Chapter 1894 Time heals wounds

  If Bai Xiaoxiao still had a hint of doubt just now, he felt that his father was comforting her.

  Then when Father Bai proposed to do a paternity test, Bai Xiaoxiao really believed Father Bai's words and believed that she was his biological daughter.

  She immediately shook her head, “Dad, I believe what you said is true, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t doubt this.”

   "Stupid boy, I'm sorry to say to dad!"

  Father Bai wiped her tears distressedly.

   "Go downstairs in a while, your mother asked why you came back, what do you plan to say?"

  Father Bai wiped off the tears for Bai Xiaoxiao, and asked with concern.

  My daughter ran back so suddenly, Qiao Xiuyun would definitely be suspicious. Besides, how did Meng Ke know that.

  Why did Luo Haofeng sever the mother-child relationship with Wu Jingfang? And, when Bai Xiaoxiao came back like this, between her and Luo Haofeng...

  Father Bai still had many questions in his mind, but he didn’t ask what he was thinking about.

  Bai Xiaoxiao frowned in embarrassment, "Dad, doesn't my mom know about Luo Haofeng's newspaper?"

  “She doesn’t know for the time being, but you went to city b yesterday, and you will be back today. Your mother will definitely ask you why.”

   "I broke up with Luo Haofeng."

  Bai Xiaoxiao avoided Father Bai’s concerned eyes, and her voice was very low.

  Father Bai was not surprised by this. His own daughter knew it for herself. After learning about things like that back then, it would be strange if Xiao Xiao would still be with Luo Haofeng.

   "Xiao Xiao, no matter what decision you make, Dad will support you."

  Even if he persuades Xiaoxiao to stay with Luo Haofeng and persuade her to let go of the incident, Xiaoxiao cannot really let it go.

  She needs time.

  Only time can heal the hurt in people's hearts, whether it is Qiao Xiuyun or Bai Xiaoxiao.

   "Well, if your mother asks, you will say Meng Ke has been arrested and you don't need to live in city b."

  A hint of surprise flashed through Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes. She had thought the same way before, but she did not expect her father to think so.

  However, neither of their father and daughter thought that when they opened the door of the study, the white mother was standing outside the door.

  From her pale face, she knew that she had heard their conversation just now.

  Bai Xiaoxiao widened her eyes in astonishment, and Father Bai's expression also changed. After all, it was someone who has been in the shopping mall. He quickly reacted and yelled softly, "Xiuyun."

  Qiao Xiuyun just looked at Bai Xiaoxiao's reddish eyes and did not answer.

  Bai Xiaoxiao's emotions finally calmed down, and Qiao Xiuyun's complicated expression came to her heart, and her eyes gradually filled with enthusiasm, self-blame, and guilt.


Qiao Xiuyun seemed to wake up from her mother full of guilt and self-blame. Her eyes flashed and she said stiffly, "I came up and called you to eat. Now that you have finished talking, let's go downstairs to eat. Didn’t you just call out that you were hungry?"

  The atmosphere at the entrance of the study became a bit awkward.

  Qiao Xiuyun avoided this, obviously because she didn't want to talk about it, at least, she didn't want to talk about it now.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was full of guilt and wanted to say sorry to her mother, but when her mother changed the subject, she could not say anything.

Father Bai smiled reluctantly, stepped out of the study, holding Qiao Xiuyun’s hand in one hand, and Bai Xiaoxiao’s hand in the other, gently and honestly, "Xiao Xiao, your mother made your favorite dishes specially, and you will eat more later. point."


  Bai Xiaoxiao also pretended to be happy to answer.

  The family of three went downstairs, Bai Xiaoxiao helped Qiao Xiuyun serve food, Bai father sat at the table and waited.

  After serving the dishes, Bai Xiaoxiao thoughtfully opened the chair for Qiao Xiuyun and let her sit first.

   "Eat more. You are coming back from city B. You must be tired. After eating, go upstairs and have a good night's sleep."

  Qiao Xiuyun didn't need to ask anything. The words that she heard just now were enough to let her know that Xiao Xiao and Luo Haofeng had broken up and returned, and she definitely didn't rest last night.

  In her heart, her daughter is the most important thing.

  The rest, just like Father Bai said, can’t be changed, but can’t think about it as much as possible.

  Bai Xiaoxiao felt warm in her heart. I don’t know why. Now, listening to her mother’s caring words, she is more moved than before.

   may be the cause of guilt.

   Immediately nodded, and answered obediently, "Mom, I will go to rest after eating."

  She told herself in her heart that she should never make her mother angry anymore, and she should not do anything that would make her sad.

  As a result, Bai Xiaoxiao ate more than usual for this meal. After eating, she was vying to wash the dishes.

   "You go upstairs to rest, and let Auntie wash the dishes and chopsticks for a while."

  White mother grasped Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, her eyes filled with distress.

  How could she not understand what her daughter was thinking, but as a mother, how could she blame her daughter.

  Don’t even want her daughter to feel guilty.

  Thinking about it, she said again, "I will go upstairs with you."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was startled at first, then nodded and gave a far-fetched smile, "Okay."


  Father Bai called out with some worry.

  Qiao Xiuyun turned her head and glanced at him, indicating with her eyes that he doesn't need to worry.

  She sent Xiaoxiao upstairs without questioning anything, but because she was worried about her daughter. What happened back then was a nightmare of her life, and she couldn’t let that matter become her daughter’s lifetime burden.

The mother and daughter went upstairs and came to Bai Xiaoxiao's room.

  Closed the door, Bai mother took Bai Xiaoxiao to sit down in front of the sofa, and then whispered, "Xiao Xiao, I am your mother. You don't need to hide anything from me, let alone feel sorry for your mother."


  Bai Xiaoxiao gave a sore nose and yelled in a low voice.

  Qiao Xiuyun looked at her self-blame, her eyes flashed, her tone was slightly blunt, "I thought you would never know what happened back then, did Wu Jingfang tell you?"

   "It's not Wu Jingfang, but Meng Ke told me."

   "Meng Ke?"

  Qiao Xiuyun couldn’t help but be surprised. How could Meng Ke know that, is it possible that Wu Jingfang told Meng Ke?

  Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, "Meng Ke called and told me that it was a woman named Jiang Hui in the Haochen Group..."

After hearing Bai Xiaoxiao's explanation, Qiao Xiuyun finally understood.

   "Then you and Luo Haofeng?"

  She only cares about the happiness of her daughter now. Even if she can't let go of what happened in the past, she can't show too much hatred in her daughter.

  It's even less likely to have much excitement.

  She is trying her best to restrain.

Speaking of Luo Haofeng, Bai Xiaoxiao blamed herself even more, "I used to be ignorant, so when my mother opposed me being with him, I stubbornly wanted to be with him. Mom, this time I was really with him. Luo Haofeng broke up and will never have anything to do with him in the future."

  Qiao Xiuyun’s face changed, and she said with concern, and blurted out, “Xiao Xiao, why are you so stupid, when I opposed it, you were all with him, and now I agree with you, but you want to break up with him.”

   "Mom, it was my fault before. I shouldn't not listen to my mother."

  (End of this chapter)

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