Chapter 292 This is not to blame you

  Mo Xiuchen's eyes changed, and seeing her crying sadly, he pressed his lips heavily, hugged her tightly, and calmed down softly: "Of course, this is not to blame, you really are not to blame."

  How terrified Wen Ran was in her heart, and her tears flowed so fiercely. As long as she thought of the scene of Xiaoxiao being knocked into the air and falling from mid-air to the ground, her heart was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

  How can we not blame her.

  Even if they don't blame her, she herself blames herself.

   "Of course, listen to me, Xiao Xiao will be fine."

  He wanted to wipe her tears away, but he didn't dare to use force, because when Bai Xiaoxiao pushed her away, she fell to the ground, half of her face was bruised, and the tears flowed on her face, which must be very painful.

  But she didn't feel the pain, the body pain was insignificant, but the heart hurt.


  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen dimly with tears, expecting and panicking, like a helpless child, causing Mo Xiuchen's heart to feel unspeakable pain.

  In front of the twenty-nine-year-old, mature, steady, shrewd and wise Mo Xiuchen, the twenty-three-year-old Wen Ran, simple and immature, just like a child.

  In the past few months, she was too depressed. At this moment, she finally couldn't support her and collapsed.

Mo Xiuchen nodded heavily, his deep eyes were tender and firm. He kissed her forehead pitifully, and promised softly: "With A Kai, Xiao Xiao will be fine, but you, you can no longer be so sad. Go down, let me disinfect the wounds on your face, apply some ointment, and when Xiaoxiao wakes up, you have to accompany her."

  Wen Ran seemed to really believe what Mo Xiuchen said, "You won't lie to me, will you?"

"of course not."

  Mo Xiuchen solemnly guarantees.

   "My face is okay, but when Xiao Xiao pushed away, she fell to the ground and scratched her skin a little."

   "No, the wound on the face must be disinfected and cleaned up. I haven't told Wen Jin yet. In a moment, you can call him."


  Wen Ran agreed softly that even if he didn't tell his brother, he would still see the news. If he let him see it, he would be even more worried.

  Mo Xiuchen got up, took the sterile cotton swab, carefully disinfected her, and applied a layer of ointment. Wen Ran was about to call Wen Jin when her cell phone rang.

  Caller ID is Wen Jin.

   "It seems that your brother has seen the news or heard of it."

  Mo Xiuchen also saw the caller ID on her screen and said gently.

  Wen Ran pursed his lips, quietly calmed down the emotions in his heart, and then pressed the answer button, most likely to make his voice sound gentle and calm: "Brother."

   "Of course, I heard just now, how is Xiao Xiao's situation, are you okay?"

  Wen Jin’s voice came through the radio wave, with deep concern and worry.

  "Brother, I’m fine. It’s Xiaoxiao. She pushed me away. She is still in the operating room. Brother Gu is also in the operating room. I will call you when her surgery is over."


  Hearing her voice, Wen Jin raised his heart and let go a little bit, but Wen Ran said that Xiaoxiao pushed her away and she was fine. Wen Jin had to worry about Bai Xiaoxiao's situation.

  On the LCD screen in his ward, a video of the car accident was playing. The off-road vehicle was coming from a distance, so it should be for gentleness.

   Seeing Bai Xiaoxiao pushing Wen Ran away, the moment she hit her, Wen Jin squeezed the phone's strength suddenly, and her heart almost stopped beating at that moment.


  At the same time, Cheng Jia waited at the entrance of the hotel and saw Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng coming out of the commercial car parked on the roadside. The car drove away. When there was no figure she hoped to see, her brows frowned.

Both Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng saw Cheng Jia who was waiting at the door. She had a white fur cape and a red **** A-line skirt inside. On such a cold day, she only wore a pair of silk stockings. She didn't know whether it was cold or not. cold.

   Tan Mu and Luo Haofeng glanced at each other, and walked side by side toward the hotel door.

  "Special Assistant Tan, Vice President Luo, why are you two, President Mo hasn't come yet?"

  Privately, Cheng Jia likes to call Mo Xiuchen ‘Little Mo’, but at work, especially when socializing, she can’t call him that way, but call him ‘Mr. Mo’.

   "Xiuchen has some personal matters to deal with, we won't come tonight, let's go in first."

  Luo Haofeng's eyes were cold, and the process was good, and he stepped into the hotel. Tan Mu didn't even look at her, and went straight into the hotel.

There was a touch of disappointment in Cheng Jia's eyes, and her face changed. Seeing that they had all entered, she immediately followed up and caught up with them. He asked with concern: "Vice President Luo, what's the matter with President Mo that will delay this evening? An important meal?"

When he walked to the elevator, Luo Haofeng stopped, turned his head, looked at Cheng Jia condescendingly, with a cold and unhappy tone, "He is the boss, do I need to report to you? Is it Xiuchen tonight? If you haven't come, you are not willing to attend this dinner?"

Cheng Jia was shocked by his sharp eyes, and shook his head subconsciously, "Of course not, I just care about President Mo."

  She also wanted to take some intimate photos with him tonight and send to Wen Ran. For this reason, she dressed up carefully, but he did not come. This is not the old pervert that is cheap.

  Luo Haofeng and Tan Mu entered the elevator one after another and said coldly, “Not the best. Xiu Chen is very optimistic about you. He has something to do tonight, so you can’t leave the customer out of the cold.”

   Cheng Jia was so annoyed to death, but she didn't dare to show it, she gave a professional smile, "Vice President Luo rest assured, I will do my best."



   Outside the operating room, Mo Xiuchen has been with Wen Ran all the time.

   Father Bai and Mother Bai sat together, and time passed by. It has been two hours since Bai Xiaoxiao entered the operating room, and she still hadn’t seen it.

  Wen Ran stared at the operating room without blinking her eyes. The longer she waited, the more disturbed she became.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at the time, and it was already past eight o'clock. I don't know when the operation will be carried out. They are all one by one, and they haven't eaten yet.

  "Mr. Bai, I don’t know when the operation will end. Otherwise, I will send someone a meal. You and Mrs. Bai will eat a little bit."

  Father Bai did not answer, Mother Bai shook her head and said sadly, “I don’t know the result of Xiaoxiao’s operation, I can’t eat anything.”

  She pursed her lips and looked at Wen Ran beside Mo Xiuchen. After thinking about it, she added, "You can buy Ranran something to eat. Let her eat a bit first."

   "I can't eat it either. I have to wait for Xiaoxiao to come out."

  Wen Ran kept looking at the closed door of the operating room. Xiaoxiao is now uncertain whether she can eat anything.

  Mo Xiuchen felt distressed across his eyes.

  Looking at Wen Ran's stubborn and cold face, he knew that if the operation was not over, he could not let Ranran change his decision if he said anything.

   sighed silently, stopped talking, and quietly continued to accompany her to wait for the moment when the operating room was opened.

  (End of this chapter)

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