Chapter 1895 Don't embarrass yourself

   "Xiao Xiao, you don't need to be like this."

  Qiao Xiuyun frowned, her eyes looked at Bai Xiaoxiao distressedly,

  If it was before, Xiao Xiao said that she would not have contact with Luo Haofeng again, she would be very happy.

  But now it’s different. Xiaoxiao is currently pregnant with Luo Haofeng’s child. She can’t be a single mother. It’s too hard to say, but in the future, the child will be pointed out...

  Bai Xiaoxiao is very firm.

  After learning about the events of the year yesterday afternoon, she made a decision to break up with Luo Haofeng.

  Can't make her mother sad anymore.

  Even if her mother agreed to be with Luo Haofeng now, she knew that it was because she was pregnant with Luo Haofeng's child.

  Psing her lips, she said softly, "Mom, don't worry, I can feed the child by myself."

   "This matter, we will talk about it later, you have broken up with Luo Haofeng now, and my mother will not force you to be with him. Don't do stupid things because of those things."

  Qiao Xiuyun refers to the child in her belly.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt warmth in her heart, nodded and promised, "Mom, don't worry, I won't be so stupid."

  She can’t hurt her baby because of the grievances of the previous generation, no matter what happens to her and Luo Haofeng in the future? She cherishes the child in her belly very much.

  Listening to her, Qiao Xiuyun felt a little relieved.

The frowning brows also spread out slowly, and said gently, "Xiao Xiao, mom knows that you can't accept those things for a while, so she must be very sad. But it's been so long in the past, and mom doesn't want you to be embarrassed about those things. Myself."

"I know."

  Bai Xiaoxiao answered gently.

  Of course she knows that her mother would rather be sad alone than make her sad.

   "Before, I opposed you and Luo Haofeng being together. In fact, I was selfish." Qiao Xiuyun was silent for two seconds and explained.

Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes changed slightly, "Mom, it was my fault before, I know, you are for my good, as you said, even if you promised me to be with Luo Haofeng, Wu Jingfang would not accept it. I."

  Qiao Xiuyun sighed softly.

  Knowing what she is talking about, Xiao Xiao will not change her decision for the time being.

   "Well, no one should mention this matter in the future."

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, she will never mention it again, and will not expose her mother's injury again.

  Qiao Xiuyun patted her gently, stood up and said, "Xiao Xiao, you have a good sleep."

After she left the room, Bai Xiaoxiao lay on the bed and dialed Wen Ran's number.

   "Of course, I have already told my mother about it."

   "What did Aunt Joe and Uncle Bai say?"

  Wen Ran asked caringly on the other end of the phone. She has been worried since sending Bai Xiaoxiao home.

   At this moment, I received his call, but I still never let go of my hanging heart.

   "It's calmer than I thought. They said they wouldn't care about Luo Haofeng and me, nor would they force me."

  Bai Xiaoxiao knew that his parents pretended to be calm and indifferent. How could such a pain be easily let go.

   "In this case, don't think about it so much. You didn't have a good rest last night, so let's rest first!"

   "Where are you now, haven't you come home?"

   "Zi Yi wants to see Qing clearly, we are at An Lin's house."

   With a smile in her warm voice, Zi Yi said that he wanted to tell Qingqing the good news. He made another money today.

  Although Qingqing didn't understand what he said, Qingqing liked Ziyi very much. When she played with Ziyi, she was very happy, babbled, and said things that no one understood.

  As soon as Zi Yi came to An Lin's house, all of them were relieved.

  An Lin and Wen Ran sat on the sofa and chatted. The two old ladies went out and went shopping for groceries.

  Wen Ran hung up the phone, and An Lin said, “I was also at noon, and I heard what A Mu said. At the beginning, I didn’t believe it. So, that Jiang Hui is still in b city?

  An Lin is now raising children at home, and she doesn’t know much about the outside world.

  I only knew that Mo Xiuchen recruited a woman named Jiang Hui to join the company as an intern, and didn't know the reason.

   Wen Ran nodded, and said calmly, "Yes, she will come back with Xiu Chen."

   "That Jiang Hui stayed in the company for so long, are you not worried at all?" An Lin looked at Wen Ran curiously.

  "What if it is someone who has a purpose towards Tan Mu? Are you worried?"

  Wen Ran didn't answer the question, with a slight smile between his eyebrows, and there was no trace of worry.

  An Lin chuckled, “A Mu, who doesn’t even care about people, how can any woman admire him!”

   "You are wrong about this. Over the years, I have seen many people who admire Tan Mu. If he really doesn't like anyone, what do you like him?"

  An Lin had no words to refute, she had to smile and give a warm look.

  Not far away, Qingqing giggled and laughed. Wen Ran and An Lin turned their heads and saw Zi Yi playing with Qingqing.

   somehow made her giggle, and both eyes smiled directly.

  An Lin smiled, "It seems that I should send Qingqing to your home earlier."

   "Okay, as long as you and Tan Mu are willing, Zi Yi is also looking forward to Qingqing to come to our house every day."

  Although it is said that there are already three children in the family making noise every day, plus the two children of Gu Kai's family, there are five.

  But Wen Ran doesn't feel annoying.

  Most of the time, the babies are very well-behaved and sensible.

  In addition, Mo Xiuchen, the tyrant who often snatches her from the children, spends a lot of time with the children, but she is not harassed by the children all day.

  Qingqing is so cute, not only Zi Yi likes her, but Xinxin and Mo Mo, and Tongtong also like Qingqing.

  "Qingqing, drink water first."

  In front of the stroller, Zi Yi first tasted the temperature of the water and made sure it was not hot before he fed the water bottle to Qingqing’s mouth.

   softly coaxed in his mouth, "Qingqing, you can look beautiful after drinking water. When it gets cooler, my brother will take you out to play outside."

  Qingqing seemed to have understood Zi Yi's words, her eyes were shining at him, her small smile on her face was pure and indescribably cute.

  Behave better than usual when grandma and grandma feed her and drink water. The fleshy little hands gently grasped Zi Yi's hand holding the water bottle, and slurped the water.

  Zi Yi smiled and looked at Qingqing drinking water, feeling that she had almost finished drinking, and then took the cup away.

   Carefully wipe the corners of her mouth.

  Looking at his proficient movements, I know that this is not the first time that Zi Yi has coaxed a child, and he is still very experienced.

After wiping his mouth, he turned his head and asked An Lin and Wen Ran, "Mom, Aunt An, Qingqing drank water, she should be peeing, can I take her out."

  An Lin hurriedly got up and went over, "Zi Yi, Aunt An is here to hug my sister. She has grown too fat recently, you can't hold her."

   "My sister is not fat, my sister is very cute like this." Zi Yi immediately maintained it without thinking about it.

  (End of this chapter)

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