Chapter 2229

  "Grandpa, I just graduated, so you want me to marry, don't you want me to accompany you more?"

  Qin Qingqing’s spoiled words made Grandpa An laugh happily, "Grandpa hopes that you will be with us so that you can hold A Zhan. If you marry A Zhan, you can always stay with us."

  The Ye family is not as far away as the Mo family.

  On the contrary, the Ye family is close to both the An family and the Tan family.

  If Qingqing married Ye Zhan, she would be able to stay with them all the time.

   "Qingqing, I also told Zi Yi just now, A Zhan is the boyfriend your grandfather and I found for you. Let him not bully A Zhan."

  Qin Qingqing pinched the phone slightly tightly.

  A faint emotion fell into Qinghong's eyes, "Really?"

   "Well, he said that you have told him, and that if you really like A Zhan, he will definitely bless you."

  It is not surprising that Mo Ziyi would say such things.

  He knew best, but Tan Qingqing would not like other men easily.

  No matter how nice the person is, she won’t.

   just like him.

  Except for Tan Qingqing, no girl can get into his eyes.

  They have already occupied all of each other, even if they are separated for four years, even if there are some people and things between them...

  Hearing the sound of footsteps on the stairs, Qin Qingqing said goodbye to Old Man An and hung up the phone.

   Ye Zhan carried his luggage and came down one after another with Tang Jinchen.

   "Qingqing, I'm leaving first, you should rest early."

   Ye Zhan went downstairs and looked at Tan Qingqing, who was walking towards him, with a beautiful arc in the corner of his mouth.

   "I won't send you off, let my cousin send you off."

   "No need to deliver, I will be back tomorrow morning."

  Ye Zhan finished speaking, and walked towards the door.

  Ignored Tan Qingqing’s wrong eyes.


  Mo family.

  Mo Xiuchen confessed a few words to Mo Ziyi, and went upstairs to sleep with Wen Ran.

  Only Mo Ziyi was waiting for Tang Jinchen and Ye Zhan in the living room.

  At this time, he only had one phone call with Mr. An.

  He ignored the phone calls that Shixi called him.

Before smoking a cigarette, the servant led Tang Jinchen and Ye Zhan in.

  Mo Ziyi stood up and scanned the luggage in Ye Zhan's hands. Seeing Tang Jinchen empty-handed, he raised his eyebrows and said gently, "Your room is on the third floor. I will take you up."

   "Zi Yi, I won't live here."

Tang Jinchen smiled and walked in front of Ye Zhan, "I thought about your previous suggestion. I am Qingqing’s cousin. Her home is my home. It doesn’t matter how long I live. Therefore, A Zhan will live alone these few days. your home."

  Mo Ziyi frowned imperceptibly, and his gaze fell on Ye Zhan's calm face.

  After a while.

  He smiled faintly, "You are right, your relationship with Qingqing is like me and Hitomi. Although Qingqing is not as close to you as Hitomi and I, you are still cousins ​​after all."

  Tang Jinchen's eyes changed slightly.

  A trace of doubt flashed through Mo Ziyi's eyes.

   didn't understand the meaning of these two sentences.

   But instinctively felt that Mo Ziyi's tongue twister must have some meaning beyond words.

  Is it difficult, he already knew that he had been to Gu Zhitong this afternoon?

  So, this is his hint...

Before he wanted to understand, Mo Ziyi said to Ye Zhan, "Brother Ye, please."

  Ye Zhan’s eyes flashed with surprise, and Mo Ziyi called him this way, and he felt that it was not good for him to call him by name.

   politely replied, "Then there will be less trouble."

  At the end, he turned his head and said to Tang Jinchen, "Jin Chen, you should go back to rest, too. You have to get up early tomorrow."

"OK, good night."

  Tang Jinchen decided not to think about Mo Ziyi's intentions just now.

   waved his hand at Ye Zhan, turned around a few steps and then turned back and shouted, "A Zhan, come over to see us for breakfast tomorrow morning."

  Ye Zhan glanced at Mo Ziyi from the corner of his eye, and answered faintly, "Okay."

  Mo Ziyi turned around and walked toward the sofa, saying, "If Brother Ye is not sleepy, let's talk, I want to ask you for something."

  Here Mohist school.

   Ye Zhan walked up to the sofa with great face, and sat down on the sofa opposite Mo Ziyi.

  Luggage, put it on the ground next to it.

   asked calmly, "What does Shao Yi want to talk about?"

   Ye Zhan didn't think that Mo Ziyi would really have anything to ask him.

  One of them is in City G, and the other lives in the Imperial Capital.

  Even occupations are different.

  Although Mo Ziyi is in G City, his skills and reputation are not lower than those of the powerful princes in the Imperial Capital.

  Even his father appreciates Mo Ziyi when he mentions it.

   also said that if a talent like Mo Ziyi is in politics or the military, he must be a man of the generation.

  Mo Ziyi did not answer immediately, but poured a glass of water for Ye Zhan, and took a sip of half of his water just now.

   only opened her lips lightly, and said slowly, "I heard that Grandpa likes Brother Ye very much."

   Ye Zhan tick the corner of his mouth.

   Lean forward and stroke the water glass with her long fingers, but she does not want to lift it up.

  Wait for him to continue.

   "Brother Ye and Grandpa have such a good relationship, I must have heard of Aunt An's death four years ago, right?"

   "What does Yi Shao mean?"

   Ye Zhan retracted his hand stroking the cup, sat upright, and looked at Mo Ziyi with a restrained expression.

  He thought that Mo Ziyi was going to talk to him about Tan Qingqing.

did not expect.

  He is talking about Auntie An.

   "Since Brother Ye can be appreciated and liked by his grandfather, and has grown up in the army since he was a child, he must be a dragon among people, and he is much better than Mo."

  Mo Ziyi's mouth looked at Ye Zhan with non-hooking corners of his mouth.

  'S words sounded extremely sincere.

  "I have been tracking down the murderer who killed Aunt An in the past four years. Now I have some clues, but because some people in the imperial capital are involved, I want to ask Brother Ye to help."

   "What clue did you find?"

  Ye Zhan certainly knew that An Lin was shot and killed by a sniper in order to save Qingqing four years ago.

  Furthermore, Anjia and Tan's family have been investigating these years.

  Mo Ziyi can check, he is not surprised, but surprised at what he told himself.

  "I found some important clues. I haven't told my grandpa and grandpa yet. They are getting older, and there are some things I don't want to worry about."

  Mo Ziyi didn’t take Ye Zhan as an outsider and said, “If Brother Ye is willing to help, I’ll tell you in detail, if you don’t want to, then forget it.”

   "If I am not willing or unwilling, I will do my best."

   Ye Zhan looked serious when he said this, and his eyes were full of firm light.

  Mo Ziyi nodded. Like Ye Zhan, his eyebrows were cold and his tone was serious, "So far, the clues I have found involve..."

   "Okay, leave this to me."

   Ye Zhan's voice paused slightly, and then said, "There is another thing I think I should tell Yi Shao."

"what's up?"

  Mo Ziyi looked at him with his eyes slightly narrowed.

   is not going to come to grab someone from me, right? ! !

  (End of this chapter)

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