Chapter 2230 I am willing to bet and lose

   Ye Zhan said lightly, “I like Qingqing and I will pursue her.”

  Mo Ziyi's handsome face sank after hearing the words.

  In the harmonious atmosphere a second ago, the gunpowder suddenly filled with smoke.

  After Ye Zhan said that sentence, there was no more text.

   also really just told him.

  A few seconds later, Mo Ziyi suddenly curled his lips and smiled.

  It seems that the cold breath around him just now is just an illusion.

  He stood up and looked condescendingly at Ye Zhan, who was sitting on the sofa, with handsome faces and gentle temperament.

   is an absolutely powerful enemy.

   However, he said casually, "I hope you can be as calm and indifferent as you are now after being rejected."

   Ye Zhan raised his eyebrows.

   followed and stood up, "I hope that when Qingqing and I are married, you will be as calm and calm as you are now."


  Mo Ziyi walked out of the sofa and motioned for him to go upstairs to sleep.

   Ye Zhan laughed loudly, "It's a dream come true."


  The next morning, Ye Zhan got up early and went to Tan's house.

  When he left the Mo family, Mo Xiuchen and Wen Ran hadn't gotten up, nor had they seen Mo Ziyi, so he only told the servant.

  When he returned to Tan’s house, his aunt opened the door for him.

  "Auntie, are Jin Chen and Qingqing still up?"

   Auntie answered with a smile, "Young Master Tang is still sleeping, and the young lady has gone out."

   "Qingqing went out?"

  A surprise appeared on Ye Zhan's face.

  She didn’t go to work again, so she got up so early?

   "Yes, Miss has already left, Master Ye, haven't you seen Miss?"

   "Did she go for a morning run?"

   "I don't know this anymore."


  At the foot of the mountain.

  Qin Qingqing saw Mo Ziyi sitting on the rock they used to sit on from a distance.

  Early in the morning, he was smoking.

   approached, the smoke was blowing along the wind to the nose, Qin Qingqing frowned subconsciously.

  A few swift steps came to him, stretched out his hand to grab the cigarette from his hand, "Brother Ziyi, why did you smoke early in the morning."

  Mo Ziyi raised his hand, avoiding her hand to grab the smoke.

   "I've got used to it these years."

  His cold words are like the wind blowing through his ears, with a chill.

  Qin Qingqing's heart tightened.

   said bluntly, “Do Uncle Mo and Aunt Wen care about you? Smoking is bad for your health, you said before.”

   "I have said too many things, I can't remember them anymore."

  Mo Ziyi put out the remaining half of the cigarette and threw it away.

   said to her, "Let’s try to climb to the top of the mountain first."


Tan Qingqing readily agreed.

  Mountain climbing is her hobby.

  Before, they often came to climb mountains.

  Mo Ziyi followed her every time and told her to be careful all the way.

   "The winning party can make a request to the other party." Mo Ziyi looked at Qin Qingqing who was eager to try, and said calmly.

  Qin Qingqing blinked, a look of surprise appeared on Qingli's face.

  Unexpectedly, there are still bets.

  She twisted her eyebrows lightly again, "Brother Zi Yi, how can I compare to you."

   Mo Ziyi curled his lips, raised his head, and looked towards the top of the mountain, "I will let you 20 minutes, and I will start again in 20 minutes. Whoever comes to the green pine first will win."

  Qin Qingqing calculated the time and the possibility of winning in her heart.

  Climb for twenty minutes first, she is still very likely to win.

  "Can I ask for any request?"

   Tan Qingqing looked at Mo Ziyi with clear eyes.

   "Well, as long as you don't break the law, you can."

  The arc of Mo Ziyi's mouth is warm and clear. Stopping there at will, it is like a deadly landscape.

  Qin Qingqing looked down at the time, and said to him, "Then I will go first."


  Mo Ziyi nodded, watching her trot up the mountain with warm eyes.

  He pressed the stopwatch.

  The color under the eyes gradually darkened.

   Last night, Ye Zhan’s words echoed in his ears, "I like Qingqing, and I will pursue her."

In front of   , Tan Qingqing kept climbing up the mountain with a winning mentality.

  It wasn't until the phone rang and Mo Ziyi's voice came from the phone that she slowed down a little.

  Because of the non-stop just now, breathing slightly.

   "Qingqing, it's time."

"I know."

  She looked back.

  Too far away, unable to see Mo Ziyi's expression clearly, only his upright and handsome figure can be seen.

  "Be careful, safety first."

  Mo Ziyi warned with anxiety before hanging up the phone.

  Qin Qingqing replied, "Okay."

   Seeing him starting to catch up, she hung up the phone, and after a long breath, she continued to climb up.


   Tan's house.

  Tang Jinchen looked at Ye Zhan blankly, "A Zhan, did you say Qingqing went out early in the morning?"

   "Well, when I came back, she was no longer at home."

  "Have you called her?"

   "I don't know her phone number."

   "I have it on my phone, you don't know how to watch it yourself." Tang Jinchen took a look, "Where she can go early in the morning, it should be a run."

   "She should be with Mo Ziyi."

   Ye Zhan lowered his eyes and said lightly.

   "The Mo family you stayed at last night, is it necessary for Mo Ziyi to call Qingqing out early in the morning?"

  Tang Jinchen condenses his eyebrows, but this is also in line with Mo Ziyi's style.

  Ye Zhan smiled, "Because I told him last night that I like Qingqing and I want to pursue Qingqing."

   "A Zhan, didn't you fight Mo Ziyi?"

  Tang Jinchen asked in surprise.

   Ye Zhan glanced at him, "Mo Ziyi is now full of confidence before the fight."

  A confident person, but after he said something like that, he called Qingqing away early in the morning.

   Thinking of this, he added, “Perhaps Qingqing won’t show up before I return to the imperial capital.”

   "Damn! Mo Ziyi is too insidious."

  Tang Jinchen made a tone of injustice for him.

  He didn't know at this time, Gu Zhitong was also arranged for a business trip by her father Gu Kai.

  Until Tang Jinchen returned to the imperial capital, he never saw Gu Zhitong again.

  When Tang Jinchen took Ye Zhan into the Tan family’s door and said that he was on the same front as Ye Zhan, he and Ye Zhan became Mo Ziyi’s "enemy".


  Mountain top.

   Tan Qingqing gloomily looked at the man who arrived two minutes earlier than herself.

  He let her for twenty minutes, and he still beat her.

  And win grace, not so embarrassed like her.

   "Brother Zi Yi, what do you want to ask."

  Mo Ziyi stepped forward, raising his hand to remove the hay she had put on her head, "Don't move."

  Qin Qingqing's body just about to move, froze in his low words.

  "What request do you want?"

   is close, instead of looking up at him, she lowered her head and looked at her feet.

After Mo Ziyi removed the hay from her head, he simply untied her hairpin and put down her soft black hair.

   looked at her with deep eyes, and said softly, "Go to work in Haochen."


   Tan Qingming instinctively wanted to refuse.

  However, Mo Ziyi interrupted her refusal, "I would like to lose the bet. On the flight at ten o'clock in the morning, go on a business trip with me."

  (End of this chapter)

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