Chapter 196 I will definitely regret what you think

The illusion in Cheng Jia's heart did not last long, and she was interrupted by Mo Xiuchen's deep voice. Only in the ward of the two of them, he looked at her with a deep gaze, not missing any change in her face: "That day At night, you and Xiao Liu are really happy at each other?"

   Cheng Jia's face is white!

She clenched her hand under the quilt tightly and tightly. After struggling for a while, she truthfully confessed: "No, the person I love in my heart is only you, Master Mo, you don’t know, I’ve been loving you for eight years. ."

  Mo Xiuchen was expressionless, as if he had never heard her.

Cheng Jia smiled bitterly, her heart was full of bitterness, her eyes were red, and she said: "Xiao Wenqing let me confuse you and then hurt you, but I have always had only one belief in my heart, that is to protect you and not let Xiao Wenqing hurt you, I steal Listening to Xiao Wenqing talking on the phone and secretly collecting her evidence is to tell you all this one day."

   "Then why do you want to die again?"

  Mo Xiuchen's voice changed, interrupting her confession, the facial features were still cold, and she was not moved by her infatuation.

   "Because, no matter what I do, Shao Mo will never look at me."

When Cheng Jia said this, she mustered up the courage to meet Mo Xiuchen's sharp eyes.

  Mo Xiuchen suddenly smiled.

  It's just that her smile was cold and sarcasm against the cold light, Cheng Jia's face paled, her lips were clenched, and she looked at him with a wounded expression on her face.

   "Cheng Jia, you said that no matter what Xiao Wenqing asks you to do, you have only one belief, which is to protect me. You would really lie."

"I do not have!"

   Cheng Jia retorted instinctively, tears rolling in her eyes.

Mo Xiuchen sneered and looked at her sharply. After drinking so much wine, his brain was still very clear: "You have, you are affected by Xiao Wenqing, become vicious, hypocritical, and selfish to BT, if you If you don’t change these points, then I will never look at you."

   Cheng Jia's body trembled slightly, the tears finally slipped down, running down her cheeks.

   "You didn't really want to die this afternoon. You cut your wrist and committed suicide, just for your next goal, but I warn you."

Mo Xiuchen's eyes suddenly drenched, and his low voice was as cold as a knife: "Xiao Liu is not something you can hurt, let alone something you can use. That night, let you be with Xiao Liu, I am giving you a chance. If you miss this opportunity, I will definitely make you regret what you think in your heart!"

   Cheng Jia's tears were frozen in Mo Xiuchen's warning words.

  In her eyes, she was full of disbelief, how could Mo Xiuchen know what she was thinking in her heart and put it forward so straightforwardly. She later understood what happened that night. Mo Xiuchen must have deliberately let Xiao Liu go to her house.

  Because of this, she hates and hates him for making a driver humiliate her.

She has been ignoring Xiao Liu these days, but this afternoon, she suddenly sent him a text message and then cut her wrist. This was the beginning of her revenge. She wanted to seduce Xiao Liu and let him fall in love with her. Fell in love with her, and...

   "Xiao Wenqing has completely given up on you. If I let it go, saying that you know her many secrets, guess, will she let you go."

Mo Xiuchen's lips curled up with a cold touch, and he said word by word: "I will give you consideration all night, or put away your vicious thoughts and truly reform yourself. I guarantee you peace and safety. Maybe, you will Treat you like a friend."

He paused for two seconds. Seeing that Cheng Jia's eyes were complicated, he seemed to be struggling, and he seemed to be suspicious, he added slowly: "If you don't take the road ahead, there is only one way to go, but , Usually being my enemy, the end will be miserable. Next time, I will not let you be so kind as this time."


Wen Ran slept in a daze, only feeling something wet on her lips touching, her brows frowned, the touch became heavier, she instinctively raised her hand, trying to prevent it from touching herself Mouth stuff.

The small hand was caught by a big palm, and the man’s **** laugh lowly rang in her ears. The next second, his earlobe was lightly bitten, and the hot masculine breath entered her ears, causing her to tremble suddenly. The person woke up from his sleep.

"Ran Ran!"

In the soft light, Mo Xiuchen's eyebrows were smiling, his eyes staring at her deeply, he leaned into her skirt, his hot palm covered her delicate skin, her heartbeat accelerated, and her body twisted instinctively: "Xiu Chen, Stop making trouble, I'm so sleepy."

  She didn't wait for him, she just wanted to take a day off, but this man was so hateful that she fell asleep and didn't let her go.

   "Okay, you continue to sleep."

  Mo Xiuchen smiled softly and indulged himself, and then, very intently did what he liked most every day.

  Where can Wen Ran sleep "Xiu Chen, I'm really sleepy."

"I know!"

   "I will drive your sleepiness away first, and then I will tell you something business."

  Mo Xiuchen was very proud of her reaction and shyness, enjoying the process of her sinking for him.

   "Sure, are you still sleepy?"

  After a long time,

  Something is gentle, but weak, and the man next to him is full of energy: "Ran, Cheng Jia cut his wrist in the afternoon, you know?"

   "Well, I heard what Zhang's mother said."

  Wen Ran was slightly startled, and replied faintly, he woke her up in the middle of the night, and just said that if there is a business to discuss, it is to talk to her about Cheng Jia. This is not in line with his style!

  Mo Xiuchen seemed to understand her thoughts, and the corners of her lips twitched, but his smile disappeared quickly, and he said unhurriedly: "Cheng Jia doesn't really want to die."

   "I didn't really want to die, so why did she cut her wrist?"

  Wen Ran looked at Mo Xiuchen in amazement, the laziness left between his eyebrows because of the passion passed away, and replaced by a little bit of coldness.

  She flicked her eyebrows, her thoughts turned, and she asked softly: "Could it be that she wants to win your sympathy, or she is trying to make Xiao Liu feel guilty."

  Mo Xiuchen's mouth bends again, and his eyes flashed with appreciation: "Of course, you are getting smarter and smarter, but you can rest assured, I have already warned her directly, not to mention these boring things, sleep!"

  Wen Ran: "..."

  (End of this chapter)

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