Chapter 513 I love Xiuchen

  The blood on Wen Ran's face disappeared completely in Shen Yuting's words!

  Shen Yuting is a wise man. Seeing Wen Ran's face as pale as snow, she understood without answering.

Before I came, I was a little angry at Wen Ran's harm to Mo Xiuchen, angry at her cruelty, angry at her being loved by Mo Xiuchen, but didn't know how to cherish it.

  However, at this moment, not only did the last trace of anger in her heart disappear without a trace, but she also felt distressed and tender.

"I understand."

  After a long silence, she said softly.

   "Sister Ting, don't tell Xiu Chen."

  The pain in Wen Ran's eyes faded like a tide, and there was a deep worry in her crystal clear eyes.

  Shen Yuting had a sore nose and nodded: "Okay, I won't tell him, but of course, how did you know? Did Fu Jingyi tell you again?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in Wen Ran's eyes. These days, it was so hard for her to keep secrets by herself. Especially, she remembered everything that night. In these two days, she started to have nightmares again. Now, there is finally someone who can talk to her. That day, Fu Jingyi told me on the phone that I would only harm the person I love. Originally, I didn't believe it."

  Shen Yuting's eyes tightened, and she listened quietly without interrupting.

"On that night, I dreamed of my childhood. To be precise, it was something I didn't remember before. I remembered everything, including when I met Xiu Chen that year, I let him go. After returning, Fu Jingyi treated me differently. Kind of torture."

  Speaking of this, her body was slightly shaking, as if the sunlight hitting her body suddenly lost its temperature, her only feeling was cold.

"Ran Ran!"

  Shen Yuting felt tight and stretched out to hold Wen Ran's hand.

  Her hands were cold, she comforted softly: "If you don't want to say it, don't say it."

  Wen Ran looked at her with bright eyes, "I haven't told anyone, not even Xiaoxiao, today, if it weren't for you to ask, maybe I would never tell anyone."

"Actually, Fu Jingyi has been giving me medicine and injections. Before I let Xiuchen go, he just lied to me that I was sick and needed injections and medicine. From time to time, he would treat me well. But since then, After that, he looked at me with only stern eyes, and he told me frankly what effect the medicine I took and the injections had."

"He said, he hates my parents, hates them for betraying him. He wants to take revenge on me for his hatred of them. He also said that when I grow up, he will find many men for me. Anyway, in my whole life, It’s impossible to get pregnant, even if it’s ruined by many men, it doesn’t matter."

   "Of course, don't talk about it."

  Shen Yuting couldn't listen anymore. She knew that Wen Ran had suffered a lot in Fu Jingyi's hands, but she didn't dare to dream about it, it would be so cruel.

Wen Ran trembled slightly, and her voice was trembling: "This is not the most important thing. Even if I can't be a mother for the rest of my life, even if he uses me as an experiment, even if I was planted with a'virus' on my body, it will take many years before the attack occurs. It doesn't matter. What I hate him most is that he said, I can't fall in love with any man."

   "Whoever I am with will kill anyone."

Wen Ran's tears slipped down her cheeks uncontrollably. She sobbed lowly and said in pain, "I love Xiuchen, and love him as much as he loves me. I wish I could stay with him forever, even if I could not stay with him forever. So, even if it’s only a few years, I recognize it. But I can’t stay by his side, I can’t harm him.”

   "I also feel cruel, but I hope he will live well. I hope that in the next few decades, he will meet another woman who makes him tempted..."

   "Of course, I know, I'm sorry, I blamed you by mistake, we both blamed you by mistake."

  Shen Yuting raised her hand to wipe her tears, then opened her bag and took out a tissue to wipe Wen Ran's tears.

  Wen Ran took the tissue, wiped her tears, and tried to calm the emotions in her heart. After these words, she no longer panicked and seemed to feel a little better.

   "Sister Ting, what I told you just now, will you keep me secret? I don't want my brother and them to know."

  Whether it's Wen Jin, Gu Kai, or her father Gu Yan, she doesn't want them to know or feel sad because of her.

   "Okay, I'll keep it secret for you."

  Shen Yuting still had tears in her eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on her face. At this moment, she truly recognized the cousin Wen Ran from the bottom of her heart.

   "Thank you, Sister Ting."

  Wen Ran also followed up with a smile, her face still with tears on her face, her smile became more and more beautiful, like a flower blooming on a branch after the rain. She asked gently: "Sister Ting, you still tell me, what kind of person is your boyfriend? How is he to you?"

  Shen Yuting did not want to continue the topic just now, making her feel sad, and said with a smile: "He is ordinary, but he is very good to me. I will take a few pictures of him next time to show you."


  Brows crooked with a smile, it seems that she is not the one who was so sad that she was suffocating.

  The two chatted for a while. Shen Yuting’s cell phone rang, she took out her cell phone and said “My boyfriend is calling.” Press the answer button, and the voice softly overflowed with red lips: “Hey!”

  Wen Ran looked at the gentle smile between Shen Yuting's eyebrows and her eyes, the sadness in her heart dissipated a little, no matter what she and Xiu Chen were, at least the people around her were still happy.

  I don’t know what Shen Yuting’s boyfriend said, but I heard her answer gently: "Okay, see you later."

   Seeing her hung up, she asked jokingly: "Sister Ting, did your boyfriend have an appointment with you?"

  Shen Yuting smiled lightly and admitted frankly: “Yes, he paid a salary today and wants to invite me to dinner. Of course, I won’t accompany you anymore. If I have time the next day, I will come to you again.


   Wen Ran nodded.

  The two stood up. Before leaving, Shen Yuting hugged her again and said softly, “Of course, even if what Fu Jingyi said is true, you should not give up on yourself or Xiu Chen. I hope you are happy.”


  Wen Ran agreed softly, Shen Yuting let her go and smiled encouragingly at her, "I really want to go, next time I see you, don't lose weight."

   "No, I work hard to gain weight." Wen Ran said confidently, and there was no sign of sadness on the face.

After she sent Shen Yuting away, she went back upstairs and looked at herself in the mirror. The woman in the mirror seemed to be really thin, especially the pointy squat. The little meat she had grown a few months ago, this It was all gone for a few days.

Taking a deep breath, she told herself softly in her heart: "Wen Ran, you must be happy. You can't worry the person who loves you, let alone make the person you love lonely and lonely forever, you must raise your body well. To be with him for a lifetime!"

  (End of this chapter)

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