Chapter 294 I'm Pregnant

  In the intensive care unit

  Wen Ran was wearing sterile clothes, squatting in front of the hospital bed, holding Bai Xiaoxiao's hands in both hands, choking and saddening every word.

  "Xiaoxiao, did you hear what I said? You must wake up quickly. When you wake up, I will cook for you and cook your favorite dishes..."

  "...Tonight, I am here with you, although not at your house..."

  "Xiaoxiao, if you encounter danger next time, you must not be so stupid, you know? I would rather be the one lying here now than see you like this."

  Bai Xiaoxiao slept peacefully on the hospital bed. No matter what Wen Ran said, she couldn't respond.

  If she could hear her, she would definitely retort: ​​"Of course, even if I do it again, I will do it again." Because, in her heart, they are as close as sisters.

  Just like what Mo Xiuchen said, when she pushed Wen Ran away, it was just Bai Xiaoxiao's instinctive reaction, just as Wen Ran blurted out, shouting ‘Xiaoxiao, run quickly’ when he didn’t have time to escape.


  An apartment in G city late at night

Jiang Liu watched Cheng Jia's pale face and clutched his stomach. He was taken aback. When he went down, he saw that there was blood flowing out of Cheng Jia's legs/legs. His eyes changed and he wanted to ask what he wanted. Cheng Jia had already grasped. He held his hand, his voice was painful and angered: "Hurry up, take me to the hospital."


  Jiang Liu returned to his senses, holding her downstairs.

   "Go to the People's Hospital."

  Cheng Jia’s pain is so painful that her facial features are twisted together.

  Her home is about the same distance from Kangning Hospital and People’s Hospital. She was afraid that Jiang Liu would send her to Kangning Hospital. She first told her.


  Jiang Liu nodded, put her in the new car that the genius mentioned before, and drove all the way to the People’s Hospital.

  In the middle of the night, there are very few vehicles and the road is not crowded. In addition, the river speed is very fast, and it takes 20 minutes to reach the hospital.

   "Wait a minute."

  The river flowed out of the car, opened the door, and was about to bend down to hug Cheng Jia, but she suddenly stopped her, her eyes passed over him, and stared at the car window. "

Jiang Liu turned his head suspiciously. In the middle of the night, there were very few people, only in the distance, a pair of young men and women. The man was tall and mighty, and the woman was petite and cute. The man wrapped a scarf around the woman's neck. Look at each other and laugh, and at a glance, you are in love.

   "Do you know them?"

  Jiang Liu knew that Cheng Jia didn't want him to appear in front of people she knew. He knew better that she took the initiative to sleep with him, not because he liked him, but because his looks and body resembled a man.

   Cheng Jia's eyes changed, and there was a cold look in her eyes. She suddenly understood why she did not want to continue with Xiao Liu that day, Mo Xiuchen agreed without embarrassment.

   also said that he went to talk to Xiao Liu.

  That's it!

  Does Xiao Liu have a favorite?

  Until another wave of pain hit, Xiao Liu and the girl also got on the car, she recovered, and looked at Shang Jiangliu inquisitively: "He is the father of the child, do you think I know him?"

   "The man just now?"

  Jiang Liu narrowed his eyes and looked at Cheng Jia in disbelief. No wonder he felt that the figure was a bit familiar. He remembered that the man was the man who had been rumored with Cheng Jia.

  An honest and stupid driver.

   "They're gone, if you don't go to the hospital, the child won't be able to keep it."

  Jiang Liu only enjoys Cheng Jia's body, not like her. She doesn't care much about her previous things, she just talks freely, and he listens freely.

   "Let's go, I'll go in by myself."

   Cheng Jia suddenly changed her mind, and Mo Xiuchen actually fooled her again.

  Her eyes were cold, and the corners of her mouth sneered: "I will call the child's father later and ask him to come to the hospital to accompany me."

  No wonder she can’t get Xiao Liu’s heart. It turns out that he has a woman he likes, and that woman smiles so sweetly. She suddenly wanted to see what she looked like when she cried.

Jiang Liu understood what she meant, and he didn't want to stay with her in the hospital in the middle of the night. He hummed, bent over and got into the cab, watching Cheng Jia get off the car with difficulty, while taking out his mobile phone, holding his belly in one hand, and heading towards the hospital. The door goes away.

  He sneered twice, started the car and left.


  On the way Xiao Liu sent Tong Shishi home, the phone ringing suddenly rang.

  Seeing the caller ID, his face suddenly changed. In the passenger seat, Tong Shishi asked curiously: "Who is calling?"

  Xiao Liu shook his head, hung up the phone, and continued the topic just now: “Tomorrow morning, you won’t be using it in the hospital. I’ll bring breakfast to my aunt. Don’t delay your work.”

  A few seconds later, the bell rang again, and before he hung up, Tong Shishi said: "You take it, maybe someone has something important to you."


Xiao Liu chuckled awkwardly, pressed the answer button, and gave an indifferent "hello". On the other end of the phone, Cheng Jia's painful and panicked voice came: "Xiao Liu, come to the hospital, the doctor said, our The baby is in danger."

  (End of this chapter)

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