Chapter 1877 It is impossible to betray Wen Ran

  Mo Xiuchen said non-committal, "Yes, it's the police."

   "Jiang Hui is just a college student. It is impossible for her to have the anti-reconnaissance ability to the point where even the police can get rid of it?"

  If that is the case, the police following her can also go home and eat themselves.

   "I hope, wait for the result."

  Half an hour later, Luo Haofeng and Mo Xiuchen sat on the leather sofa in his hotel room.

  The faint coffee scent flows in the air, and the sun shines in from the half-falling floor-to-ceiling curtains, just hitting half of Luo Haofeng's face, reflecting a luster.

  Mo Xiuchen's long body leaned lazily on the sofa, his deep eyes drooping slightly, staring at the coffee in the cup, "You said, who is Jiang Hui going to see?"

  Mo Xiuchen asked casually, and didn't care too much.

Most of the people Jiang Hui wants to meet are related to Meng Ke.

  Neither Mo Xiuchen nor Luo Haofeng expected that Meng Ke heard some words that shouldn't be heard from Wu Jingfang, and only then would Jiang Hui do those things.

  Wu Jingfang would tell Luo Rongbin that she had met Meng Ke because Luo Rongbin discovered her anomaly, and she had no choice but to talk about it after further questioning.

  But she didn't say everything, she also concealed part of it.

  Luo Haofeng shook his head and said coldly, "How would I know."

As    was talking, Mo Xiuchen's phone rang.

  Mo Xiuchen took out his mobile phone, glanced at the caller ID, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth, "The call is coming."

  After tracking for so long, it will definitely not be dumped.

  After all, it is a policeman, which is different from ordinary people.

  Luo Haofeng looked straight, and his narrow peach blossom eyes fixedly looked at him.

  Mo Xiuchen pressed the answer button with a long finger, and gave a faint ‘hello’.

   "President Mo, Jiang Hui met a young man in the coffee shop. We took a few photos..."

  Young man?

  Mo Xiuchen's eyebrows condensed lightly, and a dark light flashed in his eyes, "Where are you now?"

   "We are on our way back to the hotel and will be there soon."

   "Where is Jiang Hui, where did she go?"

   "She also went back to the hotel."

   "Send the photos here first, you won't use them in the hotel for the time being." They followed Jiang Hui all the way, and they had to be on guard. It's best not to let Jiang Hui recognize them.

  One minute later, the other party sent the photo to Mo Xiuchen's phone.

  Mo Xiuchen glanced at it and handed the phone to Luo Haofeng with a deep voice, "Jiang Hui saw him."

  Luo Haofeng hasn’t seen the photo yet, but listening to Mo Xiuchen’s tone, his handsome face has also changed slightly.

  Receiving the phone, his face changed a bit when he saw the photo above, his thin lips pressed tightly, and he uttered three words in a deep voice, "Qi Jianlin."

  Qi Jianlin, is Qi Meiling's elder brother.

   "Why did Jiang Hui go to see Qi Jianlin, and Meng Ke asked her to go." Thinking of something, Luo Haofeng suddenly looked at Mo Xiuchen nervously.

  Mo Xiuchen guessed a little from his nervous look, and his face became solemn, "You are guessing, Meng Ke knew something about that year, so let Jiang Hui go to Qi Jianlin?"

  It seems to be questioning words, but in fact it is affirmative.

  The Qi family has fallen into disarray a few years ago, and recently there is no intention to make a comeback.

What does    really have to do with Meng Ke?

  At the beginning, Mo Xiuchen investigated his father and son, but although they had some problems, they were definitely not Meng Ke's.

   "Xiu Chen, I will call Qi Jianling right away, and you can ask Jiang Hui, what exactly does she know? We must not let her talk about the events back then."

  Luo Haofeng looked at Mo Xiuchen with a serious face. Since the last time he met Qi Meiling, he came to Qijia and took some care of him.

  In this way, it ignores the Qi family father and son, who will tell the story of the year because of their interests.

  Thinking of this, Luo Haofeng patted his head annoyedly, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Qi Meiling's number.

  He doesn't have Qi Jianlin's phone number, so he can only call Qi Meiling.

  Mo Xiuchen saw that Luo Haofeng was so worried, his expression became cold, and he got up and walked out of the room.

  Dial Jiang Hui’s number.

  The phone rang twice, and Jiang Hui’s voice came from the phone, crisp and gentle, "Hey, President Mo."

   "Have you come back?"

  Mo Xiuchen's question is concise, and there is no emotion in the deep voice.

On the other end, Jiang Hui's voice was very brisk, "Mr. Mo, I will be there soon."

   "I'm waiting for you in the coffee shop, don't go back to your room, just come here."

   "Okay, President Mo." Jiang Hui agreed readily.

  She counts the time and will never delay the banquet tonight. Therefore, if Mo Xiuchen approached her so early, there should be something else.

  Jiang Huigang finished talking with Mo Xiuchen, hesitating whether to tell Mo Xiuchen about Bai Xiaoxiao, so as to ask him what?

  The phone rang suddenly.

  She hesitated for a few seconds before answering the phone. Meng Ke’s voice came from far away, with a trace of dark night cold, and Jiang Hui's heart was chilled.

"what's the result?"

   Jiang Hui's face changed, and his brain was running fast. How could Meng Ke know immediately.

   Did he send someone to follow her?

   "Although I saw Qi Jianlin, he didn't want to say it." Jiang Hui hesitated, wondering why he didn't tell Meng Ke the truth.

   chose to lie instead.

  Meng Ke snorted coldly on the phone, "Jiang Hui, you are not confused by Mo Xiuchen, are you? If Qi Jianlin really doesn't know, would you transfer money to him?"

   Jiang Hui's face turned white, and she panicked.

  It turns out that Meng Ke knew so quickly because she just transferred money to Qi Jianlin.

  But, that is her bank account number, how could Meng Ke know it.

She was thinking how to explain, Meng Ke's threatening words came, "Jiang Hui, can't I do something to you? But what can your godfather and godmother do to you? If you tell me the result unfaithfully, Then you just wait."

   "President Meng, I am not not telling you, but Qi Jianlin really didn't say anything."

   "Wu Jingfang will not lie to me. He said that the Qi family and his son knew something about that year, so they must know, Jiang Hui, if you dare to play tricks on me, I will find someone to ruin you every minute.

  He couldn't help Bai Xiaoxiao for a while, that was because Bai Xiaoxiao was protected by someone around him.

   But he wants to destroy a Jiang Hui, it is still very easy.

   Jiang Hui shivered heavily, when Meng Ke said, "If you believe it or not, we will wait and see. I promise you will regret it in three days."

  She did not dare to cheat anymore.

  She is just a helpless girl, but she doesn't want to ruin herself for a Bai Xiaoxiao.

  The most important thing is that even if he didn't tell Meng Ke to threaten Mo Xiuchen with that incident, he would not achieve the goal he wanted.

It is impossible for Mo Xiuchen to betray Wen Ran for her.

  (End of this chapter)

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