Chapter 195 Wrist Cutting

  "You answer the phone first and listen to what Uncle Bai said."

  Seeing the bell in Bai Xiaoxiao's hand ringing over and over again, Wen Ran frowned and reminded gently.

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, took a deep breath, pressed the answer button, did not put the phone to his ear, and shouted "Dad, what's the matter?"

  "Bai Xiaoxiao, you will come back immediately for me!"

   Fortunately, she did not hold the phone to her ear, otherwise her father would yell deaf. Even Wen Ran, who was sitting opposite, could hear the voice on the other side of the phone clearly.

   "Dad, what happened?"

  Bai Xiaoxiao pretended to ask stupidly, knowing that it must have something to do with Luo Haofeng.

"Luo Shao called me just now, and said angrily that our company employees ****** him, and the cooperation that we finally got was lost. Bai Xiaoxiao, you did a good job, if you don’t If things are handled properly, you don't have to call me to call Dad!"

  It seems that her father is really angry this time.

   "Okay, I'll go back soon."

  Bai Xiaoxiao frowned, and secretly scolded Luo Haofeng, the villain, to care about such little things.

   "Of course, you call Mo Xiuchen and ask him to help. Don't believe that the villain Luo Haofeng's words are good. If the opportunity to cooperate with MS Group is gone, my dad will drive me out of the house."

  Because of what Bai Xiaoxiao said when she left, Wen Ran really dialed Mo Xiuchen's number while sitting behind her desk.

  However, the result disappointed her.

  Mo Xiuchen said faintly on the other end of the phone: "I handed A Feng the responsibility of the case with Bai's, and gave him full authority. Of course, I can't help with this matter."

  Wen Ran frowned on the phone and said ‘oh’, not embarrassing Mo Xiuchen.

   "Xiu Chen, it seems that you haven't been too incorrigible to regard color and friends, don't worry, I just teach Bai Xiaoxiao that dead girl, and won't let Wen Ran blame you."

   On the top floor of the MS Building, Luo Haofeng’s happily laughter echoed in the president’s office. Mo Xiuchen snorted and chased away the guests unhappily: “Go back to your office if you have nothing to do, don’t get in the way.

   Just now, he heard Wen Ran's faintly disappointed ‘oh’, and his heart tightened inexplicably. At this moment, looking at Luo Haofeng, it was not pleasing to the eye.

  Luo Haofeng blew his whistle indifferently, and left his office happily.

After the office door was closed, Mo Xiuchen thought for a moment, then took out his phone again, and was about to call back to tell Wen Ran that Luo Haofeng was just punishing Bai Xiaoxiao for asking someone to molest him at noon, but the phone ringing suddenly rang Up.

  It's Xiao Liu who called!

  "Young Master, Cheng Jia cut her wrist and committed suicide..."

  Mo Xiu Chen's eyebrows fumbled, and asked calmly: "Can you save it?"

   "I don't know, the doctor is trying to rescue her. I was afraid that it would be too long to be sent to Kangning Hospital too far, so I sent her to the nearest hospital."

  Xiao Liu’s voice was a bit strange. I don’t know whether it was the act that shocked Cheng Jia too much, or he was worried like Wen Ran. After that night, he felt a different emotion towards Cheng Jia.

   "Well, I'm a bit busy now. You watch it in the hospital and tell me the result later."

  Mo Xiuchen did not ask why Cheng Jia cut his wrist and committed suicide. How did Xiao Liu know that there was a dullness in his eyes, and in an instant, he was replaced by layers of coldness and indifference.

   "Okay, young master."


  Wen Ran knew that Cheng Jia cut her wrist and killed herself after returning home.

  Mo Xiuchen had to socialize in the evening. This was what she told her when he sent her back to the company at noon. After work, she did not go home immediately, but went to the hospital to dine with her brother Wen Jin.

  After nine o'clock in the evening, she didn't get home.

  Mama Zhang was making soup. Seeing her come back, she immediately asked her enthusiastically if she had eaten. She asked casually, and Zhang Ma told her that Cheng Jia cut her wrist in the afternoon and committed suicide. Fortunately, she was rescued when she found out.

  She made these soups and was going to give Cheng Jia to drink them.

   "Does Xiuchen know?"

  Wen Ran was slightly startled, her eyes looked at the scented kitchen, Zhang Ma nodded: “It’s the young master who asked me to make some soup, and Xiao Liu will come back to get it later.”

   "Okay, keep busy, I'll go upstairs first."


  Mo Xiuchen's entertainment is over, it's eleven o'clock.

  Because what he did at noon annoyed Tan Mu, so at dinner tonight, Tan Mu excused himself from being unwell, so he pushed the wine he should drink in front of him.

  He pretended to be too similar, and Mo Xiuchen had to drink his share of wine.

  Fortunately, he has a good drinker. Although he drank a lot, he was not drunk and his brain was sober.

When she arrived in the hospital ward, Cheng Jia was still not asleep, staring blankly at the ceiling. Her blood-loss face was pale and bloodless. She was not seen for a few days. She was really pale and haggard. Compared to the previous head injury, Cheng Jia was pale and haggard. Ugly.

Seeing Mo Xiuchen, her eyes changed, but she was only surprised and did not show any surprises. Perhaps she had given up her heart. Instead, when he entered the ward and walked towards her, she frowned slightly when she smelled the smell of wine. Xiao Liu said, "Young Master Mo must be very uncomfortable after drinking. Why would you take him to the hospital if you don't send him back?"

   Xiao Liu's face also changed slightly. This was the first sentence Cheng Jia said to him after being rescued.

The tone of    sounds a little weird, but I can't tell what is strange.

  Mo Xiuchen narrowed his eyes, and looked at Cheng Jia with deep and sharp eyes: "I heard Xiao Liu say that you cut your wrists and committed suicide in the afternoon. What happened?"

   Cheng Jia seemed unwilling to look at him, lowered her head, and lightly bit her lower lip, then quietly said, "I have no face to live."

Mo Xiuchen snorted, "Just because you had a relationship with Xiao Liu, you feel like you are not alive? Cheng Jia, do you think Xiao Liu is not worthy of you, or because all this is too much for what you originally planned. Not the same."


   Xiao Liu yelled eagerly!

  Mo Xiuchen turned his head and looked at Xiao Liu sharply. The latter's eyes narrowed and his expression froze for a moment.

   "I let Ma Zhang have some soup, you can bring it back."

  Mo Xiu Temple glanced over the small table in front of the hospital bed. There was no insulation box on it. In the ward, there was only the smell of disinfectant water. There was no other smell. It must be the soup that Zhang’s mother had cooked. Xiao Liu hadn’t gone back to get it.


   Xiao Liu nodded, walked out of the ward quickly, and closed the door with his backhand.

  In the ward, Cheng Jia looked at Mo Xiuchen with complicated eyes. In her heart, she couldn't tell what it was like, some doubts, some shocks, and a hint of secret joy that she was forced to hold deep in her heart.

  She thought that he hated her to death, but unexpectedly, he asked Zhang Ma to make soup for her.

  Does he still care about her a little bit?

  Even if it is because she still has utility value, she is willing, as long as he still cares for her a little bit.

  (End of this chapter)

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