Chapter 1876 Love each other

  In the afternoon, when Luo Haofeng was resting upstairs with Bai Xiaoxiao, the doorbell rang.

When    was interrupted, Luo Haofeng frowned unhappily, and said to Bai Xiaoxiao, "Xiao Xiao, I will go downstairs to see who it is."


  Bai Xiaoxiao was almost asleep, the doorbell awakened her, and there was a trace of sleepiness in her open eyes.

  Luo Haofeng's eyes floated with tenderness, leaned over, kissed her forehead softly, and patted her fondly before he got up and left.

  Bai Xiaoxiao lay on the bed thinking for a moment, then sat up.

  Walking out of the bedroom, she heard a voice coming from downstairs, like Tian Ruoyi’s voice, "Mom, since Miss Bai is resting, let's go back first, don't disturb her to rest."

  Bai Xiaoxiao was slightly surprised.

   came to the stairwell and looked down. Now I can see clearly that the people in the living room are Tian Ruoyi and a woman in her fifties.

   is her mother.

  Luo Haofeng was the first to see Bai Xiaoxiao, his eyes changed slightly, and he shouted "Xiaoxiao." Then he greeted him quickly.

   "Why did you come downstairs? Did it disturb you?"

  Luo Haofeng came to the stairs, held Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, and asked concerned.

  Bai Xiaoxiao smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "No, I just can't sleep, come down and have a look."

  In the living room, Tian Mu saw Luo Haofeng walking by holding Bai Xiaoxiao's hand, and then looked at Luo Haofeng's gentle and affectionate eyes looking at Bai Xiaoxiao. As a woman, she certainly understood that Luo Haofeng did not lie.

   "Auntie Tian, ​​hello."

  Bai Xiaoxiao politely spoke up.

Next to   , Tian Ruoyi looked at Bai Xiaoxiao with apologetic eyes.

  Bai Xiaoxiao returned her with a soothing smile, indicating that it was okay.

  Tian Ruoyi looked at Bai Xiaoxiao, her abdomen still couldn't clearly tell that she was pregnant, "You, are you really pregnant with A Feng's child?"

   Tian mother only felt dizzy.

  Her daughter is dating Luo Haofeng, but the child she is pregnant is Jian Yiwei, and Luo Haofeng told them yesterday that he loves another woman.

  Also, she is pregnant.

Bai Xiaoxiao calmly greeted Mother Tian with a sharp three-point look in her inquiry, squeezed Luo Haofeng's hand with her backhand, and replied gently, "Yes, auntie, I and Haofeng love each other, just like Miss Tian and The same as Mr. Jane."

"love each other?"

  Tianmu's voice was sharp.

  Bai Xiaoxiao was very calm, "Auntie, yes, Haofeng and I love each other, but because the elders don’t understand and disagree, we didn’t have a public relationship before."

   "So, Luo Haofeng, under the banner of dating my daughter, secretly talked to you?"


   "Mom, it's nothing about Afeng, it's that you and dad have to separate me and Yiwei. I have no choice but to ask Afeng for help."

"Auntie, you are Miss Tian's mother, and I definitely hope that Miss Tian will be happy." Bai Xiaoxiao said very sincerely, "That Jian Yiwei, I happen to know, he is a man worthy of a woman's reliance, and most importantly, yes. Miss Tian is infatuated..."

   "Have your parents promised you to be together now?"

  A trace of struggle flashed in the eyes of Mother Tian, ​​and she asked with an unpleasant expression.

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, raised her eyes and looked at Luo Haofeng, who had been staring at him, and then replied softly, "Auntie, my parents objected to me being with Haofeng because of some things, but now, they agree. Because I and Others are not really happy when they are together. Only when you are with Haofeng can you be happy."

  Bai Xiaoxiao's soft and firm voice struck Luo Haofeng's heart word by word, and his narrow eyes couldn't help but feel tenderness.

  This is the first time that I heard Xiaoxiao in front of outsiders, saying that he is happy when he is with him.

  The emotion in his heart is like a wave, wave after wave.

  The strength of holding Bai Xiaoxiao's hand was tightened inch by inch in her soft voice, and then tightened again.

   told himself in his heart that he must make Xiaoxiao happy and never let her suffer any harm.

  Tian mother turned her head and looked at Tian Ruoyi's abdomen again. She was already pregnant with Jian Yiwei's child, "Her father wants her to kill the child."

  She said stiffly.

  Tian Ruoyineng and Luo Haofeng regard love as a deal like this, and they want to come, they are already friends.

  She had nothing to hide in front of Luo Haofeng and Bai Xiaoxiao.

  Bai Xiaoxiao’s face changed, "Auntie, you definitely don’t think that way, right, we girls destroy our children, so much harm to the body and mind..."

   "I think, let's send her abroad."

  Tian Mu's words were uttered, and Tian Ruoyi on the side also opened his eyes in astonishment and blurted out ‘Mom’.

   "Ruoyi, even if mom doesn't want you to be with Jian Yiwei, she can't really let you knock off the child. Just like Miss Bai said, it hurts your body too much."

  "Auntie, don't worry, Jian Yiwei will be kind to Miss Tian."

  "How do you know Jian Yiwei?"

   Tian Mu looked at Bai Xiaoxiao suspiciously.

  Jian Yiwei and Ruoyi met abroad, and each other is still developing abroad.

Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said frankly, "Auntie, I also only learned some time ago that Ms. Tian’s boyfriend is the same person as the person in charge of our company in country D. If her aunt is worried about going abroad, I can transfer Jian Yiwei back to China."

  Now, Mother Tian was surprised.

  After a long time, she asked uncertainly, “Will he be willing to transfer Jian Yiwei back to China?”

   "Mom, Yi Wei is willing to return to China." Tian Ruoyi explained hurriedly.

  Tian mother sighed, "Then I will go back and tell your dad that you should not go home for the time being these few days, so that your dad will not start a fire and really let you kill the child.

   "Auntie, let Miss Tian live here."

  Bai Xiaoxiao actively suggested that although she and Tian Ruoyi have not seen each other a few times, they have regarded her as friends.

What's more, Jian Yiwei also asked her to take care of Tian Ruoyi for him.

   Tian Mu hesitated and nodded.


Four p.m

  Mo Xiuchen and Jiang Hui finished talking about business affairs and came out of a certain hotel.

  Jiang Hui answered a call on his mobile phone and said to Mo Xiuchen, “President Mo, I have a friend who is looking for me, can I go and see her?”

   "Go ahead."

  Mo Xiuchen nodded lightly.

   Jiang Hui smiled and said, "Thank you, President Mo."

   "Don't delay the evening banquet." Mo Xiuchen thought for a while and added another sentence.

After Jiang Hui left, Mo Xiuchen dialed a number and asked him to follow her.

   Then he called Luo Haofeng again, "Jiang Hui said he was going to see someone, where are you now?"

  "I’m at home. Tian Ruoyi and her mother came to the house just now. At this moment, Tian’s mother has just left, and I am going to find you."

   "Come to my hotel, I have already asked Jiang Hui to follow him. After the morning's affairs, I don't know if the other party can successfully follow up."

   "Xiu Chen, stop kidding, isn't this the policeman?"

  (End of this chapter)

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