jia heard Mo Xiuchen's words and didn't know what his expression was. Although I didn't see it, it must be very exciting.

  "She is satisfied. From tomorrow, she will be Mo Zixuan's secretary. When Mo Zixuan takes over the company, she will become the president's secretary as she wishes. What's the dissatisfaction."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled and smiled. Just now, Cheng Jia’s face with heavy makeup and colorful makeup was really rich, blue and white, white and blue...

  It's just a pity, but I didn't see it.

"is it?"

  Wen Ran smiled suspiciously, Mo Xiuchen smiled again, and changed the subject and said, "Of course, there is nothing to do with me here, let's leave."

He doesn't like to stay in this kind of situation. In fact, he doesn't like the time when others are disturbing him. He cherishes every minute and every second they spend together. Therefore, just to make a long story short, make things clear and come out immediately. I'm looking for her.

  Wen Ran blinked in surprise, "Would it be bad if you left so soon?"

  You need to know that he had just pushed Cheng Jia to Mo Zixuan, and it was beyond everyone's expectation. As the group president, leaving the meeting early now is not too shameful.

   "No, go, let's go home."

  Mo Xiuchen didn't want to waste time on this kind of boring celebration banquet. His time is used to accompany his beloved woman. He only wants to live in harmony with Ranran and live their two-person world quietly.

  Wen Ran was arrogantly pulled away from the banquet hall. Before he could see Cheng Jia's expression, he came to the parking lot. Mo Xiuchen opened the door and blocked the roof with one hand to let her get in the car.

   Wen Ran bent over and got into the car.

  Mo Xiuchen closed the car door, went to the other side to sit in the main driver's seat, leaned over naturally, and fastened her seat belt.

   "Of course, it's still early, is there any place you want to go?"

  Through the dim light in the car, Mo Xiuchen gazed gently at the woman in front of him, leaning too close, her quiet breath lingered around his nose, his mind was a little rippling, and he wanted to lower his head to kiss her...

  This thought flashed in his mind, and soon, it was forcibly suppressed by him, but deep in the bottom of his eyes, there was a touch of heat quietly, and it was shining in the dimly lit carriage.

  Wen Ran seemed to feel his strangeness, her small face was slightly hot, her eyes narrowed slightly, her gaze stopped on his big hand holding her hand, and she whispered: "Let's go home."


  Mo Xiuchen raised a smile on his lips. He couldn't help feeling joy when he heard her say the word ‘go home’. At least, she was willing to go home with him.

  He slowly released her hand, sat back in position, fastened his seat belt, and started the engine.

  The car hits the road, shuttles in the night at a steady speed. Mo Xiuchen drove very intently, but from time to time he glanced at Wen Ran beside him from the rearview mirror. Because of her company, the corner of his mouth has been curved shallowly.

  Wen Ran leaned on the back of the chair, leaning slightly towards him, his brows and eyes were calm and his eyes were watery, and he gently landed on his big palm holding the steering wheel, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Of course, if you are tired, just close your eyes and rest for a while. When you get home, I'll call you again." Mo Xiuchen looked at her several times and saw that she maintained the same posture and expression. He didn't even lift his eyes. Speak softly.

  Hearing his voice, Wen Ran raised his eyes, his eyes touched his concerned eyes, smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "I'm not tired, I'm watching you drive."

Because of her words, Mo Xiuchen felt warmth in his heart, and quietly reduced the speed of the car. The cars that were behind them passed the front one by one, and he looked at Wen Ran more frequently. .

  Wen Ran finally noticed the way he looked at her from time to time, and she smiled lightly, “Xiu Chen, don’t look to me anymore, concentrate on driving, otherwise I will feel insecure.”

  Mo Xiuchen was startled, then nodded: "Okay!"

  After this, he really didn't dare to look in her direction anymore.


  At the banquet, Cheng Jia recovered from the answer Mo Xiuchen had just announced, and Mo Xiuchen could not be found.

  Not only Mo Xiuchen, even Wen Ran, disappeared.

   Her heart swelled with anger, she held the cup tightly, tightening it inch by inch, and the words of congratulations around her became ironic. Since Mo Xiuchen announced her salary increase and promotion at the celebration banquet, she was full of expectation and joy.

  Thinking he would really do as she wished, let her go to work beside him. That Wen Ran, obviously hadn't come to the company for several days, why did he come to the company again today, and also came to the celebration banquet with Mo Xiuchen, obviously demonstrating to her.

  She pressed her lips fiercely, and a glimmer of unwillingness and coldness flashed in her eyes. This time, she lost, and next time, she will definitely win back. One day, the woman standing next to Mo Xiuchen will be her Cheng Jia!

  (End of this chapter)

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