Chapter 514 Her care

   "Of course, I sent you a video."

  At night, as soon as Wen Ran drank the medicine, she received a call from Bai Xiaoxiao. She asked blankly, "What video?"

   "It's Cheng Jia. At noon today, I tried to seduce the video of Mo Xiuchen at the company. Take a look."

  Just now the phone rang, Wen Ran didn't care. After hearing what she said, she clicked on WeChat. Sure enough, there was a video sent by Bai Xiaoxiao, but she didn't know what the content was.

   "Look first, I'll take a shower."

  Bai Xiaoxiao didn't talk much, so he hung up the phone after speaking.

"Ranran, what video did Xiao Xiao send you?" On the sofa, Wen Jin asked with a smile. Today was too busy during the day, and learned that Ranran went to find Mo Xiuchen, and he didn't have time to come back. At night, he gave up the dinner. , Come back to accompany her to dinner.

  Wen Ran smiled faintly: “I don’t know yet, brother, sit here and watch together.”

  Wen Jin moved a bit in front of her, and Wen Ran clicked on the video. The screen was Mo Xiuchen’s office, she recognized it at a glance.

   "Cheng Jia?"

  Wen Jin’s voice was very low, and when she spoke, she looked at Wen Ran with worry.

Feeling his gaze, he twitched the corner of his mouth gently, without making a sound, but fixedly looking at the man on the sofa. Between his handsome eyebrows, there was a layer of indifference and coldness, and he looked at Cheng Jia's eyes. As fierce as a knife.

  However, Cheng Jia did not flinch, and walked towards him carrying the lunch. Wen Jin frowned tightly, and Wen Ran pinched the phone's hand and quietly tightened.

   Cheng Jia put her lunch on the coffee table in front of Mo Xiuchen, her voice was gentle and charming, but within two seconds, Wen Ran widened her eyes in astonishment, and worries flashed in her eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen swept away the hand of Cheng Jia's lunch box. It was the hand that had been burned after receiving water in the morning.

  She didn't seem to see Cheng Jia being scalded and screaming. All her attention was focused on Mo Xiuchen's hand. She didn't see clearly whether he hurt his hand.

  He quickly left the office, and then Luo Haofeng walked in.

  Wen Ran watched the next scene absent-mindedly, even if Cheng Jia walked and limped, even if she squatted on the ground, cleaned the food by herself, and then wiped the floor, she didn't care.

  What she was thinking in her heart was Mo Xiuchen's hand.

   "This Cheng Jia really deserves it."

  Wen Jin commented a little angrily, Wen Ran calmed his mind, looked up at Wen Jin, and said softly, "Brother, I will go upstairs to rest first."

   "Okay, rest early, tomorrow morning, I will wait for you to have breakfast."

   "Well, brother, good night!"

  Wen Ran finished speaking, took her mobile phone upstairs, and returned to her room. She watched the video again, and when she saw Mo Xiuchen sweeping away the food with her hand, she pressed pause.

  It can be seen from the way Cheng Jia limped just now, the food must be very hot, especially the soup.

  Thinking about it, she called Gu Kai's number.

  The phone rang twice, and Gu Kai’s voice came through the radio wave, deep and gentle: "Hey, of course!"

   "Brother Gu, are you free now?"

   "I just got off work and I am going home. Of course, what's the matter?"

  On the phone, there was a sound of closing doors. Gu Kai came out of the office and walked slowly towards the elevator.

   "Well, Xiuchen got his hand scalded at noon, can you send him some ointment over it?"

Wen Ran walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, raised her hand to open the curtain, and looked out of the window through the glass. Originally, she just wanted to see the quiet night outside the window. When she touched the black car not far away, under the dim night, her heart There was a shudder.

  In the ears, Gu Kai’s voice came in suspiciously: "Send ointment? Of course, Xiu Chen came to the hospital in the afternoon. I didn’t hear that his hand was burned. When did it happen?"

  Wen Ran's strength while pinching the phone suddenly tightened, and he took a step back.

  Downstairs, in the main driver's seat of Aston, Mo Xiuchen seemed to feel the gaze from the second floor. He raised his head and looked at her window with deep eyes.

  He didn't see anyone, only the curtains were shaking slightly.

  Wen Ran leaned against the wall, her heart throbbing, as if about to pop out of her chest, she raised her hand to caress her heart, and forgot to answer Gu Kai's words.

   "Of course, are you listening?"

  On the phone, Gu Kai couldn't hear her voice, and there was a trace of worry in her voice.

   "Yes, he burned his hand when he received the boiling water in the morning. At noon, Cheng Jia delivered him food. He overturned the food, and it seemed that there was soup, and he used the burned hand."

Gu Kai heard her say this, did not ask any more, and readily agreed: "Okay, I will call Xiuchen now and see where he is, I will give him a salve, and by the way, see if he has dinner. ."


  Wen Ran did not tell him that Mo Xiuchen was downstairs at her house.


  Mo Xiuchen retracted his gaze when the phone rang, took out the phone, glanced at the call, pressed the answer button with his long finger, and gave a faint ‘hello’.

   "Xiuchen, are you still working overtime?"

  Gu Kai's voice was teasing, and Mo Xiuchen frowned lightly, and said indifferently: "No."

   "Then where are you, I will find you."

   "I'm not free now." Mo Xiuchen looked up to the lighted window on the second floor. He wondered if Wen Ran called Gu Kai and asked him to call her away.

  "What are you busy with, is it possible that you and Cheng Jia are together? Forget it, I'll tell you the truth, but then, you burned your hand, let me give you the ointment."

"Ran Ran?"

  Mo Xiuchen heard the words, and a touch of self-deprecating appeared on her lips. She didn't want to see him so much, even if he stayed quietly downstairs, was she afraid that he would disturb her again?

   "Where are you, I will come to find you."

   Without waiting for Gu Kai to speak, he asked back.

  The words fall, lower your hair and move the car.

   Twenty minutes later, Mo Xiuchen found Gu Kai in a restaurant. He ordered a table of dishes and was enjoying slowly by himself.

  "Xiuchen, come, accompany me to dinner first, and the operation in the afternoon is done now, and I starved to death."

  Gu Kai saw Mo Xiuchen coming, smiled and waved at him, swallowed the food in his mouth, and started to complain.

  Mo Xiuchen did not speak. After sitting down, he picked up his chopsticks and ate the food intently.

  "Have you not eaten dinner? Don't say yes, Cheng Jia gave you food at noon? You and Ranran's marriage hasn't left yet, Cheng Jia will show her affection. She is really infatuated with you."

  Gu Kai glanced at Mo Xiuchen, who was concentrating on eating food, and said nothing, and said unhappily. That Cheng Jia stayed at MS Group for a day and was restless.

"how do you know?"

  Mo Xiuchen squinted his eyes, and the action of picking up the dishes stopped.

"Ranran told me, she said, you scalded your hands when you took the boiling water in the morning. At noon, Cheng Jia delivered you food. You overturned the food and soup. You used the burned hand, but you still It shouldn't be too serious to be able to hold chopsticks!"

  Gu Kai glanced over his hand holding chopsticks. He went to the hospital in the afternoon. He didn't even notice that his hand was burned. Only now did he see it.

  (End of this chapter)

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