Chapter 291 Brother Gu, come here quickly

  Wen Ran's pupils suddenly widened--

  The first reaction was to let Bai Xiaoxiao escape.

  She blurted out and shouted "Xiao Xiao, hurry..."

  The word ‘run’ didn’t come out, but her body was suddenly pushed aside with a violent force, and she fell on the cold and hard road. The off-road vehicle rammed into Bai Xiaoxiao, who could not be avoided.

  Wen Ran looked up and saw that Bai Xiaoxiao was knocked into the air. Her slender body traversed a beautiful arc in the air and fell heavily. The bag in her hand fell to pieces on the road.

   "Xiao Xiao!"

  The voice that Wen Ran shouted out was not like his own.

  Looking at Bai Xiaoxiao's body falling from mid-air, there was a blank in her mind, and the rushing voice was just instinct.

   "There was a car accident, there was a car accident!"

  People not far away watched, and there were well-intentioned people who called the emergency call immediately.

  Wen Ran rushed in front of Bai Xiaoxiao, looking vaguely at the blood spilling from the corner of her mouth, there was blood flowing out of her head...

  Under the overwhelming panic, her tears kept streaming down, she took out her mobile phone to make a call, and called her: "Xiao Xiao, wake up, Xiao Xiao..."

  "Girl, your friend is seriously injured and needs to be sent to the hospital immediately."

   "Now you can't lift it casually, let's wait for the ambulance to come!"

  All kinds of comments were heard from the crowd around.

  The phone rang twice. On the other end of the phone, Gu Kai’s voice came, and Wen Ran anxiously shouted into the phone: "Brother Gu, Xiaoxiao had a car accident. Come here..."

   "Of course, don't worry, tell me, where are you?"

"……In the city center……"

  Seeing her intermittently speechless.

A good-hearted person next to her took the initiative to tell her the location. Gu Kai's soothing voice immediately penetrated into the eardrum, "Of course, listen to me, I will rush over immediately. Don't be afraid, Bai Xiaoxiao will be fine. ."


  Wen Ran nodded heavily.

  She took out the paper in her pocket, wiped the blood from Bai Xiaoxiao's mouth, and then raised her head to ask the people around her if she had any hemostatic items, let her use it first to stop the bleeding for Xiaoxiao.

   "Girl, I'll get it for you."

  It was the owner of a nearby pharmacy who was talking. Two minutes later, he returned with tools such as hemostatic medicine and gauze.

Wen Ran sucked her nose heavily and watched Bai Xiaoxiao's continuous bleeding of blood. She probably felt like an expanding black hole in her heart, swallowing her whole person. She looked up at the man who gave her hemostatic medicine, choked with sobs. Asked, "Brother, can you help me and take my friend to the hospital."


  "I don’t know when the ambulance will come, elder brother, can you help me, my friend is hurt so badly, I’m afraid that it’s late..."

   "Well, hurry up, I'll take you to the hospital, and I will run into an ambulance halfway through."

  The man is kind, seeing Wen Ran crying so sad that he was moved, and promised to send them off.

   "The ambulance is here."

  When the man backed out his car, an ambulance rushed in from a distance. The hospital near here was not Gu’s Kangning Hospital, but the People’s Hospital.

  I want to come, because someone called an emergency call at first, and an ambulance rushed in the first time.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was carried into the ambulance, and Wen Ran jumped into the car. The medical staff immediately stopped the bleeding and gave first aid to Bai Xiaoxiao.

  A few minutes later, Wen Ran's cell phone rang. Gu Kai called. Wen Ran told him that they were rushing to the People's Hospital.

  Gu Kai told her not to worry, and he rushed over immediately.

  Gu Kai and Mo Xiuchen came together, followed by Bai Xiaoxiao’s parents. When Wen Ran called to inform her mother, Bai’s father happened to be home.

  Mo Xiuchen rushed to Wen Ran first, and his deep eyes looked her up and down nervously, his eyes stopped on the bruise on her left cheek, and he called her name distressedly: "Ranran!"

   "Of course, what is going on, why did Xiao Xiao get into a car accident?"

  White mother has red eyes from crying, looking at Wen Ran inquiringly.

"Mr. Bai, Mrs. Bai, I called the police as soon as possible, and the police will come soon. The most important thing now is not to ask what happened, but the safety of Miss Bai. I will go into the operating room and have a look. Calm down first."

  Gu Kai spoke calmly. After speaking, he glanced at Wen Ran with worry, and exchanged glances with Mo Xiuchen before entering the operating room with a nurse.

   "Doctor Gu is right, don't worry, but you can't tell it clearly now. When the police arrive, you will know what happened."

  Father Bai is a man in the mall. Although he is equally anxious, he calmly comforts his wife.

Mother Bai raised her hand and wiped her tears, looked at Wen Ran aside, and said to Mo Xiuchen: "Mr. Mo, if her face is injured, you should take her to disinfect her first. Xiao Xiao's operation will be over in a while. No way..."


  Mo Xiuchen nodded to the father and mother, and took Wen Ran's hand downstairs to go to another room for disinfection.

  Even though he was tightly wrapped by his big palm, his gentle hands were still cold.

  Her face was so white that she was not bloody, and her expression was a bit trance, and she could see Mo Xiuchen's heart throbbing.

  He placed Wen Ran on the sofa, squatted down in front of her, held her cold hands, and looked gently into her red, swollen and tearful eyes.

   "Of course, don't be afraid, with Akai, Bai Xiaoxiao will definitely be fine."

It’s okay if he didn’t say anything. When he comforted him, the tears of tenderness began to roll down again, and her body trembled slightly. She intermittently said: “Xiao Xiao is because of me. If she doesn’t push me away, she won’t be caught. Hit."

  She only experienced a tragic car accident three months ago. She watched her parents and the car burn together...

  It is more sensitive to car accidents than ordinary people, but just half an hour ago, she experienced it again.

  She would rather be hit by her than her best friend. She wished that Xiaoxiao would be selfish and ran away by herself instead of pushing her away.

  If Xiaoxiao had anything to do, she would never forgive herself for the rest of her life.

  Mo Xiuchen was stunned. He didn't expect that it was Bai Xiaoxiao who pushed it away and then he was hit.

He held Wen Ran's little hand tightly, raised his other hand to wipe her tears, and said over and over again, "Of course, you can't blame yourself. Bai Xiaoxiao is your best friend. She is pushing at a critical moment. It’s an instinctive reaction to open you. If you change you, you will definitely do that too."

  Wen Ran desperately shook his head, "But I didn't have time, Xiao Xiao was killed by me."

  She wanted to take Bai Xiaoxiao to run for the first time.

  But she didn't have time. She didn't even turn around. She just yelled "Xiao Xiao, run" on her mouth, and then she was pushed away by Xiao Xiao.

  Xiaoxiao has no enemies, and the car was going to hit her too!

  (End of this chapter)

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