Chapter 2259

   "Brother Zi Yi, I am serious."

  Tin Qingqing smiled and lifted her small face from his arms, her eyes gleaming like stars, but also appealing.

   "Remember what you said."

  Mo Ziyi did not let go of her.

   Tan Qingqing blushed and nodded, "I remembered, I will honor my promise when I come back."

  Finally, she finally persuaded Mo Ziyi, he sent her to the airport and watched her walk into the security check.

Before Qin Qingqing shut down, she sent a text message to her father, Qin Mu, telling him which flight he took.

  Before, Tan Qingqing rushed to the airport, and Tan Mu made another phone call to tell her not to worry, saying that Grandma Tan was a culprit.


  Imperial Capital, Airport.

  Qin Qingqing followed the crowd out of the security check and saw Ye Zhan waiting in the crowd at a glance.

  He is dressed in a casual suit and is personable.

  Many women around him looked at him, but he didn't squint, just looked at Tan Qingqing who came out.

   "Qingqing, no need to watch, I will come to pick you up by myself, and Uncle Tan will cook dinner at home."

   "Why did my dad ask you to pick me up? Isn't my grandma in the hospital?"

   "Grandma Tan is not used to staying in the hospital. She went home an hour ago. Grandma Tan wanted to eat the meal made by Uncle Tan, so he cooked by himself and sent me to pick you up."

   Ye Zhan saw that Tan Qingqing was only carrying a small bag, and he didn't need him to help carry the luggage, so he put one hand in his pocket, his brow smiled, and he explained smoothly.

   "Where is my cousin?"

   "Jin Chen has returned to the army."

   "Then why didn't you reply?"

  The two walked out of the airport together and walked towards Ye Zhan’s car.

  There are many people in places like the airport. Ye Zhan was talking to Tan Qingqing while observing the people around him. He put one hand slightly up beside him, paying attention not to let others touch her.

   Hearing Qingqing’s question, he shrugged and said helplessly, “I want to go back too, but tomorrow is my grandfather’s birthday. If I don’t give him his birthday and go back, he should say that I am not filial.”

   "Is Grandpa Ye's birthday tomorrow?"

  Qin Qingqing was a little surprised, she didn't remember this.

  But the relationship between Ye Zhan and Mr. Ye doesn't seem to be very close. Since Ye Zhan's mother passed away many years ago, he seems to stay there and he is reluctant to go home.

  But even so, the old man still had high hopes for him. Who made him the only man in the Ye family's generation?

  Ye Zhan walked two steps quickly, opened the doorway of the passenger seat, and said, "Get in the car first."

   "Can I sit back?"

   "No, I am not a driver."

  Ye Zhan raised his eyebrows and refused to take it for granted.

  Qin Qingqing also just talked about it.

  It is not really necessary to sit behind.

   With a chuckle, he bent over and got into the car.

  The car hits the road, Ye Zhan turned to see Qing clearly, glanced over her hand where she edited the text message, and asked casually, "Why didn't Mo Ziyi come back with you?"

   "I didn't let Brother Zi Yi come back."

  Qin Qingqing wrote a few words, her eyes flickered slightly, and she was too lazy to write and call instead.

   "Qingqing, did the driver pick you up?"

  The phone rang twice, and Mo Ziyi's voice came with concern.

  A distance of thousands of miles away, the deep and gentle voice is very nice.

  Qin Qingqing glanced at Ye Zhan in the main driver's seat, and said with a smile, "The person who picked me up is not the driver, it is Ye Zhan."

   "He will pick you up?"

  The sound in his ears suddenly sank.

   Ye Zhan, who was driving, didn't seem to expect that Tan Qingqing would tell Mo Ziyi that he would pick her up.

   couldn't help turning his eyes to look at her again, facing her bright smile, his hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly.

   "Brother Zi Yi, are you jealous?"

   "So what is it, so what is it not?"

  Someone is depressed.

  Qin Qingqing was amused and giggled, "You have to be jealous. I can comfort you and compensate you when I go back."

   "You want to comfort me?"

   "Yeah, tell me, are you jealous."

   "Don't talk to Ye Zhan, don't walk so close to him."

  Mo Ziyi is of course jealous.

  Although Qingqing does not like other men, he is confident about this.

  But Ye Zhan is too good, and because he is in the imperial capital, he is loved by several elderly people.

  He was afraid that Qingqing would have too much contact with him and walk too close.

  If it weren't the case, how could he couldn't wait to force her to come back to him and make peace with him.

Qin Qingqing smiled and nodded, coaxing Mo Ziyi on the other side of the phone with a child-like tone, "Brother Ziyi, haven't you said that men in the world are not as handsome as you, so how could I have the most handsome man? No, go to like not as good as you."

Next to   , Ye Zhan's mouth twitched suddenly.

   Seeing him turning his head and looking, Tan Qingqing put on an apologetic smile.

   pointed to the phone again, and continued, “Brother Zi Yi, I won’t talk to you for now. After I get home and understand my grandma’s condition, I will call you again.”

   "Grandma came home?"

  Mo Ziyi is very clever to grasp the key points.

   "It seems that my grandma is not used to living in the hospital, so she went home to recuperate. Brother Zi Yi, I really died."

   "I didn't attack you on purpose just now, Ye Zhan, don't care."

   hung up, Tan Qingqing smiled and explained to Ye Zhan.

  However, this explanation sounds to Ye Zhan's ears, why is it so uncomfortable.

   "Qingqing, I know you coaxed Mo Ziyi, but you will make him self-righteous and arrogant..."

  "Ye Zhan, I am not coaxing brother Ziyi."

Qin Qingqing interrupted Ye Zhan, dissatisfied with his description and evaluation of Mo Ziyi.

  She frowned her eyebrows, and looked at him with her eyes clear, as if she was looking at him.

After a few seconds, she licked her lips. She flapped her mouth and said, "I know you are excellent. You have the title of the first of the four princes in the capital, but I really think that Brother Ziyi is the best and most handsome in the world. , The most attractive man."

She stretched out her slender white fingers, and said a little bit, "Compared with Brother Ziyi, you are really so inferior. Therefore, I now officially tell you that I only like Brother Ziyi, except for him. I won't like anyone."

  (End of this chapter)

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