Chapter 295 Let Her Sleep More Time

   "What baby?"

   Xiao Liu is honest, he suddenly heard Cheng Jia's words, frowned, blurted out and asked, the face of the child poetry sitting next to him changed slightly, and he looked at him suspiciously.

   "I'm pregnant, it's your child."

   Cheng Jia seemed uncomfortable, her voice was a bit intermittent, and the doctor’s voice was still oozing, "You come to the People’s Hospital..."

   "Ah, be careful!"

  Xiao Liu was too frightened, lost control of the steering wheel in his hand, and almost ran into the overtaking vehicle next to him, and Tong Shishi screamed in shock.

  The next second, the car stopped abruptly by the side of the road.

  In the dim light, he couldn't pay attention to his face, and in those eyes, there was a complicated expression.

"What happened?"

Tong Shishi looked at Xiao Liu and asked worriedly. He just heard him talk about his grandmother’s friend having a car accident. Seeing that Xiao Liu didn’t speak, she just looked ahead blankly and stretched out her hand to shake him: "Is your grandmother pregnant?"

  Little Liu slowly turned his head, looked at Tong Shishi, opened his mouth, wanted to tell her, but didn't know what to say.

   "Shishi, I will take you home first, and tomorrow, I will tell you what it is."


  Children's poems didn't seem to be anxious, and smiled comfortingly at him.


  Little Liu sent Tong Shishi home, and immediately rushed to the hospital to find Cheng Jia.

  Knowing that his eldest son is still with his grandmother in the hospital, he didn't dare to bother him with such trivial matters.

  When he arrived, Cheng Jia had just returned from the operating room to the ward. It was the hospitalization procedure performed by the nurse. Seeing Xiao Liu coming in, she pointed to the edge of the bed and motioned him to sit.

   "How could you get pregnant?"

   Xiao Liu did not sit, the tall figure stood stiffly in the ward, looking at the bed, Cheng Jia was pale.

  A trace of sadness flashed in Cheng Jia's eyes. She was stroking her abdomen with her hand across the quilt, and whispered: "It should be the first night. That night, no measures were taken. I also forgot to take the after-treatment.

   Xiao Liu frowned tightly, obviously, he didn't like this child.

  However, he couldn't cruelly let her beat the child. This was his first child.

  "When did you find out you were pregnant?"

   "I was vomiting a bit in the past two days. I wanted to go to the hospital for a checkup this weekend. Who knew I fell and had a terrible stomachache, so I immediately took a taxi to the hospital. The doctor told me that it was an early pregnancy."

   "I think that you are the father of the child and have the right to know the existence of the child. If you don't want it, just treat it as if I haven't told you."

   Cheng Jia looked at Xiao Liu's frown and indifferent expression, and said in a low voice.

   "Are you going to give birth?"

  Little Liu looked at Cheng Jia with surprise. He didn't think she was the kind of woman with maternal love.

Cheng Jia looked down at her abdomen. Although she was separated by the quilt, even the little life hadn't formed yet, but her brows and eyes really showed tender maternal love: "This is my first child, and I don't want to fight. Drop her."

   Xiao Liu raised his hand with a headache to rub his forehead.

   "You take me home, I don't want to live in the hospital."

   Cheng Jia said, reaching out and lifting the quilt, about to get up.

  There was a drip on the back of her hand.

   Xiao Liu's face changed, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop her, grabbed her wrist with his big hand, and said coldly: "No, you must at least finish this bit. Observe here for one night and go home tomorrow."

   Cheng Jia sneered in her heart, pretending to be pitiful, "I don't want to make you embarrassed."


  Wen Ran stayed with Bai Xiaoxiao in the hospital all night.

It wasn't until dawn that she slept on the edge of the bed. Not long after, the door of the ward was pushed open, and the footsteps were very quiet. Someone walked to the bed and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao who was sleeping on the bed. Waist, picked up Wen Ran who was lying on the edge of the bed.

  She frowned, and in her sleep, she raised her hand anxiously to refuse.

  The man hugged her arm slightly and put her slender body in his arms: "Of course, let's go to the room downstairs to rest."

  Mo Xiuchen walked out of the intensive care unit holding Wen Ran, nodded to the special nurse waiting at the door, and let him go in and look at Bai Xiaoxiao.

   "She finally fell asleep."

  A few steps away, Gu Kai was standing jade, looking distressed at the woman in Mo Xiuchen's arms.

  Mo Xiuchen looked at Wen Ran tenderly, “I want her to sleep more time and wait for Bai Xiaoxiao to wake up.”

  She is like this, she can't sleep for long, and she must be by Bai Xiaoxiao's side when she wakes up. Bai Xiaoxiao can't wake up in a few days. She stays up for a few days and nights, and Mo Xiuchen really feels distressed.

  Gu Kai frowned lightly, and followed him downstairs, “It’s okay to let her sleep one more day, at least let her rest enough to take care of Bai Xiaoxiao.”

  Mo Xiuchen hugged Wen Ran into a ward, put her on the not spacious bed, curved the corners of her lips gently, and flicked the hair that fell on her cheek with her slender fingers.

  Two minutes later, Gu Kai came in with a glass of water, followed by Wen Jin.

   "You are a patient, why don't you go to sleep?"

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at Wen Jin who was sitting in a wheelchair. Last night, he and Gu Kai were on the floor of the intensive care unit, while Wen Jin was in his ward.

  Wen Ran doesn't sleep, he can't sleep either.

  Wen Jin faintly swept his eyes across him, and looked at Wen Ran who was asleep on the bed, "I listened to Gu Kai, you want to let Ranran sleep longer?"

   "Well, she won't be able to bear it if she keeps on like this."

  Mo Xiuchen took the water glass in Gu Kai's hand. There was only half a glass of water in it, which had melted the pill.

  "Do you want to wake her up?"

   Seeing him helping Wen Ran up, Wen Jin frowned slightly.

  Mo Xiuchen didn't turn his head back, and faintly spit out the word "no". He sat down on the edge of the bed, took a sip of water in his mouth, and bowed his head to kiss Wen Ran.

  Wen Jin's eyes changed, and he looked down at his wheelchair.

  Gu Kai seemed to expect that Mo Xiuchen would use this method. He was not surprised. He just turned his head and said to Wen Jin: "Of course you are asleep, go back to rest."


  Wen Jin did not watch the scene of Mo Xiuchen feeding water with his mouth again, and refused to let Gu Kai send it, pushing his wheelchair out of the ward.

  Wen Ran supported all night, frightened, worried, sad and sad. Once she fell asleep, she fell asleep deeply. Even if Mo Xiuchen used her mouth to feed her water, she just choked and did not wake up.

  Gu Kai followed out of the ward, and waited outside for Mo Xiuchen to finish feeding before coming in.

  In the ward, only Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran were the two who were clearly feeding her water, but when he touched her soft lips, he couldn't help feeling a little bit mad. After feeding her the water, he couldn't bear to leave her lips.

   Tenderly, lingering on her lips for a long time, then reluctantly let go of her, and gently put her back on the bed.

Wen Ran frowned, not sure whether he was dissatisfied with his plunder or his departure. He bends his lips, then leaned over and kissed her forehead, and his voice was dull: "Ranran, let you leave for two days for now. , You have a good sleep."

  (End of this chapter)

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