Chapter 2258 Wait for me to come back

   Ye Zhan told Tan Mu about his deal with Mo Ziyi.

   Finally asked, "Uncle Tan, you also know?"

   "In the past four years, Zi Yi is not only tracking down the murderer who killed An Lin." Tan Mu's voice reflected the coolness of the late autumn and the pain of losing his wife.

  He still remembers that An Lin grabbed his hand and said the last words, not for him to take care of Qingqing, nor for him to avenge her.

  She leaned against him with her blood-stained body, and her eyes with her consciousness receded were reluctant to part with him.

  Holding his last breath, he wanted to engrave his face into his heart, and said weakly, "Amu, I have to go first. If you are too lonely, find a company."

  How did he answer her at the time.

  He said, "I don’t want anyone but you."

  He wanted to hug her to the hospital, but he didn't even stand up, so she left her and left.

  When she joked with him once in her lifetime, even if she died someday, he would not find another woman.

  But she didn't want to die behind him, because she couldn't bear the pain of losing him.

  She walked so suddenly.

  They even plan to accompany the four elderly people in the capital city before going on a trip.

  Let Qingqing stay in G city by herself, because Zi Yi takes care of her, they have always been at ease.

  At that time, Mo Xiuchen, Wen Ran and others rushed to the scene of the crime. What they saw was Tan Mu holding An Lin tightly, with bloodshot eyes in his horns.

   Later they learned that Tan Mu vomited blood because of grief.

  Nevertheless, An Lin's funeral was handled by him. Qingqing didn't eat or drink for the past few days, and she wished to go with her mother.

  Mo Ziyi, who could comfort her most, became the person she hated the most. Because of An Lin's death, Qing Qing would not listen to anyone, so Tan Mu stayed with her without eating or drinking.

  The less he does not blame, the more Qingqing blames herself to death.

  Qingqing was willing to accept the fact that her mother had passed away, because she saw Tan Mu fainted in front of her, and her father, who had always been tall and stalwart, fell down in front of her.

   Qingqing cried and rushed to hug him... She cooked the porridge and waited before her. After Tan Mu woke up, she blamed herself again.

  He said, "Qingqing, you. Mom has gone. If you don’t want to cheer up, then I will go with your mom now."

  He knew that she had been hit by Mo Ziyi. The incident was so sudden that Mo Ziyi did not explain to any of them.

  He didn’t know what the situation was like.

  I don’t know if Mo Ziyi really happened to Xinxin, but he must save his daughter.

  Qingqing was frightened by his words. She nodded and shook her head and hugged him, crying and shouting, "Dad, don't scare me, I don't have my mother anymore, I can't live without you."

   "Then would you like to listen to my arrangements?"

"I listen."

  Qingqing nodded indiscriminately with swollen eyes, she would listen no matter what he said.

  At that time, he proposed to let Qingqing go out to study. Qingqing stayed for a while, then nodded gently, "Dad, I will listen to you, I will go out."

  She wanted to escape.

  But because of her mother's death, she did not dare to escape.

  Qin Qingqing, who was spoiled by Mo Ziyi since childhood, was more delicate than the flowers grown in the greenhouse, and could not withstand any wind and rain.

   Tan Mu gave her a chance to escape... She really escaped.

   "Qingqing spent four years healing her wounds, and I spent four years tracking down the murderer. I know all the clues Zi Yi found before, but he didn't tell me recently that there is progress."

   Tan Mu looked at Ye Zhan’s young and handsome eyebrows, and said gently, “A Zhan, you are excellent. Not only do you, Grandpa Tan and Tan like you, but I also admire you.”

   Ye Zhan's eyes moved slightly, listening quietly, waiting for him to continue talking.

Sure enough, Tan Mu paused for a second, and then continued, "If I have two daughters, I will marry one of them to you. But An Lin and I only have one daughter, Qingqing. She was killed after she was broken. The kid Yi snatched it away."

   "Uncle Tan, I will respect Qingqing's choice."

  Ye Zhan's face appeared with a faint smile, his temperament was calm and calm.

  He said that he respected Qingqing's choice, instead of directly saying that he would give up.

Tan Mu sighed, "Qingqing and Zi Yi grew up with childhood sweethearts. To be more accurate, she was raised by Zi Yi. Zi Yi raised her by himself since she was a child. The two of them could not tolerate anything except each other. people."

  "A Zhan, I don’t want you to waste your time and energy on Qingqing. She is my daughter. I know her. Even if she is no longer with Zi Yi for the rest of her life, she will not go to other men."

   "Besides, she and Zi Yi will not stand in a deadlock for a lifetime. You don't know, the reason why she came back is because Zi Yi and the past are dating."

When Qingqing returned, Tan Mu still got the news from Zi Yi.

  It was Mo Ziyi who informed him of Qingqing’s flight and Zhang Minghui to pick up Qingqing.

  The two of them are destined to be entangled for a lifetime.

   "Uncle Tan, I understand."

Ye Zhanjiao raised a faint smile, "But I still have to pick up Qingqing tonight. Before Qingqing and Mo Ziyi reconcile, neither Grandpa Tan and Grandpa Tan, nor Grandpa An Hean are worried about her. "


  G city.

  Mo Ziyi insisted to accompany Qin Qingqing back to the imperial capital.

  But Qin Qingqing refused his company, "Brother Ziyi, you can't go back with me before you and Shixi break up."


   "Because there will be a press conference tomorrow, so publicly apologize to me. If you are asked to take pictures of you to accompany me back to the imperial capital before this, then both Shiye and Shi Dongping would have guessed it."

   "I don't worry about going back by yourself."

"The emperor is my family. My dad will pick me up when I get off the plane. Brother Zi Yi, you will have an important meeting tomorrow morning, a signing ceremony in the morning, and a press conference with Shi Xi in the afternoon... I don't want you Running back and forth, I will call you when I get to the imperial capital. If there is nothing serious about my illness, I might be back with Sister Mo Mo."

  Qin Qingqing has been persuading Mo Ziyi all the way to the airport.

  I was talking about it, and I was very upset to see him still stern.

  Qin Qingqing's eyes flashed, and suddenly he put his hands around his neck, and pulled his head down... directly onto his.

  Mo Ziyi was startled for a second.

  Listen to her, "Brother Ziyi, wait for me to come back!"

  (End of this chapter)

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